Days of Future Past Famke Janssen as Madelyne Pryor?

Alison Blaire

Sep 6, 2012
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If returns Famke Janssen,Will Fenix ​​or Madelyne Pryor?


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I think they have enough on their plate without having to worry about throwing Madelyne Pryor into the mix.
I think they have enough on their plate without having to worry about throwing Madelyne Pryor into the mix.

I think Madelyn Pryor is one of those over convoluted comic book characters that doesn't work in other media, that is why she has never shown up in any cartoons or video games.
I think Madelyn Pryor is one of those over convoluted comic book characters that doesn't work in other media, that is why she has never shown up in any cartoons or video games.

Why? She's just a clone of Jean Grey...a pretty generic concept. If anything Mr. Sinister's motives would have made more sense in X-men the animated series if she was included.
I don't think the movies need to head in that kind of direction. If Famke is to return then let it just be as Jean Grey.
If Famke Is in Days of future past It will be as Jean.

Now If they were doing a full post X2 sequel with original cast that ignored the last stand
I could see Famke as madelyne bu that's not happening with this film.
I would prefer it to be Jean but it would be a interesting way to lead into sinister than Apoc.
Why? She's just a clone of Jean Grey...a pretty generic concept. If anything Mr. Sinister's motives would have made more sense in X-men the animated series if she was included.

Clones can make things very confusing, as seen with the Clone Saga in Spider-Man.

Plus Madelyne Pryor is part of the reason why the Summers Family Tree is so completely convoluted, Cable is the son of Cyclops and a Jean Grey clone, then the clone became an evil demon worshiper. Cable was then infected by techno-organic virus and was sent to the future to get a cure. Try selling that to the general audience.
Uhh no. If they are gonna do Madelynne Pyror they should at least hire a new actress.
idk who was worse madelyne pryor or ben reilly
i hope they never appear in films
or any other media
if we see Famke again on the franchise, I just hope Singer finds a smart way to get her back as Jean.

but no clones on the franchise, please! too much sci-fi for my taste
if we see Famke again on the franchise, I just hope Singer finds a smart way to get her back as Jean.

but no clones on the franchise, please! too much sci-fi for my taste

She could come back, either reincarnated as Madelyne, or just as Jean/Phoenix, without needing to use clones.

Resurrection and the Phoenix go hand in hand.

Where did the Phoenix get all that energy from? A cosmic lifeforce perhaps?

And since energy can not be destroyed, under the laws of physics, it has to go somewhere.

A smart writer could find a way to do it. And Bryan could make it seem believable, I'm sure. That's the skill he has with this franchise. Sometimes that's also a bad thing in making the characters too restrained (Storm, Rogue, Cyclops), but it's also a good thing in making way-out stuff seem realistic and believable.
I like Madelyne Pryor in a ridiculous, over-the-top kind of way. I think that's the fun of her. Still, I don't think she's right for the movies, especially given how convoluted her storyline is.
She could come back, either reincarnated as Madelyne, or just as Jean/Phoenix, without needing to use clones.

Resurrection and the Phoenix go hand in hand.

Where did the Phoenix get all that energy from? A cosmic lifeforce perhaps?

And since energy can not be destroyed, under the laws of physics, it has to go somewhere.

A smart writer could find a way to do it. And Bryan could make it seem believable, I'm sure. That's the skill he has with this franchise. Sometimes that's also a bad thing in making the characters too restrained (Storm, Rogue, Cyclops), but it's also a good thing in making way-out stuff seem realistic and believable.

I agree that Singer could do it justice, but he could do it with any arc too.

I personally dont think a known actor from past movies playing a new character is a good idea at all. I mean, its cool for a tv show, but for the X-men cinematic universe.... mmm, dont feel like it would match with first two movies at all. And many general viewers would be confused and probably wouldnt like it.

Having Jean resurrecting on X3 was one thing, its an iconic story of the x-men... but to have her playing another character now its another thing, he
I like Madelyne Pryor in a ridiculous, over-the-top kind of way. I think that's the fun of her. Still, I don't think she's right for the movies, especially given how convoluted her storyline is.

The original comic book storyline for Madelyne would probably be too convoluted.

But what if Madelyne was adapted into films as the name taken by a Phoenix/Jean who somehow had returned to the mortal world?
I personally like Madelyne Pryor, but I wouldn't want to bring her into the movies anytime soon honestly. I don't think she's that convoluted herself, but yes some things she's done in the comics regarding Cable does show her involving other characters easily becomes a mess, and honestly with as large a cast as they can have, they really don't need to bring in new characters until they solidify whats going on with the characters they have to choose from.

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