Far Cry Primal

I'd be so excited for this if it had a third person variant. A stone age game of this type is something I've been wanting for many moons.
the original title of the thread had a typo. it was called "Fry Cry Primal."

but now it has been fixed with the correct title.

I think Tron is messing with you.
I want this. Bows were my favorite weapon in the series anyway.
Been thinking about this game. Ubisoft has always tried some slightly out there stuff with these games. Blood Dragon for 3. Shangri-la for 4. Maybe the stone age stuff is just a part of this game and some future tech is somehow brought into the game at some point.

When Far Cry 4 was released, Ubisoft put out a poll for fans to tell them where the franchise should go in the next game and some of the options were sci-fi, some fantastical, and some normal stuff like setting the next game in a rainforest. Maybe with this game they decided to do something crazy and theyve found a way to include stone age humans and guns and other crazy ****.

I just find it hard to believe that they would set a full game around stoneage humans that live a nomadic lifestyle hunting mamoths and competing with other cavemen for who gets the dark meat.

So Im hoping aliens or something crazy is in the game and just hasnt been revealed yet.
I hope all the dialogue isnt in that made up language. Reading subtitles for all the dialogue is going to get old.

They should have them speak english. Start with their language then have it segway into English.

Lol this is too typical from Americans, enjoy the vibes and atmosåhere the language createa! For example: Witcher 3 in Polish.
Lol this is too typical from Americans, enjoy the vibes and atmosåhere the language createa! For example: Witcher 3 in Polish.

what is wrong with wanting to experience something in the native language you understand?
Been thinking about this game. Ubisoft has always tried some slightly out there stuff with these games. Blood Dragon for 3. Shangri-la for 4. Maybe the stone age stuff is just a part of this game and some future tech is somehow brought into the game at some point.

When Far Cry 4 was released, Ubisoft put out a poll for fans to tell them where the franchise should go in the next game and some of the options were sci-fi, some fantastical, and some normal stuff like setting the next game in a rainforest. Maybe with this game they decided to do something crazy and theyve found a way to include stone age humans and guns and other crazy ****.

I just find it hard to believe that they would set a full game around stoneage humans that live a nomadic lifestyle hunting mamoths and competing with other cavemen for who gets the dark meat.

So Im hoping aliens or something crazy is in the game and just hasnt been revealed yet.

I highly doubt it. If there was something like this, I feel the trailer would have highlighted it, or at least had some type of stinger at the end that hinted at it. So unless those charging tribesmen are aliens in disguise I think they're going to attempt a straight prehistoric game. Most I can see is maybe some unlockable modern weapons as bonuses to mess around with.

what is wrong with wanting to experience something in the native language you understand?

Words can kill
I hope all the dialogue isnt in that made up language. Reading subtitles for all the dialogue is going to get old.

They should have them speak english. Start with their language then have it segway into English.

Typical American, too uncouth to read subtitles.

I'm....actually not looking forward to this. :/ Not a lot of weapons to choose from in that era. I was really hoping they would take it to the future and crash us on an alien world. I feel like the farther back in time you go the less interesting things get.
The "behind the scenes" video I mentioned on the first page talks about over 200 real world examples they had to chose from. I'm sure there will be plenty of weapons. You might be surprised at how many different ways you can fashion sticks, bones, and rocks into weapons. Just a guess, but I figure it'll break down into something like this:

Long range: bows
Medium range: spears, atl-atls, slings
Close range: knives/machete-like blades, axes
Extras: rocks, bait (to lure predators to your enemies)

Each of those would (I assume) have plenty of variety with various looks and qualities. It can easily be done.
what is wrong with wanting to experience something in the native language you understand?

Do you really think the story would feel proper if these characters we're speaking American English?
Do you really think the story would feel proper if these characters we're speaking American English?
No worse than the hundreds of historical epics Hollywood has made that are in English.
Yeah well, with arguments like these it really goes to the point where producers are saying that audiences are simply too dumb and things need to be tuned in for them.

Which is rather sad. I mean, noone here watches Anime with english dubs, right?
I don't watch Anime at all.

I personally don't care one way or the other whether they use subtitles, transition to english, or do nothing at all. But it is entirely acceptable for someone to want to watch a movie or play a game in a language they can understand.
I know its popular, I'm just saying people should get the best atmosphere and vibe from it, such as Polish Witcher play throughs.
Lol this is too typical from Americans, enjoy the vibes and atmosåhere the language createa! For example: Witcher 3 in Polish.

I dont appreciate the stereotype. I watch subtitled foreign films all the time. But there is a difference between a 2 hour movie or an hour of television and a 30 hour game. I see no good sensible reason for a company to make a game in which the characters only speak a poorly done made up language. Dont even waste time on some BS language. Do it in english and make a french dub, spanish dub, Portuguese dub, german dub etc. Like most games are done today.

Do you really think the story would feel proper if these characters we're speaking American English?

Do you really think the story would feel proper if the characters were speaking a fake language that was created by a bunch of game designers who were in a hurry? Cause I dont. What does creating a language which then has to be translated back into the language of the player in the form of subtitles actually add to the game? Nothing at all. Its just an added step that isnt needed.
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Yeah I wouldn't mind playing a game where a different language was used with subtitles. I prefer subtitled anime 100%, so it wouldn't affect me.
I prefer films and realistic games subtitled.

I prefer dubs for anime and non-realistic video games.

However to play devil's advocate, the character you're playing in any given game is able to understand the language being spoken no subtitles or translation needed, so it stands to reason that the game would be more immersive for the player and more realistic if he or she was able to understand the language as well without the need to read a translation.
I dont appreciate the stereotype.

But it's the truth! :p

Do you really think the story would feel proper if the characters were speaking a fake language that was created by a bunch of game designers who were in a hurry?
Why would it be created in a hurry? First you imply the made up language is poorly done, now you say it's done in a hurry. How about it's crafted well and done with linguistic pros?

Nothing at all.
Like I said, it gives the right atmosphere.

Case example: Everyone laughs at that French Assassin's Creed game because everyone was speaking british english at it, even Conan O'Brien made fun of this in Clueless Gamer.

Positive example: Assassin's Creed 3 Native American characters speaking their language, that was good!
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But it's the truth! :p
Case example: Everyone laughs at that French Assassin's Creed game because everyone was speaking british english at it, even Conan O'Brien made fun of this in Clueless Gamer.

No, people were laughing/complaining because the French people speaking with British accents, not because they were speaking English in general.

Positive example: Assassin's Creed 3 Native American characters speaking their language, that was good!

Yes it was good, but having an entire +30 hour video game in a language no one understands is a FAR different animal than only having a handful of scenes like that.

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