Far Cry Primal

Only just found about this game! Have been asking for Far Cry with dinosaurs for ages! Does this game just cover the era of mammoths and saber-tooths and not dinos? Didn't see any in the trailer. Still very cool anyway.
It takes place in the stone age, so no dinosaurs.
LOL, I was just ****ing around being sarcastic with that subtitles line, as I hear it online from people all the time who try to be all holier than thou about it.
It takes place in the stone age, so no dinosaurs.

well its a videogame and not one based on real historical events, so I can see them taking creative license and adding some dinos. It would be a wasted oppurtunity not to
Dinos would have to be something they'd have to put more effort into designing. Mammoths and Sabretooths are easy reskins of things that were in Far Cry 4 so they probably require no real new assets to create. It will depend on how much effort overall they put into it.
If it's a full retail price game then they can get the hell on with creating new assets! ;)

I'm stoked for this even with creatures just from this era but hopefully dinos are at least in their future Primal series plans.
If it's a full retail price game then they can get the hell on with creating new assets! ;)

Not usually how it works with Ubisoft, I fear. Some smaller new assets may be created, but they've become infamous for recycling their assets from game to game. Part of the problem of annualizing your franchises and all that.
Yeah good point. :csad:
Not usually how it works with Ubisoft, I fear. Some smaller new assets may be created, but they've become infamous for recycling their assets from game to game. Part of the problem of annualizing your franchises and all that.
That's why I really hated AC: Brotherhood when it came out. I had just gotten a PS3 and finished ACII the week before it came out, and then finishing ACII in Rome, and continuing ACB in Rome and staying there the entire time, it was cool at first until it started to feel like more of the same. It was a cool idea, but it didn't really bring anything new to the series and I often completely forget about it in that franchise.

I played half of Far Cry 4 and while I loved it and am waiting to play through it completely on PS4, it also feel like more of the same. Sometimes its not as bad, and good, intriguing stories can help cover it, but when it feels like a complete carbon copy, things do start to get old. I really hope that's not the case with this.
I liked being able to train and call in the assassins in AC:B. That felt like something different even though the game otherwise didn't feel like much of an upgrade. Still enjoyed it a lot though although not up there with II which is my favourite of the series.
That's why I really hated AC: Brotherhood when it came out. I had just gotten a PS3 and finished ACII the week before it came out, and then finishing ACII in Rome, and continuing ACB in Rome and staying there the entire time, it was cool at first until it started to feel like more of the same. It was a cool idea, but it didn't really bring anything new to the series and I often completely forget about it in that franchise.

Funnily enough, Brotherhood was actually my favorite AC game. It's the subsequent games that I found repetitive and boring.
I had fun in Brotherhood, mostly because you got to run around in Rome (I felt so cheated by the end of AC2), but I honestly don't remember much at all of Brotherhood or Revelations.
MY problem with Brotherhood (aside from the fact that the multiplayer sucked and I could never get all the trophies for it because of that) was that it felt like an expansion pack of ACII, which at the time wasn't bad because ACII was amazing. But I feel like you could literally paste the end of ACII and the beginning of ACB together and get a full game with no breaks and not notice much of a difference, other than the Assassins group, which I completely forgot about.

But Revelations added some more things like the hookblade and ziplining, as well as the Altair stuff, which made it stand out a bit more for me.
Yeah Brotherhood does feel like an expansion to a great game rather than a new game. Revelations had a slightly different flavour and I was enjoying it but never finished it. 3 I barely started.
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Not likely to jump nextgen anytime soon but I want to follow this. Stone Age-ish setting sounds awesome.
Here's the new footage shown at the Game Awards tonight.


It just hit me that this game is basically taking those missions from Far Cry 4 where you have that spirit Tiger attack for you. Ubisoft basically built a whole game around that mechanic.

I'm about to jump into Far Cry 4 now that I got it for PS4, ubt I gotta say, as good as this looks, I don't really have much interest in it.
Game looks promising!
A long time ago, in a land not so far away…

This game looks like the best/most interesting FPS I've ever seen. definitely interested.
I really need to check out all of these gameplay videos because the early stuff we saw just made me feel like this was an expansion of the Shangri-La missions from the last one, which were not my favorite missions.
I think that the premise is pretty interesting, but nothing from the gameplay videos has gotten me excited yet. For such a fresh idea, the mechanics are all pretty standard fare. Hopefully there's some new stuff they haven't shown yet.
I ended up picking this up over the weekend. I’m surprised to say how much I am enjoying it. Like my previous comment assumed, this game doesn’t really change anything up from previous Far Cry games; you still have standard Far Cry mechanics and leveling. If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it, I guess, but still, I would have liked to have seen some additions or changes, especially to combat: swinging clubs and thrusting your spear are awkward movements and I’ve found that I primarily stick to picking off enemies from a distance with my bow or a thrown spear.

The beast mechanic is surprisingly limited – you can call the beast to you or send them to attack a target. That is literally it. Each animal group (wild dogs, big cats, apex hunters) does have their own passive abilities though: ie: the big cats will highlight loot on your map and sneak attack enemies. You also get an owl that replaces previous games’ binoculars which is cool and DOES have several upgradable functions (including attacking an enemy and dropping bee bombs, etc).

The graphics are GORGEOUS. Easily one of the best rendered worlds I’ve played in (their weakness is fur, though). Sneaking through the forest at night with moon light cutting between the trees and seeing glowing wolf eyes through mist is just beautiful. And character facial models and animations are top notch; everyone you encounter in cutscenes are incredibly expressive and fun to watch, which is frustrating since you have to choose between reading the subtitles or watching the wonderful animations. While I applaud the studio for making the decision to not use English, I think it becomes a bad choice here and gets in the way. They should have treated it like a cross between the 13th Warrior and Assassins Creed: start the game exclusively in the fake language, and over the course of the first level/cutscene, the language turns to (broken) English. They could then use the fake language here and there throughout the game to help remind the user.

Two small notes: 1) turn off the “search” animation – it speeds up the game and makes looting much less daunting. 2) I LOVED [BLACKOUT]seeing Hurk.[/BLACKOUT] I was not expecting that!

Overall, I think if you’re a fan of Far Cry and aren’t completely burnt out on the franchise, give the game a shot.
I definitely want to try it out, but I still haven't finished Far Cry 4 (lack of time, not interest) and at this point I'm much more comfortable waiting for a price drop in a few months.

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