Fast Simple question

Super Flight

Jan 17, 2006
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I got a question about the angel cutting off his wings clip.... if he cuts his wings off do they just grow back later on??? becasue it seems like he actually did cut them they explain that they grow back or somthing??? :(
the clip shows that he cuts them off...... but they didnt show the wings on the ground or anything
Super Flight said:
I got a question about the angel cutting off his wings clip.... if he cuts his wings off do they just grow back later on??? becasue it seems like he actually did cut them they explain that they grow back or somthing??? :(

They would eventually. It happened in the comics. Of course, he was given metallic wings before his regular wings grew back, but they still did.
Super Flight said:
I got a question about the angel cutting off his wings clip.... if he cuts his wings off do they just grow back later on??? becasue it seems like he actually did cut them they explain that they grow back or somthing??? :(
I was thinking this :confused:
WorthyStevens4 said:
They would eventually. It happened in the comics. Of course, he was given metallic wings before his regular wings grew back, but they still did.

oh ok, becasue i was shocked that he really did cut them off, i thought he was just trying too, not really going through with it
Super Flight said:
oh ok, becasue i was shocked that he really did cut them off, i thought he was just trying too, not really going through with it
:eek: i was as well it made me cry :( lol
I think he cut them as much as he could. I assume there is something under his skin holding them...kind of like roots on plants, keeping them there...
Super Flight said:
the clip shows that he cuts them off...... but they didnt show the wings on the ground or anything

There's a clip?

Well, that's one clip that I'll refuse to watch until the movie.
chances are (given his age) that the wings are only beginning to sprout. there's probably not much for him to cut off.
WorthyStevens4 said:

Well, that's one clip that I'll refuse to watch until the movie.

Why not? Its not like you dont know what happens in the clip.

Dope Nose said:
chances are (given his age) that the wings are only beginning to sprout. there's probably not much for him to cut off.

thats actualy a good point....they could just be really small thats why there were only feathers and blood on the floor but not whole entire wings
That clip really upsets me :(

First i wanna hug the kid, then i want to yeall at him for cutting them off, then i want to smack his dad for making the kid think he had to do it. "I'm sorry" says it all really :(
was that a cheese gradder he was using as a tool as well..........:eek: :(
looks like the wings had just started to grow and he was trying to sand down the stumps to me
It looked like he was trying to actually file away the bone...
WorthyStevens4 said:

Well, that's one clip that I'll refuse to watch until the movie.
watch it worthy you know you want to!! lol It was soo emotional it mademe cry :( I wanted to hug warren lol.
if you ever seen helboy, thats what he did with his horns, he sanded them down so that they wouldnt grow out to its fullest, thats prolly what he wants to do, perevent them from growing to its fullest
Super Flight said:
was that a cheese gradder he was using as a tool as well..........:eek: :(
No, I use that tool in CDT. It's pretty sore
They were right when they said the film was going to be more emotional. I think that scene will really hit hard with the female audience, its just instinctive to go and help the poor kid.

The more i see that clip, the more i wanna hurt his dad :mad:

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