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Favorite Asian Animated TV Show.

Favorite Asian Animated TV Series.

  • Dragon Ball Z.

  • Outlaw Star.

  • Inuyasha.

  • Pokemon.

  • Yughio.

  • Naruto

  • Yo Yo Hakusho

  • Witch Hunter Robin.

  • Stand Alone Complex.

  • Big O

  • Avatar The Last Airbender.

  • Full Metal Alchemist.

  • Gundam Wing.

  • Cowboy Bebop.

Results are only viewable after voting.


May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Thaught iw ould make apoll on what everyone thinks is the best asian animated tv series redoubed in the U.S.A. Most are on toonami past and present and some else where.

1 Avatar The Last Airbender.
2 Dragon Ball Z.
3 Yo Yo Hakusho.
4 Inuyasha.
5 Full Metal Alchemist.
6 Witch Hunter Robin.
7 Naruto.
8 Cowboy Bebop.
9 Outlaw Star.
10 Pokemon.
11 Yughio.
12 Big O.
13 Stand Alone Complex.
14 Gundam Wing.
we usually abbreviate "Asian Animated" to just "Anime"
It was a hard vote for me for i like Yughio, DBZ, Fullmetal and Avatar pretty equally. I however voted for Avatar the Last Airbender.
Well, my favorite show is not on the list, it's X/1999. I think it was really well animated and the story and concept was amazing. Anyways, I voted for Dragon Ball Z since it's classic
From those listed ... Outlaw Star since I haven't seen that series in ages.
Why is Avatar on this list :huh: And curse you for not making it a multiple choice :cmad:

DBZ (up to the Cell saga, after that it's crap)
Witch Hunter Robin
Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star
Big O
GiTS : Stand Alone Complex AND 2nd Gig
Gundam Wing
Avatar isn't that bad. Sure its aimed at a younger audience but i like its style of animation.

Another show i use to watch was Ruroni Kenshin. I can't remember how it was spelled.
I'm not saying it's bad, but Avatar isn't from Asia :rolleyes:
...Since when has Avatar been considered Asian Anime?

And this shouldn't have been multiple choice. It should have just been a discussion thread. This poll leaves this a very biased vote, because these are series you picked, thus meaning you enjoy these particular series best.

At the moment, Naruto is my fave. Prior to that it was Inuyasha.

I enjoy GiTS:SAC, but not something I'd vote for.

DBZ was great, in Grade school, when everyone thought I was immature, and didn't get it. Now everyone has jumped that wagon, and it makes me wanna vomit. It's such a cliched favorite.

Bebop is over rated, as is Full Metal.

Witch Hunter Robin made me wanna stab myself, it was so boring. I felt the same way with BIG O.

I'm not a big Mecha Series/Giant Robot show, person... although Original Toonami Gundam was great.

Never really got into Yu Gi Oh, he reminded me of Prince and I always found it strange that an 8 year old had the voice of a 65 year old man. Pokemon just won't kickin it.

The other's I didn't name either just aren't good, or I haven't seen it yet.

But yeah... this should definatly be a discussion thread and not a poll...
Yeah there's a whole bunch of anime's you have not listed. My fav would have to be Dbz and now that im up to date on naruto thats also in my top 3.

P.S Lol "Yo Yo Hakusho"
Avatars anime I thought it was created by 2 americas and just drawn overseas?
2 americans and drawn in america, so far I know... just like teen titans

from the list... none
Avatar is made to mimic Anime. It's American made, but is supposed to give the feel of anime.

It's by no means anime, and I'm slightly offended.
I thaught it was canadian based. Like most of the asian anima is redubbed in english. I ment to list Rourini Kenhsin but i could not remember at the time the name. I just love anima its my only cartoon watching except for the old x-men and batman cartoons.
Well, my top 5 are Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne(not the crappy fox dub), Trigun, Evangelion, and Nadesico. None of which are on the poll.

And I'd consider Avatar anime. As it has the same art style, and was animated in asia.

If people are going to consider Transformers(original g1 show) anime, then Avatar should be too.
WHERE IS TRIGUN AND KENSHIN!? They kick all these other animes butts! Even my beloved DBZ.
Hell yeah, Rurouni Kenshin was the only anime I liked:mad: Why ain't it on the poll?:(
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