You should make a poll, Trav, which excludes Arkham Asylum because it's the obvious choice for fan favorite.
But others I've loved are:
- Batman Returns on the SNES. Such a great beat 'em up game. Batman had some bad ass combat moves like slamming two guys heads together, body slams on the ground and throwing up against windows and walls etc. The Batmobile level was very cool, too. The graphics were terrific and the music was based off the movie soundtrack. This game is the second best Batman game after AA.
- The Adventures of Batman and Robin on the SNES. Another great one that's almost as good as Returns except the combat moves are not nearly as good as the ones in Returns. 8 great levels, all based off episodes from BTAS, like Joker's level where you fight him on the roller coaster in the 'Be a clown' episode, or chasing Penguin through the Gotham Museum from the 'Birds of a Feather' episode etc. It's just a shame you never got a two player option to be Robin since the game was named after Batman and Robin.
- Batman Vengeance on the PS2 was a decent game. Could have done with a few more villains since it was based off BTAS and sadly only feature Joker, Harley, Ivy and Mr. Freeze. The combat system got a little frustrating sometimes. The graphics were great. All the BTAS voice actors were involved as well.
- Batman Returns on the Sega Genesis. This game has a bit of a bad rep but I loved it. Really moody graphics, really awesome levels and Batman had a great selection of gadgets and weapons to use.