World Favorite Spidey wisecracks...

From "Spider-Man 2"?
From now on, state the game.
Oh why didn't you say so?
I don't remember which game that was, it may be Spidey 1.
I always liked "Quick, Spider-Lad! You rescue the pilot while I go after the bad guys...wait a minute; I don't have a sidekick."
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro
I also liked "This hurts already" from Ultimate.
I just like the way he talks on Ultimate Spiderman.
One good quote is when MJ tells you to go and tackle Rhino, Spidey goes;

"Is that a Rhinoceros Horn or are you just happy to see,... i'm so scared i can't even finish my lame joke"
:spidey: :You're lucky I'm a good sport; no intelligent person would ever agree to these tests.
QB: Did you hear that, ladies and gentlemen? Spider-Man just admitted he was stupid!
:spidey: You're a sad little man, Beck.
QB: I know you are, but what am I?
:spidey: : I can't believe you just said that.

Spider-Man 2: The movie
In the Green Goblin leval of USM when they fight in the latvarien Ebbasy Spidey says: I have officially run out of ways to say 'ow' "
Yeah, that was a good one, too. Along with "This oughtta knock the crazy out of you" & "Only you can prevent Spider-Man fires."
Human Spidey said:
I just like the way he talks on Ultimate Spiderman.
One good quote is when MJ tells you to go and tackle Rhino, Spidey goes;

"Is that a Rhinoceros Horn or are you just happy to see,... i'm so scared i can't even finish my lame joke"

That one is my favorite line of the game.
Chris Wallace said:
Yeah, that was a good one, too. Along with "This oughtta knock the crazy out of you" & "Only you can prevent Spider-Man fires."
Spideys gets mad at one point and says, "I am going to smack the green right off of you."
I have alot. I can't think of everyone of them, but....

Ultimate Spider-Man

Spider-Man: [To Green Goblin.] How does it feel to get your butt kicked by a fifteen year old kid?!

Spider-Man: [To Rhino.] Hey you, is that a horn on your head or are you just glad to see....I'm so scared I can't even finish my lame joke.

Spider-Man: [Falls in water.] Awww man I suck!

Spider-Man: [To Green Goblin.] I'm going to smack the green right off you....

Spider-Man: [To Green Goblin.] The fist bone's connected to the, face bone!

Spider-Man: [To Beetle.] Did that instruction book for your suit say anything about aiming straight?

Spider-Man: [To Green Goblin.] Aww little fella's all tuckered out.

Spider-Man: [To Green Goblin.] What did the five fingers say to the face? SLAP!

Spider-Man: The Movie

Spider-Man: [To Shocker.] So...You must be Quilt Man? Patted Pete? Oh wait, I've got it! [In deep voice.] THE CUSHION!

Spider-Man: [To Shocker.] Hey Shock say, "I'll squash you like a bug!" It always cracks me up when people say that!

Spider-Man 2

Spider-Man: Mysterio? I think I had a bowl of Mysterios for breakfast.

Spider-Man: [To Shocker after defeating him the second time.] She's pretty amazing don't you think Shock?
Shocker: I think my career has it a new low.
Spider-Man: Ah, who cares what you think.

And alot more!
I think my all-time favorite has got to be:
Green Goblin: There's no reason for us to fight! We're the same, you and me-we're like brothers!
Spider-Man: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm telling Mom!
Spider-Man; the Movie
Chris Wallace said:
From "Spider-Man 2"?
From now on, state the game.

You never said to state the game...:o
Ultimate Spider-Man

"This hurts already."
Chris Wallace said:
Hence, "From now on...":spidey:

Dude its surposed to be fun, don't take things so serious.
I'm not. We're cool.
What about...
"I gotta say, you look just like me. Except, you're more 'angry back alley' than 'friendly neighborhood'."
Spider-Man PS1
Chris Wallace said:
I'm not. We're cool.
What about...
"I gotta say, you look just like me. Except, you're more 'angry back alley' than 'friendly neighborhood'."
Spider-Man PS1
Who was he talking to here?
"Give it to me straight; do I look aft in these tights?"
"This looks like a job for...some kind of swimming superhero. But since none are around I guess I'll have to do it"
Spider-Man 2
Another one from the Quentin Back challenge:
Spidey: You missed your calling as a playground designer, Beck.
QB: And you missed yours as a rejected has-been! But that will be rectified soon enough!
SPidey: Psychologists call that 'projecting', Beck.

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