The third installment "curse" has been because of a few factors.
1. Too many hands in the cookie jar. Ala Spider-Man 3, and Alien 3. Where producers take more control and tell everyone what they want with no single voice, and everything becomes a cluster of ideas strung together in a mess.
2. The studios get impatient and want another one made without the help of the original/ Good director. They grab the nearest guy that has availability and create meh films that really are almost an homage to the originals, like Terminator 3.
Nolan from what we've seen is in complete control, I mean saying "No" to the biggest money grab in the movie world right now? And WB saying: "Ok no 3D do what you want." Is quite a feat in itself. I don't see these two things plaguing TDKR at all. Nolan is the single voice in making this film, and it seems the studios and producers are not forcing him to use "bigger villains" such as Freeze or Riddler, he seems to be getting to do what he wants.
So after that statement I will say pure anticipation.