go to joblo.com right now and view it there. it's pretty good. also i'm posting for the first time but i've been a long time viewer, so hi.
VICTORVONDOOMX said:-Prays he didn't Grow the mask-
VICTORVONDOOMX said:Even my hopes may perk up. Perhaps when Julian M. said in the big interview, "Now who am I playing, again?" He was humorously referring to an extreme re-write ongoing. Hope-hope-hope...
TheSlag said:I keep getting error code when trying to play it. I only hear the sound. Any help would be appreciated.
It says "error downloading codec" ????
zer00 said:
TheSlag said:THANKS!!!! Zer00... you're my hero.
zer00 said:..lets not spread it around to much that I'm helpful.