FF Side-Character in She Hulk? (Possible spoiler)

They're setting up Secret Invasion already so it could also be a Skrull. Seeing how She-Hulk Is kinda gonna be a court room Drama they could just show up as a Client that hired her for a couple episodes.
They're setting up Secret Invasion already so it could also be a Skrull. Seeing how She-Hulk Is kinda gonna be a court room Drama they could just show up as a Client that hired her for a couple episodes.

I think the obvious assumption would be a Skrull, but a couple phrases made me think Impossible Man.

They describe her as “mysterious” and Skrulls are becoming fairly commonplace.

And the reference to pop culture made me think of the time the Impossible Man was addicted to TV.
speaking of She Hulk, what did y'all think of the trailer:

This has been my most anticipated project, and I liked what I saw.:D

I haven’t followed enough to know if Abomination had already been confirmed, but that was the highlight for me. I hope it’s more than a brief cameo.

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