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This is the real thing...the proposed series BIBLE for FLASH GORDON A..D.!!!
This newbie writer was hired by RHI & Sci-Fi to write the Bible and develop the reboot of the Flash Gordon series. His take was simple: A return to the source material that involved Mongo, spaceships and high was a cross between Indiana Jones and Star was a big show that was both fun and smart and laced with big ideas despite much of the silly trappings of this type of space opera...most of the people at RHI loved it but Sci-Fi eventually opted to go with a more seasoned writer: Peter Hume who is famous for such classics as CHARMED and RELIC HUNTER????
This is a huge document that has lots of backstory...some of which would propably never make it onscreen but it's cool to see that the writer cared to think things through...he envisoned Flash as an older (mid-thirties) hero who was a modern counterpart to Hannibal the Carthaginian warrior who united several warring nations of mercenaries to fight against a common enemy:The evil Romans. Much like Flash ultimately united the several warring species on Mongo against Ming the mericiless...and Ming in this version is an evil S.O.B. I'm a Flash expert (if I do say so myself) and the writer borrows heavily from the old comic books, as well as from a Flash Gordon run in DC comics which was released in the 80' mixes it all up to give us a rip-roaring adventure!
The bible reads huge and expensive but it is faithful while bringing a fresh take on a more brooding but still adventurous Flash Gordon...I'm a huge Flash fan (have been for many years) and after watching the first tow episodes of Flash G. on Sci-Fi I've become convinced that sci-fi just doesn't give a crap about what they put on the air...they obviously hold their viewers in contempt if they expect us to put up with this nonsense. The new show is an abortion!
Sci-Fi made a massive blunder. The show Bible that was rejected (if given the proper budget...let's a Star Trek Next Gen budget, would've rocked hard)...alas, we have a Flash Gordon series that is te biggest slap to the face of one of the most famous franchises in history. The sound you hear beneath your feet is Alex Raymond spinning in his grave.
This is what could've been:
A few words before we begin
Alex Raymonds Flash Gordon is a seminal adventure story that has influenced many generations. Every modern space opera from Star Trek to Star Wars owes a huge debt of gratitude to the genius of Alex Raymond. But for all the iterations of Flash Gordon, on TV or film, none has ever lived up to or accurately captured the wild stirrings of Raymonds imagination. My proposal for the latest live action adventure of Flash Gordon is simple: A return to the source material! A fun, yet sometimes gritty take on Raymonds seminal space opera is long overdue. The time has come for Flash Gordon to once again become part of the popular world lexicon. But in order to achieve successful franchise branding and introduce Flash Gordon to a whole new generation, the dashing hero of yesteryear needs to be updated and re-imagined for todays world. So, strap yourselves in and prepare to witness the rebirth of the worlds greatest hero, as Flash Gordon returns!
Flash Gordon, while on a Space Mission to save our planet from a series of unexplained natural disasters, is transported to the mysterious planet Mongo, where he becomes embroiled in a planetary race war while trying to save earth from imminent destruction.
The new series, much like Raymonds original comic strip and the popular Buster Crabbe serial films, will be serialized and each episode will end with a cliffhanger. That said, all episodes will be self-contained and viewers can drop in at any point without missing any major storytelling beats but there will be a sense of urgency to Flash Gordons new adventures. The goal is to create a breathless, epic event series that causes instant viewer addiction. The first 22 episodes of Flash Gordon will be one long unfolding story, in which the emphasis will be on character relationships and of course, adventure!
Other Flash Gordon series signatures will include; romantic melodrama between Dale Arden and Flash, a healthy dash of humor and sarcasm from our hero in times of crises, seemingly inescapable deathtraps for Flash and his trusted companions, exotic landscapes, xenomorphic alien beings (both good and bad), and the unabashed cruelty of Lord and Emperor Ming, despotic ruler of planet Mongo and lets not forget the ladies. There will be lots of exotic, scantily clad alien women who are all instantly smitten with our blond Adonis from earth. All the classic signature elements will combine to give the viewing audience an entertaining series, which will make FLASH GORDON A.D. the must-see television event of 2007!
In the original Alex Raymond-created incarnation, Flash was a cocky Polo player who was noble, pure of heart and a natural born leader. The characterization of Flash Gordon was one dimensional (Flash being too noble for his own good most of the time) and the storyline consisted of a series of thrusts and parries between Ming the Merciless and Flash. Basically, Flash started out good at the beginning of the adventure and ended up good when the adventure was over. There was no real character arc. In order to sustain a series for five years or more, the modernized Flash Gordon needs to experience emotional growth.
While the comic books never gave us a glimpse of Flash Gordons past, I felt it was important to create a backstory. We will learn not only how Flash acquired his awesome fighting skills; and why hes so brave and fearless, but what obstacles from his past he will need to overcome in order to eventually be the hero that both Earth and Mongo needs.
Flashs birth name is Finius (Finn) Gordon. His father, an honorable police officer, was killed on duty when Finn was five years old. His mother, a school teacher, was shot in a senseless high school shooting two years later. Orphaned at seven and without any loved ones to take care of him, Finn was forced to move from foster home to foster home. With no friends and no one to love him, Finn would go to bed dreaming of escaping this world of someday flying far away into space to embark on a great adventure.
After going through the foster care system for three years, Finn was adopted by a kind elderly woman named ALEXIS RAYMOND. She became the desperately-needed mother figure in his life, and taught him the values of respecting others and helping those unable to help themselves. Unfortunately for Finn, Alexis died of a heart attack when he was only fourteen. Finn, once again devastated by the loss of a loved one, was sent back to the orphanage.
Finn was small for his age, and always felt the need to compensate for his diminutive size by picking fights with bigger kids. Throughout grade school, he would take on bullies twice his size to protect the innocent. Despite saving kids from wedgies and tittie-twisters, he never became friends with any of them. If there was one thing life had taught young Finn, it was that allowing himself to care about someone was only going to lead to pain when they were taken away from him.
A sudden growth spurt happened when Finn was sixteen, and almost overnight he blossomed into a barrel-chested, handsome teenager. The girls, who initially shunned Finn, were suddenly flocking to the chiseled teen in droves. He had couple of flings here and there, but Finn never allowed himself to fall in love.
As an orphan without any money, Finn realized that the only way he could go to college was by getting a scholarship. After his growth spurt, Finn decided to try out for the football team. Because of his quick thinking and agility on the football field, Finn soon became the teams star quarterback and Finius Gordon was christened Flash Gordon by his teammates. The nickname stuck, as he got his scholarship and became an All-American football player in college.
Flash eventually shunned a professional football career because it wasnt physically or mentally challenging for him. Instead, he decided to pursue the closest thing to his adventurous childhood dream he became a Top Gun fighter pilot. His skills drew the attention of DR. HANS ZARKOV at NASA, who recruited Flash to pilot space shuttles. Finally realizing his dream of flying into space, Flash became NASAs best space shuttle pilot, flying several dangerous but successful missions.
But one day, while landing his space shuttle from yet another successful mission, a mechanical system failure caused the shuttle to crash and burn on impact on the runway at Cape Canaveral. Two of Flashs copilots were killed, and another was severely crippled. Five other crew members survived the fiery crash with only minor injuries. Despite the fact NASAs Accident Review Board stated that Flashs heroic maneuvering of the spacecraft actually saved everyone elses life on board, and prevented a larger disaster from occurring, Flash blamed himself for the lost lives of his men.
Flash, completely disillusioned, began to live dangerously. He numbed his pain by racing fast cars and performing dangerous, extreme sports stunts -- snow-boarding down impossible cliffs, skydiving, base jumping, and any other activity that was dangerous and life-threatening. Despite being NASAs most skilled pilot, and over Zarkovs protests, Flash was finally suspended from active duty for fear that he had become a danger to others and himself.
As we start the series, Flash has lost his way. His trademark humor and sarcasm masks a profound disappointment in himself, as he feels he has let everyone down who has ever put their faith in him. His flirtatious nature and constant womanizing allows him to deny himself any kind of human connection. And his penchant for testing the limits of human survival are inspired by his need to define his own mortality.
Ironically, the only way Flash will ever become the hero he is destined to be, is by realizing hes human. This gives Flash a redemptive quality for when he later answers the call to heroism.
During the course of the series, Flash Gordons legend will grow to the point where even his bitterest enemies will learn to admire and respect him. The latest incarnation of Flash Gordon is everything Alex Raymond intendedand more, because weve humanized him and given him shades of grey. His all too human foibles make him relatable and dont take away from the fact that he is, after all, the ultimate adventure hero who will save the day at his own personal risk time and time againdaring anyone, anything, anytime, anywhere!
Every great hero is only as great as his archenemy. Ming the Merciless is one of the greatest antagonists of all time, and the original template for many of todays most memorable villains
A little background on Ming: like Flash, Ming was orphaned as a child. But on Mongo, being an orphan meant you were raised in a punishing environment as a slave, and Ming grew up bitter and angry. He was a frail, ugly child who grew up envious of his captors good-looks and power. After engineering a bloody escape from his Mongonian captors, Ming came to a very different conclusion than young Flash Gordon: that only the strong survive, and to the victor go the spoils. This gave Ming one very simple goal: Absolute conquest and dominion over Mongo.
Ming the Merciless is Darth Vader crossed with Hitler meets Saddam Hussein by way of Genghis Khan. Of course, he doesnt view himself in that manner. Like every great villain, he doesnt see himself as a bad guy. In truth, he firmly believes Mongo is a better planet because of his rule. Much like Saddam Hussein, Ming rules from his opulent palace in Mingo city, while the rest of the denizens of Mongo live in absolute squalor. He uses fear and terror to control the masses and keep them ignorant. He has a loyal contingent of highly trained, heavily armored soldiers known as, METALMEN, who obey his every command. Anyone who speaks against Mings rule is quickly and violently removed from existence in the dead of night by his murderous MetalMen hit squad.
Long ago, Mongo was an untamed, wild place with only one humanoid race. Ming decided in order to seize control, he would have to master technologies never seen before on the planet. Ming captured all of the smartest minds on the planet, especially the very few who delved in the realm of science. His objective was to civilize Mongo. His tool was conquest. The result: absolute power! First he decided to master all technology on his planet. It wasnt long before Ming controlled all the technology on Mongo with an iron fist, so that's why only his men carry RAY BLASTERS, while the Lion Men, for instance, still used swords and other primitive weapons. Pooling all of his resources, Ming finally built his empire of technology and overthrew the arrogant ancestors of PRINCE BARIN, the rightful heirs to the throne of Mongo.
Once, he attained total world domination, he realized only death could wrestle that power away. He quickly set about creating a regeneration chamber and death was added to his list of conquests. Ming will live forever as long as he keeps himself from being killed.
By his third generation of life, he discovered that religion could be a formidable tool. The Church of the Republic of Ming was born. When confronted with a powerful, seemingly immortal being who showed them the way, the sheep of Mongo willingly followed.
By his fifth generation of life (Ming 500 years old at this point), it became apparent that for one race to truly prosper on Mongogenetic restructuring was necessary. Thus, the multiple races that now exist on Mongo were genetically engineered from Mings DNA stock to provide various services to the Mongo elite. Some were engineered to be slaves and servants for the Mongonian elite, like the Lionite race. While some were engineered to be fierce and loyal warriors, such as the MetalMen. Others were engineered to be docile and subservient farmers to provide nourishment for the planet. Ming created a slave world, in which every race fears the other and is entirely controlled by him. But like Rome, every great Republic grows fat and lazy. Mongo was no exception. The buildings are covered in soot, the skies are turning black with pollutants; his fleet of ships are worn out and dilapidated from many years of war. The forests are quickly disappearing.
Mings opulence ate away at the planets natural resources, leaving Mongo on the verge of extinction. Ming discovers a distant planet called earth that he can plunder for all its resources. He will have to destroy Earths population in order to access those resources, but Ming does not even give the issue consideration. Only the strong survive. And earthlings are weak.
Using Mongonian technology, Ming created a wormhole and launched meteors toward Earth. Embedded within the meteors were STEALTH DESTROYER PROBES, which landed on earth (in the water, on land, etc.) and ignited inexplicable (to earths scientists) natural disasters.
Within 90 days, Mings assault on earth will kill off eighty-five percent of its population (approximately 5.5 billion souls). With earths population nearly decimated and virtually no one left to defend our planet, Ming will then deploy his dilapidated fleet and ruthlessly steal all of earths resources enough for Ming to live at least another five hundred years in the lavishness that he has grown accustomed to.
Of course, Flashs arrival on Mongo places Mings plans into a tailspin.
Throughout the series, Ming rules from his opulent throne in Mingo city, his tyranny and evil stretches to the most remote regions of Mongo. And even if hes not in every episode, his evil presence will be felt throughout like an inescapable shadow of darkness which envelopes the entire planet of Mongo.
Ming is the perfect nemesis for Flash because they have much in common. Theyre both orphans, theyre both loners, and theyre both natural born leaders. Although, theyve chosen different paths and have completely divergent ideals, the two mortal enemies see reflections of themselves in each other more than either would care to admit.
This newbie writer was hired by RHI & Sci-Fi to write the Bible and develop the reboot of the Flash Gordon series. His take was simple: A return to the source material that involved Mongo, spaceships and high was a cross between Indiana Jones and Star was a big show that was both fun and smart and laced with big ideas despite much of the silly trappings of this type of space opera...most of the people at RHI loved it but Sci-Fi eventually opted to go with a more seasoned writer: Peter Hume who is famous for such classics as CHARMED and RELIC HUNTER????
This is a huge document that has lots of backstory...some of which would propably never make it onscreen but it's cool to see that the writer cared to think things through...he envisoned Flash as an older (mid-thirties) hero who was a modern counterpart to Hannibal the Carthaginian warrior who united several warring nations of mercenaries to fight against a common enemy:The evil Romans. Much like Flash ultimately united the several warring species on Mongo against Ming the mericiless...and Ming in this version is an evil S.O.B. I'm a Flash expert (if I do say so myself) and the writer borrows heavily from the old comic books, as well as from a Flash Gordon run in DC comics which was released in the 80' mixes it all up to give us a rip-roaring adventure!
The bible reads huge and expensive but it is faithful while bringing a fresh take on a more brooding but still adventurous Flash Gordon...I'm a huge Flash fan (have been for many years) and after watching the first tow episodes of Flash G. on Sci-Fi I've become convinced that sci-fi just doesn't give a crap about what they put on the air...they obviously hold their viewers in contempt if they expect us to put up with this nonsense. The new show is an abortion!
Sci-Fi made a massive blunder. The show Bible that was rejected (if given the proper budget...let's a Star Trek Next Gen budget, would've rocked hard)...alas, we have a Flash Gordon series that is te biggest slap to the face of one of the most famous franchises in history. The sound you hear beneath your feet is Alex Raymond spinning in his grave.
This is what could've been:
Series Bible
Developped by
Domenico Salvaggio
Domenico Salvaggio
A few words before we begin
Alex Raymonds Flash Gordon is a seminal adventure story that has influenced many generations. Every modern space opera from Star Trek to Star Wars owes a huge debt of gratitude to the genius of Alex Raymond. But for all the iterations of Flash Gordon, on TV or film, none has ever lived up to or accurately captured the wild stirrings of Raymonds imagination. My proposal for the latest live action adventure of Flash Gordon is simple: A return to the source material! A fun, yet sometimes gritty take on Raymonds seminal space opera is long overdue. The time has come for Flash Gordon to once again become part of the popular world lexicon. But in order to achieve successful franchise branding and introduce Flash Gordon to a whole new generation, the dashing hero of yesteryear needs to be updated and re-imagined for todays world. So, strap yourselves in and prepare to witness the rebirth of the worlds greatest hero, as Flash Gordon returns!
Flash Gordon, while on a Space Mission to save our planet from a series of unexplained natural disasters, is transported to the mysterious planet Mongo, where he becomes embroiled in a planetary race war while trying to save earth from imminent destruction.
The new series, much like Raymonds original comic strip and the popular Buster Crabbe serial films, will be serialized and each episode will end with a cliffhanger. That said, all episodes will be self-contained and viewers can drop in at any point without missing any major storytelling beats but there will be a sense of urgency to Flash Gordons new adventures. The goal is to create a breathless, epic event series that causes instant viewer addiction. The first 22 episodes of Flash Gordon will be one long unfolding story, in which the emphasis will be on character relationships and of course, adventure!
Other Flash Gordon series signatures will include; romantic melodrama between Dale Arden and Flash, a healthy dash of humor and sarcasm from our hero in times of crises, seemingly inescapable deathtraps for Flash and his trusted companions, exotic landscapes, xenomorphic alien beings (both good and bad), and the unabashed cruelty of Lord and Emperor Ming, despotic ruler of planet Mongo and lets not forget the ladies. There will be lots of exotic, scantily clad alien women who are all instantly smitten with our blond Adonis from earth. All the classic signature elements will combine to give the viewing audience an entertaining series, which will make FLASH GORDON A.D. the must-see television event of 2007!
In the original Alex Raymond-created incarnation, Flash was a cocky Polo player who was noble, pure of heart and a natural born leader. The characterization of Flash Gordon was one dimensional (Flash being too noble for his own good most of the time) and the storyline consisted of a series of thrusts and parries between Ming the Merciless and Flash. Basically, Flash started out good at the beginning of the adventure and ended up good when the adventure was over. There was no real character arc. In order to sustain a series for five years or more, the modernized Flash Gordon needs to experience emotional growth.
While the comic books never gave us a glimpse of Flash Gordons past, I felt it was important to create a backstory. We will learn not only how Flash acquired his awesome fighting skills; and why hes so brave and fearless, but what obstacles from his past he will need to overcome in order to eventually be the hero that both Earth and Mongo needs.
Flashs birth name is Finius (Finn) Gordon. His father, an honorable police officer, was killed on duty when Finn was five years old. His mother, a school teacher, was shot in a senseless high school shooting two years later. Orphaned at seven and without any loved ones to take care of him, Finn was forced to move from foster home to foster home. With no friends and no one to love him, Finn would go to bed dreaming of escaping this world of someday flying far away into space to embark on a great adventure.
After going through the foster care system for three years, Finn was adopted by a kind elderly woman named ALEXIS RAYMOND. She became the desperately-needed mother figure in his life, and taught him the values of respecting others and helping those unable to help themselves. Unfortunately for Finn, Alexis died of a heart attack when he was only fourteen. Finn, once again devastated by the loss of a loved one, was sent back to the orphanage.
Finn was small for his age, and always felt the need to compensate for his diminutive size by picking fights with bigger kids. Throughout grade school, he would take on bullies twice his size to protect the innocent. Despite saving kids from wedgies and tittie-twisters, he never became friends with any of them. If there was one thing life had taught young Finn, it was that allowing himself to care about someone was only going to lead to pain when they were taken away from him.
A sudden growth spurt happened when Finn was sixteen, and almost overnight he blossomed into a barrel-chested, handsome teenager. The girls, who initially shunned Finn, were suddenly flocking to the chiseled teen in droves. He had couple of flings here and there, but Finn never allowed himself to fall in love.
As an orphan without any money, Finn realized that the only way he could go to college was by getting a scholarship. After his growth spurt, Finn decided to try out for the football team. Because of his quick thinking and agility on the football field, Finn soon became the teams star quarterback and Finius Gordon was christened Flash Gordon by his teammates. The nickname stuck, as he got his scholarship and became an All-American football player in college.
Flash eventually shunned a professional football career because it wasnt physically or mentally challenging for him. Instead, he decided to pursue the closest thing to his adventurous childhood dream he became a Top Gun fighter pilot. His skills drew the attention of DR. HANS ZARKOV at NASA, who recruited Flash to pilot space shuttles. Finally realizing his dream of flying into space, Flash became NASAs best space shuttle pilot, flying several dangerous but successful missions.
But one day, while landing his space shuttle from yet another successful mission, a mechanical system failure caused the shuttle to crash and burn on impact on the runway at Cape Canaveral. Two of Flashs copilots were killed, and another was severely crippled. Five other crew members survived the fiery crash with only minor injuries. Despite the fact NASAs Accident Review Board stated that Flashs heroic maneuvering of the spacecraft actually saved everyone elses life on board, and prevented a larger disaster from occurring, Flash blamed himself for the lost lives of his men.
Flash, completely disillusioned, began to live dangerously. He numbed his pain by racing fast cars and performing dangerous, extreme sports stunts -- snow-boarding down impossible cliffs, skydiving, base jumping, and any other activity that was dangerous and life-threatening. Despite being NASAs most skilled pilot, and over Zarkovs protests, Flash was finally suspended from active duty for fear that he had become a danger to others and himself.
As we start the series, Flash has lost his way. His trademark humor and sarcasm masks a profound disappointment in himself, as he feels he has let everyone down who has ever put their faith in him. His flirtatious nature and constant womanizing allows him to deny himself any kind of human connection. And his penchant for testing the limits of human survival are inspired by his need to define his own mortality.
Ironically, the only way Flash will ever become the hero he is destined to be, is by realizing hes human. This gives Flash a redemptive quality for when he later answers the call to heroism.
During the course of the series, Flash Gordons legend will grow to the point where even his bitterest enemies will learn to admire and respect him. The latest incarnation of Flash Gordon is everything Alex Raymond intendedand more, because weve humanized him and given him shades of grey. His all too human foibles make him relatable and dont take away from the fact that he is, after all, the ultimate adventure hero who will save the day at his own personal risk time and time againdaring anyone, anything, anytime, anywhere!
Every great hero is only as great as his archenemy. Ming the Merciless is one of the greatest antagonists of all time, and the original template for many of todays most memorable villains
A little background on Ming: like Flash, Ming was orphaned as a child. But on Mongo, being an orphan meant you were raised in a punishing environment as a slave, and Ming grew up bitter and angry. He was a frail, ugly child who grew up envious of his captors good-looks and power. After engineering a bloody escape from his Mongonian captors, Ming came to a very different conclusion than young Flash Gordon: that only the strong survive, and to the victor go the spoils. This gave Ming one very simple goal: Absolute conquest and dominion over Mongo.
Ming the Merciless is Darth Vader crossed with Hitler meets Saddam Hussein by way of Genghis Khan. Of course, he doesnt view himself in that manner. Like every great villain, he doesnt see himself as a bad guy. In truth, he firmly believes Mongo is a better planet because of his rule. Much like Saddam Hussein, Ming rules from his opulent palace in Mingo city, while the rest of the denizens of Mongo live in absolute squalor. He uses fear and terror to control the masses and keep them ignorant. He has a loyal contingent of highly trained, heavily armored soldiers known as, METALMEN, who obey his every command. Anyone who speaks against Mings rule is quickly and violently removed from existence in the dead of night by his murderous MetalMen hit squad.
Long ago, Mongo was an untamed, wild place with only one humanoid race. Ming decided in order to seize control, he would have to master technologies never seen before on the planet. Ming captured all of the smartest minds on the planet, especially the very few who delved in the realm of science. His objective was to civilize Mongo. His tool was conquest. The result: absolute power! First he decided to master all technology on his planet. It wasnt long before Ming controlled all the technology on Mongo with an iron fist, so that's why only his men carry RAY BLASTERS, while the Lion Men, for instance, still used swords and other primitive weapons. Pooling all of his resources, Ming finally built his empire of technology and overthrew the arrogant ancestors of PRINCE BARIN, the rightful heirs to the throne of Mongo.
Once, he attained total world domination, he realized only death could wrestle that power away. He quickly set about creating a regeneration chamber and death was added to his list of conquests. Ming will live forever as long as he keeps himself from being killed.
By his third generation of life, he discovered that religion could be a formidable tool. The Church of the Republic of Ming was born. When confronted with a powerful, seemingly immortal being who showed them the way, the sheep of Mongo willingly followed.
By his fifth generation of life (Ming 500 years old at this point), it became apparent that for one race to truly prosper on Mongogenetic restructuring was necessary. Thus, the multiple races that now exist on Mongo were genetically engineered from Mings DNA stock to provide various services to the Mongo elite. Some were engineered to be slaves and servants for the Mongonian elite, like the Lionite race. While some were engineered to be fierce and loyal warriors, such as the MetalMen. Others were engineered to be docile and subservient farmers to provide nourishment for the planet. Ming created a slave world, in which every race fears the other and is entirely controlled by him. But like Rome, every great Republic grows fat and lazy. Mongo was no exception. The buildings are covered in soot, the skies are turning black with pollutants; his fleet of ships are worn out and dilapidated from many years of war. The forests are quickly disappearing.
Mings opulence ate away at the planets natural resources, leaving Mongo on the verge of extinction. Ming discovers a distant planet called earth that he can plunder for all its resources. He will have to destroy Earths population in order to access those resources, but Ming does not even give the issue consideration. Only the strong survive. And earthlings are weak.
Using Mongonian technology, Ming created a wormhole and launched meteors toward Earth. Embedded within the meteors were STEALTH DESTROYER PROBES, which landed on earth (in the water, on land, etc.) and ignited inexplicable (to earths scientists) natural disasters.
Within 90 days, Mings assault on earth will kill off eighty-five percent of its population (approximately 5.5 billion souls). With earths population nearly decimated and virtually no one left to defend our planet, Ming will then deploy his dilapidated fleet and ruthlessly steal all of earths resources enough for Ming to live at least another five hundred years in the lavishness that he has grown accustomed to.
Of course, Flashs arrival on Mongo places Mings plans into a tailspin.
Throughout the series, Ming rules from his opulent throne in Mingo city, his tyranny and evil stretches to the most remote regions of Mongo. And even if hes not in every episode, his evil presence will be felt throughout like an inescapable shadow of darkness which envelopes the entire planet of Mongo.
Ming is the perfect nemesis for Flash because they have much in common. Theyre both orphans, theyre both loners, and theyre both natural born leaders. Although, theyve chosen different paths and have completely divergent ideals, the two mortal enemies see reflections of themselves in each other more than either would care to admit.