Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball Z: subtitle
i think they should all be called by how ever far they progress in the story,Dragonball, Dragonball "subtitle".....Dragonball Z, Dragonbal Z"subtitle" and dare i say it if they even consider getting that far Drgonball GT
you got it thats exactly what i mean, also it would have to stay as true to the story as possible, what people are saying about this one now has me worried it isn't gonna be much like dragonball at alldo you mean....for instance....Dragon Ball Z: Something with Vegeta, DBZ: Frieza.... DBZ: Cell... Buu....then DBGT?
id love if they were big enough money makes to have that many, but im banking on 3, if more then 1 lol.
Sure. It is the final one.