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Well this is all pretty disgusting. :dry:

Thanks for the info.
Zaslav has a real knack for reading the room:


He does realize WB Games is facing a huge ass bomb of a live service game, right?
Zaslav has a real knack for reading the room:


Go on, greenlight SS Vs JL 2 before the first one’s out and condemn Rocksteady for another 8 years. Zaslav knows even less about games than he does superhero films.

He does realize WB Games is facing a huge ass bomb of a live service game, right?

I assume he doesnt.
I get the feeling this man has no real clue about anything.
Has any decision he made since being at WB, in the end benefitted the company?

We were so absolutely close to greatness.
Fun Lego games, incredible Batman games, Telltale games, Rocksteady on Superman, the Wonder Woman Game...we could have had it all.

Instead we get nothing.
We get a guy who has no clue about anything, pushing the WB IPs into Live Service failures.
Pretty certain the decision to make a Suicide Squad game happened before Zaslav.
Step one: force a developer to make a game they don't want to make
Step two: inform the fans that you're giving them something they've actively asked you to not give them.
Step three: slightly delay the game after the first look at the trainwreck they've willed into existence is poorly received.
Step four: act surprised when the game sells and reviews poorly losing them millions, and then ignore the failure and greenlight more live service games anyways.
Step five: repeat steps one through four, shut down or sell the studios you ruined, and avoid taking any responsibility for your incompetence.
Step one: force a developer to make a game they don't want to make
Step two: inform the fans that you're giving them something they've actively asked you to not give them.
Step three: slightly delay the game after the first look at the trainwreck they've willed into existence is poorly received.
Step four: act surprised when the game sells and reviews poorly losing them millions, and then ignore the failure and greenlight more live service games anyways.
Step five: repeat steps one through four, shut down or sell the studios you ruined, and avoid taking any responsibility for your incompetence.
Yep. Any wannabe exec parroting off a list like this would get fast-tracked to the top. :csad:

This Embracer project just gets worse. Kind of worried for all the studios there.

Another fine example of how Company heads should be cut and not the people working there.
Because it was the suits recklessness that causes trouble.

They decided to buy studios and IPs for a ton of money they dont have and just expected for a deal that then fell through.
You know what happens to us when one of us does something like this?
But CEOs etc do this and are fine, while they fire their workers etc in order to "fix" their own mistakes at the expense of others.
They embraced (bought out) too much and now the lower level employees get to pay the price of c-suite hubris.
They embraced (bought out) too much and now the lower level employees get to pay the price of c-suite hubris.
Just gets worse over there. I doubt this is the last of the job cuts or studio closures (unless they can sell some off at a good price). Absolutely dumb execs who should also be feeling the pain rather than the employees.

They used to resell DVDs in many GS I remember about 14 years ago. Video game movies at least somewhat fit the store brand.

Considering that years ago Ubisoft tried to get a patent going and spoke about something like this 100% sure it was not a coincidence.
Its wild how Ubisoft could easily be the best studio out there, if the people running it wouldnt be some of the worst in the industry.
You got the IPs and do you fumble that by doing stuff like that and having awful people in positions of power?

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