Knightfall is REALLY well done. The best Batman novel I have read. Go out and get it. I got Forensic Files from the library and put it down after the introduction. The book may have good stories, but it was SO POORLY WRITTEN. I forgot the author's name, he is pretty established in the industry and a good writer, however he kept reusing the same words over and over again. The word "Filth" was used three times on a page when describing the murder of the Waynes. The novel begings almost with a disclamer written by Bruce that the book my come across as melodramatic to emphasis what he felt like during pivotal moments of his life, but the introduction put such a bad taste in my mouth. It is repetative, melodramatic, and comes across as if it was written by a 14 year old. I realized it was not worth my time. If don't have a lot of time and you have to pick and choose what books you read, don't read Forensic Files.