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Goofyness Factor: Level of silly monkey business in this film

Scale of Goofyness/Humor

  • Dark Knight

  • Iron Man

  • The Mummy

  • Battlefield Earth

  • Dumb and Dumber

Results are only viewable after voting.


Dec 19, 2004
Reaction score

Ok so this picture/screen grab was taken from that cool site hisstank.com Now I love action movies....sci/fi movies....horror movies...drama movies, heck even romantic comedy movies...every and ALL movies just as long as I get entertained I'm fine.

Now sometimes people in the movie business loooove to take a lot of these movies and try to incorporate them together...sometimes all of these genres are gelled together...sometimes met with great successs..others, not so much.

Now I know this Sommers guy is like a big kid and I love it--from the flicks he's done that I have seen I mean damn, LoL he seems like a giant kid having fun with action figures, vehicles and playsets and I dig it, I really do. HOWEVER sometimes the guy gets just a taaad too goofy for my liking. I know what he's trying to do, give the movie goer a fun popcorn action packed jokey roller coaster ride...but for christ sakes, sometimes I'm just not a fan of the unecessary 'goofyness' in the movie. You know what I mean?

Like sometimes you can wink at the audience too much it becomes head slapping eye rolling groan inducingly bad.

I don't mind jokes as long as they fit ex--Jokers thug in Dark Knight trying take Batmans mask off and getting a shock then comes in Joker and does his little jig thing and kicks the thug....it fit. The jokes in Iron Man fit.

An example of it NOT working so much---Battlefield Earth--Forrest Whitakers character Kerl (I think...?..eh doesn't matter) walks into a room and bangs his forehead on the doorway and says something along the lines of "Ooouch! Stupid crap celiing!"...ok..thats a really extreme example because I've had proctology exams that were more entertaining and worthwhile than that movie..but you get the jist.

What I'm trying to say in this long drawn out Harry Knowles sort of way (sorry ;) ) is that what do YOU think the level of goofyness will be in this flick?

I for one hope Sommers doesn't F___ around man because I dont mind jokes, just as long as he isn't a ******** about it---the faces in this picture kind of...scared me...:csad:
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I think it'll be as silly as the Mummy, maybe a little more serious, but Wayans' doesn't give me much hope, he is funny though most of the time.
It'll be Van Helsing silly....worse actually. Green slime?? WTF.

Sommers needs to do another Deep Rising type film.
Its weird...when I first saw trailers and clips from The Mummy I was like "Whoa....amazing....." it reminded me of Stargate and just figured it'd be this really awesome serious action adventure flick...then I saw the movie. I was like "Are you kidding me?!?"

....years later I did revisit the film and for some reason thought it was much cooler. I STILL did not enjoy some of the 'jokes' which were downright stupid and not funny and had no place in the film---like when O'Connel has a yelling match with a group of undead Mummy warriors armed to the teeth with weapons ready to hack him up into little pieces....I mean talk about taking a serious scene and giving it into the hands of a ****ing 5 year old!

I thought Mummy 2 was the best in terms of tone and action--the action was beautiful and well throughout the film. Van Helsing was just a giant sack of horse ****. I mean the first 5 minutes of the film when he is fighting Dr. Jekyll was awesome then..well the rest of the movie happened.

Sommers needs to stop winking at the audience and just let the jokes I dunno.....just happen naturally dont force them. I have nightmares about Snake Eyes chasing Storm Shadown and a Viper throwing a banana cream pie on the ground and him slipping on it and then going "OUCH my poor lil' tushy!" and then Storm Shadown and the Viper giving each other high 5's while putting their thumbs to their noses wiggling their fingers going "Pppppbbbbbtttt Na na na poo poo!"

Like that kind of **** that studios put in cool movies and it just RUINS the movie. I know (well..I should say I hope anyways but I wouldnt be surprised in the least) the movie wont be as bad as Batman and Robin but...I'm just worried anyways.

OH and I added another Poll Option "Hellboy II"....now THAT movie was complete and utter crap! It had amazing creatures and effects and action but the silliest stupidest CORNIEST garbage that was so completely and utterly uncecessary it make me literally almost rip off the arms of the seat I was sitting in! Yeah, lets have Abe and Hellboy get drunk and start singing....or have Hellboy get blown out of a building only to have the camera go slow mo with a stupid song playing in the background all the while he has the stupiest grin on his face.....sigh....or that Goblin with the baby slash tumor on it? Remember when Hellboy was slapping him and the camera like sped up like a 3 Stooges scene? GROAN!!!!!
Damn...wait..I dont think I can put Hellboy II as an option in my Poll. Does anyone know how to edit that in there? I went to 'advanced edit' and still couldn't do it? Ah well...
Marlon Wayons doesn't seem to be goofing off in the trailers. It seems he has a serious take on his character. Which is a relief cause if there was anyone cast for slapstick and shenanigans it was Wayans. If he's serious then most likely everyone will be.

At worst I think the movie will be tongue-in-cheek over the top. Which may cause audience eye rolling here and there but not any slap on foreheads.
sit back ....... turn of your brains for 2 hours and enjoy the ride.
Hellboy 2 was wacky....not goofy. :D

LoL...hey man, wacky, zaney, fruity, cutey pie I don't want ANY of it ya hear me!!!

Also awesome pic dark_b. And I know what you mean about the turning your brain off for two hours...I'm totally all for it, I just hope Sommers doesn't pull anything like that aforementioned Snake Eyes/Storm Shadown banana cream pie scenario that's all...or anything comparable to it because I know how that man loooovvves his monkey business :(

Transformers I thought was beautiful! The action, the way it was filmed everything was amazing! A few groans here and there but everything else made well up for it---(groan example---Where Optimus Prime says 'My bad, my bad!' and all 15 some foot robots are sneaking around Sams backyard....bah!)
i expect really and i mean reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally over teh top action with over the top one liners from the guy who was playing shorty in the scary movies. slow mo shots with boob clevage close ups from sienna :)
Now the boob clevage shots I can do! :D

And LoL that'd be awesome if there was a scene of Shor..I mean Ripcord and Destro just smoking on a giant cracker all blazed out with Marlon Wayans doing his 'Marlon Wayans' thing.
Marlon Wayans is in the movie. Just keep that in mind. The star of White Chicks, Scary Movie, and Little Man.
Probably IRON MAN. How is any of this "winking at the audience"?
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Marlon Wayans is in the movie. Just keep that in mind. The star of White Chicks, Scary Movie, and Little Man.

And Requiem for a Dream. So it's not like he can't do other things. Just saying.
He's not that goofy in the script. Just energetic and young.
And Requiem for a Dream. So it's not like he can't do other things. Just saying.

Requiem For A Dream is a 9 year old movie. When's the last time he turned out a truly inspired or dramatic performance? Not to mention, that was a lower budget hardly seen Darren Aronofsky movie.

This is a $170 million big budget studio tentpole directed by STEPHEN SOMMERS.

I love how people keep bringing up Reqiuem for A Dream as that legitimizes Marlon Wayans appearance in this movie. That movie is almost a decade old, and this isn't a Reqiuem for a Dream type of movie.

He's not that goofy in the script. Just energetic and young.

That could've been before Wayans was cast in the role.
They're just pointing out to you that Marlon Wayans is not a one-trick pony. He's a comedic actor that has range and has a dramatic edge and knows where that balance is. Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about.

and this is G.I. Joe.

Why should people care if it looks a little goofy?

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They're just pointing out to you that Marlon Wayans is not a one-trick pony. He has range and has a dramatic edge and knows where the balance is. Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about.

Exactly. He can't really think Marlon's going to pull a Scary Movie performance in this.

Hell, for all I know (or care) he will suck and the movie itself will suck. But his presence in the movie doesn't guarantee that.
The main problems I had with Van Helsing were the little scenes like Velkan rolling around --not crawling mind you, he was on his back--on the wall as he changed into a werewolf and the two vamp brides with elongated jaws sPinning around to change back into bat demons when they intuitively knew their sister was slain. Whys and hows come to mind.
They're just pointing out to you that Marlon Wayans is not a one-trick pony. He's a comedic actor that has range and has a dramatic edge and knows where that balance is. Don't act like you don't know what we're talking about.

and this is G.I. Joe.

Why should people care if it looks a little goofy?


He is a pretty much one trick pony most of the time. Darren Aronofsky pulled one sort of decent dramatic performance out of him 9 years ago.
I can't see what the age of that movie has to do with anything. Neither of us knows what roles he's tried out for only to get passed over all these years. Maybe he's hoping to get a little of what Will Smith got from Independence Day.
That could've been before Wayans was cast in the role.

It could have been. But it's clearly a role written for a similar actor. He was cast because Ripcord in the script is a legimate "good guy" with charm, and that's what the role calls for.

I'm still waiting for someone to point out the overt goofiness.
Man, this is GI JOE!! it's an elite special forces team that employs a goddamn ninja, for cryin' out loud people!! While I doubt the film will be overtly silly or goofy, let's face it, we're not dealing with something completely grounded in reality!
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