Superman Returns Got Milk?


Aug 19, 2004
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Just got posted at
Wow. Great pic. The colors look really vivid.
The artwork on the main page of that site is incredible. Where is it from? And is it true that there is going to be a comic series released in conjunction with Superman Returns?
Whack Arnolds said:
The artwork on the main page of that site is incredible. Where is it from? And is it true that there is going to be a comic series released in conjunction with Superman Returns?
Yeah, 4 SR prequel comics that help to explain what happened after STM and before SR.
IT is Batgirl said:
Yeah, 4 SR prequel comics that help to explain what happened after STM and before SR.
Oh, so Returns ignores every movie except the first? That comic sounds awesome. Thanks for the info. :up:
Whack Arnolds said:
The artwork on the main page of that site is incredible. Where is it from? And is it true that there is going to be a comic series released in conjunction with Superman Returns?

Some dude named MAJ. It is awesome isnt it!!! I dont believe he posts here, and i cant remember what site he is from... dammit.

Simo knows.....Simo? you there??? lol i forget
Whack Arnolds said:
The artwork on the main page of that site is incredible. Where is it from?
I'm fairly certain that it is from the merchandising for the film. They just recolored them, put textures and more shadows.
Amazing. The guy looks different in every shot.
skruloos said:
I'm fairly certain that it is from the merchandising for the film. They just recolored them, put textures and more shadows.

You are right sir.
Wow, he looks really amazing in that shot.
I can really see Reeve in that shot.
Okay, now, can somebody manip this without the milk mustache?

He looks exactly like his action figures there.

Hes gonna be good. They seem to be doing a good job of making BR very likeable.
Holy cow... that's an awesome picture of Superman! It's funny because I still have that old Superman got milk ad as my background! :D :up:

Heh heh, honestly though how easily influenced do they think kids are? Just because Superman has a milk mustache kids are gonna drink milk?

true316 quietly shuffles off to the fridge... :p

This one was supposed to be a Got Milk ad, it just wasn't used I guess!

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