Superman Returns Footage of Brandon Routh Screentest

venom420 said:
Who else tested for Superman other than Reeve?

And did they show anyone else besides Routh testing for Superman? Did Singer even test anyone else?
No names actors but they showed a bunch of screentest they did prior to Reeve's test.
Singer did test a few actors for the part. he also looked at test footage done by Brett Ratner and McG before he came on. As a matter of fact the first Routh test was done by McG. That led to the cofee shop meeting and then a second screentest shot by Thomas Newton Seigel.
Please, PLEASE let that shot of him lifting up the car be in the final cut of the movie. I'll jump out of my seat and cheer if it is. :)
Showtime029 said:
This picture is hilarious.
WhatsHisFace said:
This picture is hilarious.

It is pretty funny, but damn, he looks like the perfect Clark Kent there.
Ive always wondered who the other actors where that Singer tested, and what footage he looked at from Ratner/McG. Not bashing Routh, but I want to know what he was up against.

It's amazing that Singer actually took the time to look at anything shot by that hack of all hacks McG.
venom420 said:
It's amazing that Singer actually took the time to look at anything shot by that hack of all hacks McG.

He wasn't looking for tips in directing. An audition tape is still an audition tape regardless of who the hack is behind the camera.
Lone said:
He wasn't looking for tips in directing. An audition tape is still an audition tape regardless of who the hack is behind the camera.

Yes, but to even consider some of the people McG tested "COUGH Jared Padelcki COUGH Mike Vogel COUGH" is amazing to me. Brandon is pretty lucky he got noticed. And also, the versions of the characters would have been very different based on Abrams script.

But again, I want to know who all Singer brought in and tested. Not knocking Routh, but I want to know who he beat out.
venom420 said:
But again, I want to know who all Singer brought in and tested. Not knocking Routh, but I want to know who he beat out.

I was surprised that Routh was offered the clark kent role in "smallville" but they didn't choose him

imagine the turn around for fan bases if he was cast lol

we could have been praising someone else while Routh got the

"RouthOWNED!" captions and fan art of him in the superman suit etc lol
Gold Samurai said:
I was surprised that Routh was offered the clark kent role in "smallville" but they didn't choose him
the man above had better plans for him. ;) :up: i'm infinitely thankful he didn't end up on Smallville...
Routh wasn't offered the role of Clark in Smallville, he lost out to Welling, as well as Jensen Ackles as that was the producers 2nd choice.

And thats not all. Kate Bosworth tested for Lana Lang according to Al Gough, but lost out to Kristen Kreuk. Odd that Routh and Bosworth lost out on roles in Smallville but ended up the movie.
lol.....that's just wierd.

Honestly, I think it's best that it worked out that way.
Just think of all the loft scenes Routh and Bosworth could have shared.
venom420 said:
Routh wasn't offered the role of Clark in Smallville, he lost out to Welling, as well as Jensen Ackles as that was the producers 2nd choice.

And thats not all. Kate Bosworth tested for Lana Lang according to Al Gough, but lost out to Kristen Kreuk. Odd that Routh and Bosworth lost out on roles in Smallville but ended up the movie.
the makers of smallvile didnt want a clark kent that looks like reeve. and since brandon looks a little like reeve he was automaticly not an option.
Thats funny considering the hairstyle Welling had in the pilot.
Well, I think Welling fits what they were looking for.

Routh seems more of a mature choice, I think.
ChrisBaleBatman said:
Well, I think Welling fits what they were looking for.

Routh seems more of a mature choice, I think.
i guess some SV fans will now jump on you :D
does it really matter what they think actor wise?
they are saying that reeve was superman. that he was born to be superman.

well i think that we can all agree that brandon was born to be clark kent. :up: :)

singer saw in him in the first minute clark kent. than he saw in him kal-el. than he casted him. after that they made sure that he will play a good superman.
well this is how i think it happened.
I am a Smallville fan.

Welling's playing a teenage Clark Kent.....that's why maturity is something I think could have hurt in getting the role. Clark's making mistakes, and stuff like that. That's why.

"Whew! Don't go in there, I had beans for lunch."
Matt said:
I don't think Routh's screen test will determine much. Remember Jackman's screen test from the X1 DVD? He sucked ass. Screentests are hit and miss on determining the actual performance.
Are you kidding? Jackman's screentest with Anna Paquin was good in my opnion.
That's really funny that Brandon and Kate tried out for Smallville and got beat out, only to go on to be in the movie. I think that's probably for the best, especially when I consider the reverse. The thought of Kristin Kreuk playing Lois Lane makes me want to shoot myself and I haven't been able to take Welling seriously since I sat through the cinematic atrocity that was "The Fog." Granted, the movie was bad overall, but Welling was so dull and lifeless in that film that I think he would have done a better job had he been comatose.

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