Transformers Greatest Movie of 2007

The Joker_1000

Jul 29, 2007
Reaction score
In my opinion, this is definitely the greatest movie of 2007. It has a great story, great characters, & a hell of a lot of action. Personally, I felt that this movie was perfectly on the ball. Other movies like F4: Rise of the Silver Surfer really fell off the ball & that movie wasn't nearly as good as it could've been & in the long run doesn't come nearly as close to being as good as Transformers. One movie that is almost up there with Transformers would have to be SM-3 because it also had a good story & a lot of good action scenes. However, this year, Transformers is my favorite movie. I watched it a few days ago & the movie really blew me away. Shia was a really great actor & was a believable nerd while Megan Fox was a great leading lady, loved every scene with those two. The movie was full of great & experienced actors so that really made me like the movie as well. I can't even begin to tell you all how much I loved the main villain, Megatron. He was rotten to the core & was downright evil which I really enjoyed seeing. All in all, I would say Michael Bay has set himself up for a hell of a franchise & it's a sure bet he won't disappoint with the next film.
I haven't gotten tired of it yet. It had everything you would want from a "fun" movie, and is what a blockbuster should be.
Agreed. I just got done rewatching the movie a few minutes ago & I'm so geeked up right now. Megatron was as badass as a villain could get & hopefully he'll return in the second movie. Btw, it's too bad what happened to Jazz, I really liked that guy, especially because of how he introduced himself. All in all, I can't wait to see what they do in the second Transformers movie since it has been said the next movie will be more focused on the Transformers & less focused on humans. I'm crossing my fingers for the return of Megatron.
Greatest Blockbuster in a while?


Academy Award winning for acting...


In my top 3 for 2007.
best movies so far

Ratatouille, Bourne Ultimatum, Gone Baby Gone, HP5, No country for Old men
Easily my overall favorite movie of 2007, not discounting other great movies like Bourne, No Country For Old Men, etc.
Hmm...this movie is not in my top 5 of '07. Maybe top 10...but I'm not really going to be replaying it in my dvd player too often.
I haven't gotten tired of it yet. It had everything you would want from a "fun" movie, and is what a blockbuster should be.

Agreed...Probably not the ''best'' movie i've seen this year but definitely my favorite...

And a little of topic just comparing the DVD sales between SP3 and TF tells the whole story about this year's best blockbuster.

9(6)Transformers 610,266145.5%9,012,472
10(5)Spider-Man 3 583,46490.3%4,308,393
In my opinion Transformers is the better movie & is also in my top five favorites of this year.
Greatest is just a too big word...many movies around the world were made, and there were for sure some GREATER movies made in 2007
You should've said greatest summer, popcorn, blockbuster movie of '07. It'll keep things civil. :woot:

TF is my favourite movie of the last few years actually.
If this atrocious pile of recycled, big-budgeted blockbuster Hollywood trash is even anywhere near your top 10 movies of the year 2007, then you either haven't seen a lot of movies this year or you just have terrible taste. Why are fanboys so easily entertained by senseless, gratuitous action? This movie was manufactured to appeal to the lowest common denominator; if this is what appeals to you, then so be it.

And I'm not even going to comment on the abysmal, monotonously simplistic score. Fanboys amuse me.
Seriously, people are allowed to like movies so shut your trap.
If this atrocious pile of recycled, big-budgeted blockbuster Hollywood trash is even anywhere near your top 10 movies of the year 2007, then you either haven't seen a lot of movies this year or you just have terrible taste. Why are fanboys so easily entertained by senseless, gratuitous action? This movie was manufactured to appeal to the lowest common denominator; if this is what appeals to you, then so be it.

And I'm not even going to comment on the abysmal, monotonously simplistic score. Fanboys amuse me.

People can like whatever they want. So you can go screw yourself, moron.
I was actually restraining myself. If Vegeta thinks this is the greatest movie of 2007. Who cares? He can like whatever he wants. Just like everybody else.
Vegeta_1000 said:
Seriously, people are allowed to like movies so shut your trap.

And people are also allowed to reply to whatever threads they want. You expressed your opinion on a public Internet message board. Are you actually suggesting that I'm not allowed to express my opinion? Why are fanboys so defensive over their beloved movies so much? Always expect criticism, especially over such a critically lambasted movie. Yes, I express my views somewhat passionately; oh, well...

Jake Cassidy said:
People can like whatever they want. So you can go screw yourself, moron.

Jake Cassidy said:
If Vegeta thinks this is the greatest movie of 2007. Who cares? He can like whatever he wants. Just like everybody else.

And no one's stopping him from liking whatever movie he wants to like. Again, he expressed his opinion on a public Internet message board. Stop reading into what I typed and calm down. Some members of this message board are extremely sensitive.
I'm still a bit up in the air over TF.

Parts of the movie were nothing short of brilliant and if they had been fleshed out more at the expense of some of the more boneheaded plot elements, this might have been the movie I've been dreaming about since I was six.

I specifically keyed into the "boy and his first car" theme centred around Sam. Bumblebee was the most endearing of the Autobots and I thought Barricade was probably the most effectively menacing of the Decepticon ... especially since Megatron and Starscream didn't get a lot of screen time outside of the fight scenes.

Whenever the film focused on Sam, I was digging it. The movie didn't need "brains" (luckily because it didn't have it), but it definitely needed "heart". The Sam and Bumblebee storyline gave TF heart, but it could have used more, in my opinion.

The military (not counting the brilliant John Turturro led scenes, if you count his character as "military") and hacker/computer specialist focused plot lines really didn't do anything for me. Even Australian pride can't make me like Rachel Taylor's character. Anthony Anderson chewed up screen time without doing much to make it a better movie (it just seemed to me that the producers were too focused on trying to make this film appeal to ABSOLUTELY everybody).

A lot less of those of those and more of the better material would have appealled to me more.

In the end, I don't think Michael Bay was the right director for this film, even though he far from ruined it.
And people are also allowed to reply to whatever threads they want. You expressed your opinion on a public Internet message board. Are you actually suggesting that I'm not allowed to express my opinion? Why are fanboys so defensive over their beloved movies so much? Always expect criticism, especially over such a critically lambasted movie. Yes, I express my views somewhat passionately; oh, well...

And no one's stopping him from liking whatever movie he wants to like. Again, he expressed his opinion on a public Internet message board. Stop reading into what I typed and calm down. Some members of this message board are extremely sensitive.

Sorry I went a bit overboard. When you said anyone who likes this must have bad taste just got to me. We just have different tastes not bad.
I honestly don't care what people like or dislike. I just don't like it when some people put other people down for what they like.

Dan, just curious, but what movie was your favourite/best this year?
I am FINALLY getting this on DVD tomorrow, and yes, it is my number 1 movie of 2007.
Finally bought this yesterday, and guess what :cmad: :cmad: :cmad: its friggin faulty, i am really getting pissed off with DVD's these days, 1 in 3 tends to be faulty, and both of the 2 i bought yesterday were faulty as well, i'm really considering stopping buying them.

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