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Greatest movies of all-time. . .what if?

This site is not a reflection of general audiences.
Clarice has no grown from the rather timid but brave fledgling agent into a strong-willed veteran that doesn't put up with **** from arrogant peers like Krendler, her chemistry with Hopkins was fantastic. She went from disgusted, to drawn, to sympathetic, to combative all in one scene during the finale, more powerful than anything from Jodie in Silence.
The pacing couldn't have been better, slow but still absorbing, each scene was driving the story and the characters forward and Zimmer's score makes even scenes where very little is happening completely worth while, and those scenes result in an eventual pay off for each character, meeting a fate that was perfectly befitting of the way that they lived their lives.
The storyline was perfectly executed, each character represented different levels of corruption, from the everyday type you would encounter in your persona life to the more extreme types you hear about on the news, and again the resolutions for each character in each inter-winding subplot were perfect. I'm one of many that couldn't care less about them and considers them a pathetic joke.
I didn't say it would more highly regarded than Silence, though it is much better, I said it would have a significant fanbase that considers it a great film. More and more people are commenting on how underrated it was.
It could've been streamlined with little loss...except for the loss of a terrific, and thought provoking film for those that looked deeply enough to see it.
Oh, and the Oscars aren't a reflection of quality in the least, they're about politics and little more. This thread isn't about Academies or critics.
One of the weakest arguments one can put forth when trying to demonstrate how good a film or someone involved with a film is the fact that they have a little gold statue standing on their dresser.
This site is not a reflection of general audiences.
Clarice has no grown from the rather timid but brave fledgling agent into a strong-willed veteran that doesn't put up with **** from arrogant peers like Krendler, her chemistry with Hopkins was fantastic. She went from disgusted, to drawn, to sympathetic, to combative all in one scene during the finale, more powerful than anything from Jodie in Silence.
The pacing couldn't have been better, slow but still absorbing, each scene was driving the story and the characters forward and Zimmer's score makes even scenes where very little is happening completely worth while, and those scenes result in an eventual pay off for each character, meeting a fate that was perfectly befitting of the way that they lived their lives.
The storyline was perfectly executed, each character represented different levels of corruption, from the everyday type you would encounter in your persona life to the more extreme types you hear about on the news, and again the resolutions for each character in each inter-winding subplot were perfect. I'm one of many that couldn't care less about them and considers them a pathetic joke.
I didn't say it would more highly regarded than Silence, though it is much better, I said it would have a significant fanbase that considers it a great film. More and more people are commenting on how underrated it was.
It could've been streamlined with little loss...except for the loss of a terrific, and thought provoking film for those that looked deeply enough to see it.
Oh, and aren't a reflection of quality in the least, they're about politics and little more. This thread isn't about Academies or critics.

And Julianne acted it out horribly. Jodie would've been far better in the role. As far as I'm concerned, she is Clarice.

And I still say the pacing is ass and the story was very thrown together and flowed in a very rough manner.
And Julianne acted it out perfectly with tears pouring down her face showing how sympathetic she was toward Krendler even after all he put her through, and showing anger in her voice toward what Lecter is doing while still showing that she's moved in a way knowing why he did it.
I say the pacing and the story are perfect because I've watched the film dozens of times and I can break down scene by scene how every single moment of the film was storytelling and characterization at its finest.

Most that feel Julianne was horrible had their minds made up that "Jodie Foster is Clarice" and anyone that took the part of her would've sucked before even seeing the film; not to mention that most that lambasted Hannibal did so because it wasn't like Silence in story, structure, and style, which is kind of the point of a sequel, to go in a new direction (and again, my point was never comparing SOTL to Hannibal in the first place, that was a comparison that you drew. I really don't care which one is more popular).

The Departed
Casino Royale
Pan's Labyrinth
Children of Men
Saving Private Ryan
The Lord of the Rings
Fight Club
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
L.A. Confidential
Mystic River
Kill Bill
And Julianne acted it out perfectly with tears pouring down her face showing how sympathetic she was toward Krendler even after all he put her through, and showing anger in her voice toward what Lecter is doing while still showing that she's moved in a way knowing why he did it.
I say the pacing and the story are perfect because I've watched the film dozens of times and I can break down scene by scene how every single moment of the film was storytelling and characterization at its finest.

Most that feel Julianne was horrible had their minds made up that "Jodie Foster is Clarice" and anyone that took the part of her would've sucked before even seeing the film; not to mention that most that lambasted Hannibal did so because it wasn't like Silence in story, structure, and style, which is kind of the point of a sequel, to go in a new direction (and again, my point was never comparing SOTL to Hannibal in the first place, that was a comparison that you drew. I really don't care which one is more popular).

The way she emoted, her accent, her chemistry was still very weak overall. There were other actresses who could've definitely given Jodie a run for her money (Michelle Pfeiffer was my choice). In SOTL, Clarice was much more real and the audience felt and rooted for her, where as in Hannibal she seemed very distant and that same bond wasn't there. Moore has a lot to do with this.

I'm pretty much just listing my top 5 favorite movies now. Though I won't post Leon or Twister.

The Departed
Casino Royale
Pan's Labyrinth
Children of Men
Saving Private Ryan
The Lord of the Rings
Fight Club
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
L.A. Confidential
Mystic River
Kill Bill

I agree with everything on that list except Kill Bill. It was famous when it came out but I never hear anybody talk about it or know anybody that owns it. I think people on the board love Quentin Tarintino so much that any movie by him is always gonna be a classic in their minds.
Anyway, while some people thought Little Miss Sunshine was overrated, I think it's a great movie and it's going to last a long time.
96. THE SEARCHERS (1956) I guess I just hate John Wayne. Clint Eastwood would have handed him his ass in a MCDonalds bag

The Searchers is actually my favorite John Wayne movie. Anyway, I agree with what you said about the list. I have seen about 59 of the 100 films and I've enjoyed pretty much most of the. However, I feel some (Citizen Kane for example) are REALLY overrated. I'm not saying its bad I'm just saying it isn't as good as people say it is.

Pirates of the Carribean, 40 yr old virgin, Spiderman, Batman Begins and so on......:dry:

Those are all good movies, but I do agree that it will be unlikely that any of those make the list UNLESS its best heroes or something like that. AFI had a list of the greatest heroes and villains and characters like Batman, The Joker, Superman, etc all made the list.
Just responding to these films that were posted...

1 V For Vendetta - Great film, but it feels like it lacks a something, great, but not a comtemporary classic.
2 Casino Royale - This is very much a knee jerk reaction to DAD, It's decent, but not exceptional, Goldfinger will always remain the 'classic' film from the bond franchise.
3 Blood Diamond - Not seen this yet, looks great, but very topical, and will become outsdated.
4 Rocky Balboa - :dry:
5 Lord Of The Rings Trilogy - Purely out of money, this will become reasonably well noted, having re-started off the fantasy franchise. Although fellowship is the best from the trilogy.
6 Pirates Of The Caribbean C.O.T.B.P - A decent family film, lacks the extra quality of things like muppets etc.
7 The Missing - Not seen as of yet
8 Shrek - Mediocre, the extension of the franchise will make people loose interest in this one.
9 Harry Potter and The Sorcerors Stone - This film is very much a childs film and lacks what a well rounded family film should have, another film that will fail to become classic due to an extended cash cow franchise.
10 40 Year Old Virgin - The new animal house?
11 Bruce Almighty - Quite dull, and very forgettable.
12 Big Daddy - Same as above
13 Batman Begins - It's very much a generic action film in a lot of ways, Batman will always remain the 'batman' film that makes classic lists.
14 X-Men 2 X-Men United - I love this film, but it's not classic material. It's a very good action film and drama though.
15 The Rock - Serious? This strikes me as a copiable action film, but nothing great, fun but by no means on a par with the likes of Indiana jones etc.

Enough of the AFI list, the BFI list is much more accurate in terms of quality films!
I'm sure The Fountain will gradually grow a fanbase over the years.
How many people have even seen all of the movies on AFI's 100 years 100 movies? How about 1/2? My guess is that the average person on these boards has only seen about a dozen.

After spending about 5 years watching and crossing off every movie on the list, I have my own list of movies that should get the heave ho and let some fresher flicks in.

I have only seen 43 of them, but heard of all of them. I agree with what you are saying about movies that were revolutionary but not really that great.

I would have to say that the only sure classic we have expirienced in the last few years would have to be the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Those movies will be around for a long time. Other things might become classics, but these movies are essentially the next star wars. Other movies people have listed will endure, but be more like cult classics or be movies that everyone seems to love even if they aren't the best.
I do think that Empire Strikes back will replace Star Wars (A new hope) someday. Since most people who still feel it is the best were the ones who first saw it back in 77. The second and third generation star wars freaks I think gravitate to Empire and to a lesser extent Jedi, more than the first one.
The all time movie list doesn't work by age of it's voters...It goes by how timless the film is...Casablanca is timless while Ghostbusters is dated and Fight Club is just a piece of over the top far fetched piece of crap.
The Searchers is actually my favorite John Wayne movie. Anyway, I agree with what you said about the list. I have seen about 59 of the 100 films and I've enjoyed pretty much most of the. However, I feel some (Citizen Kane for example) are REALLY overrated. I'm not saying its bad I'm just saying it isn't as good as people say it is.

Those are all good movies, but I do agree that it will be unlikely that any of those make the list UNLESS its best heroes or something like that. AFI had a list of the greatest heroes and villains and characters like Batman, The Joker, Superman, etc all made the list.

Citizen Kane is overrated? C.K is a techology marvel...the screenplay,the camera angles,the cinameatoghophy ect...More to a film than a good story and acting..C.K showed the movie industry how a film should be made.Just like Michael Jordan showed the basketball industry how you should play basketball.
Pan's Labyrinth- Unlike anything around and visuallly stunning.

Fight Club/ Seven- loved these when they came out and still love them today.
David Fincher is one of the most stylish directors around
that can still make a movie with a great story with visual

Brick/ Donnie Darko- very inventive indy teen indy movies. Cinema needs films
like this so we aren't left with hollywoods formulative
Someone insulted Citizen Kane? Really? as the film described as a masterclass in cinema?

Seriously, I'm worried :(
Let's see....

- The Shawshank Redemption
- Lost in Translation
- The Departed
- Pulp Fiction
- Casino Royale
- Batman Begins
- The Prestige
- Pan's Labyrinth
- GoodFellas
- Heat
- True Lies
- Face/Off
- Meet Joe Black
- The Last Samurai
- Coming To America
- Minority Report
- The Mask of Zorro

I am going to throw in the:

Sixth Sense. (seriously changed the way movies end now. Even movies that don't really have surprise ending are advertised to have surprise endings.

Toy Story (I don't think I need to explaing this one.)

Jurrasic Park (Just based on when the T-rex shows up. This is a classic)

Terminator 2 (Technologically a classic)

Clerks (this is one of those movies that kind of defines the 90's)

Pulp Fiction (look at my explanation for Clerks)

Titanic (You can't ignore this juggernaut)

Spiderman 3 (I feel this movie this could be the movie of the decade. Box office wise, & popularity wise.)

Blair Witch Project. (Introduced the movie industry to the internet. Even though this movie ripped off the Last Broadcast, but whatever).

I would add more, but everybody else pretty much put them down.
Casino royale is just a continuation of a franchise, I can't see it being deemed as a classic, as it will always be compared against a backdrop of better bond films.

Pulp fiction is actually decreasing in popularity over the past few years, as people are losing interest in Tarantino's gimicky style.

Toy story, good call! :)

Goodfella's, kinda is already don't you think!

Clerks, could have been, but a little too cult and has been cursed with a poor follow up film.

The prestige was rather bland, so no more.

Face off is regarded in much the same vein as the die hard films already.

True lies, whilst being a great film, will fail to reach a classic status as it should, due to it being a blend of action and humour resulting in a family movie, meets die hard. People can think of better comedies, and better action films, so they'd think of those first:(

Shawshank redemption is already quite huge, despite being possbly the most overrated film of all time.

Lost in translation, yep, I can see this one.

Batman begins.....no, it's a generic action film with many flaws, if one batman film will be remembered over time, it's gonna be B89(which already is regarded as a classic)

Pan's labyrinth, overcoming the language barrrier I think this could perhaps be one, but the mass puplics inability to watch subtitled films may stop this, but I think it could still become a classic.

titanic is merely a giant blockbuster.

Terminator 2 is reagrded as a clissic action film already.

SM3 will be seen as a part of the franchise, SM already being seen as quite classic, the origin story will forever remain the one in highest regard...
Batman begins.....no, it's a generic action film with many flaws, if one batman film will be remembered over time, it's gonna be B89(which already is regarded as a classic)

Batman 89 a classic? Batman 89 sucked. They didn't get it right,they didn't really tell his origin,the Joker was too fat,Batman didn't say much and Keaton didn't change his voice when he was in the suit.BB is sooo much better.They actually got it right.
Batman begins.....no, it's a generic action film with many flaws, if one batman film will be remembered over time, it's gonna be B89(which already is regarded as a classic)

Batman 89 a classic? Batman 89 sucked. They didn't get it right,they didn't really tell his origin,the Joker was too fat,Batman didn't say much and Keaton didn't change his voice when he was in the suit.BB is sooo much better.They actually got it right.

Well it's not a diret copy of the comic, and actually resembles the original comics more than BB. And we're talking about films here, and B89 is regarded as a classic, to say it sucked is your opinion, but as an oscar winning piece of art, it seemed to have made it's solid mark on the world.
Casino royale is just a continuation of a franchise, I can't see it being deemed as a classic, as it will always be compared against a backdrop of better bond films.

The only films that are superior out of 21 Bond films are From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, & Goldeneye (To some degree. I don't feel like explaining why).

Pulp fiction is actually decreasing in popularity over the past few years, as people are losing interest in Tarantino's gimicky style.

This is arguably one of the best movies of the 90's.

Toy story, good call! :)

Seconded. :up:

Goodfella's, kinda is already don't you think!

Agreed, even though I don't think that it is Scorsese's ultimate work.

Clerks, could have been, but a little too cult and has been cursed with a poor follow up film.

I'm not a big fan of it. It also has a timed feel to it.

The prestige was rather bland, so no more.

I disagree. This, IMO, was one of the Top 10 best of 2006.

Face off is regarded in much the same vein as the die hard films already.

That is a good thing right?

True lies, whilst being a great film, will fail to reach a classic status as it should, due to it being a blend of action and humour resulting in a family movie, meets die hard. People can think of better comedies, and better action films, so they'd think of those first:(

Yeah, but we don't really have high quality action/comedies, like this one.

Shawshank redemption is already quite huge, despite being possbly the most overrated film of all time.

In terms of general opinion, that goes to Citizen Kane or The Godfather.

Lost in translation, yep, I can see this one.

This is in my Top 10 movies.

Batman begins.....no, it's a generic action film with many flaws, if one batman film will be remembered over time, it's gonna be B89(which already is regarded as a classic)

This is not a generic action film.
This, in almost every way, is superior to Batman. Nolan gave the movie so much that Tim Burton didn't give to his version.........and Batman is regarded as a classic?

Pan's labyrinth, overcoming the language barrrier I think this could perhaps be one, but the mass puplics inability to watch subtitled films may stop this, but I think it could still become a classic.

If the true movie fans can do it, it will be classic.

titanic is merely a giant blockbuster.

Definitely agree.
Scratch my post above. This is definitely the most overrated film of all-time.
This is a crapfest.

Terminator 2 is reagrded as a clissic action film already.

:up: :up:

SM3 will be seen as a part of the franchise, SM already being seen as quite classic, the origin story will forever remain the one in highest regard...

I'm not a fan of the first.
The only films that are superior out of 21 Bond films are From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, & Goldeneye (To some degree. I don't feel like explaining why).

I find quite a few are superior, but Goldfinger will remain the classic bond.

This is arguably one of the best movies of the 90's.

Arguably being the operative word. I find it primitive and appealing to 12 year old boys. Tarantino is overrated for me.

Agreed, even though I don't think that it is Scorsese's ultimate work.

I'm not a scorsese fan in the slightest, but this will be his 'classic' film.

I disagree. This, IMO, was one of the Top 10 best of 2006.

Really? I liked the writing, but everything else was mediocre at best. Jonathon Nolan has talent, Chris, IMO, doesn't.

That is a good thing right?

I can take it or leave it, but if you like the movie, it's a good thing.

Yeah, but we don't really have high quality action/comedies, like this one.

I know, it seems to have been lost among viewers :(

In terms of general opinion, that goes to Citizen Kane or The Godfather.

Citizen Kane deserves all of the glory though, I've watched it at quarter speed just to view the skillful handling of cinematics.

This is in my Top 10 movies.

It would make it into my top fifty maybe, but yeah, it's pretty amazing.

This is not a generic action film.
This, in almost every way, is superior to Batman. Nolan gave the movie so much that Tim Burton didn't give to his version.........and Batman is regarded as a classic?

Well it's regarded as an oscar winning masterpiece by many. As an homage to Metropolis it gains further respect. Jack nicholson's joker is regarded as one of the all time greatest characters on film. Set design, lightin,g, acting and score are all far superior to anything Nolan could come up with.

I'm not a fan of the first.

I prefer SM1 over it's sequel, the level of writing was far less cliche, and SM2 basically copies the smae lines with little modifaction and makes for dull veiwing. Without Willem Dafoe, it lacks an edge, as Molina isn't a strong enough villain in the film. The comedy in SM2 is misplaced also. And SM did start the ball rolling and will maintain the classic rating most.

right back at you in bold :)

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