Clone Wars Grievous sucks without the cape


Dec 8, 2012
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I don't know why, but I take him much more seriously with the cape on, especially in the show. Too bad they never animate it on him.
It's probably a pain to animate. Plus, if he's going to be fighting I imagine it's pretty impractical. It doesn't bother me, I honestly never noticed it was missing though until you pointed it out.

I like Grievous a lot, he was my favorite Star Wars character after ROTS came out. He lost the top spot to Cad Bane though.
It's probably a pain to animate. Plus, if he's going to be fighting I imagine it's pretty impractical. It doesn't bother me, I honestly never noticed it was missing though until you pointed it out.

I like Grievous a lot, he was my favorite Star Wars character after ROTS came out. He lost the top spot to Cad Bane though.

I mean Dooku has the cape, but I agree it doesn't matter when he's fighting. But I saw an earlier Episode, the one where Rex finds the deserter, and Grievous had the cape. Imo it would be a decent addition for him when he's not fighting.
Mm, true!

I guess he just doesn't wear it all the time. Maybe if he's planning on rolling around a lot that day he leaves it in the closet.

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