Halo 5 speculation (spoilers for Halo 4)


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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I just finished Halo 4 and I reckon it's the best one yet! It's amazing! I can't wait for more Halo!

What would you like to see in the future for the franchise?

I want...

- More variety of guns in multiplayer so you don't all start with the same gun
- The chance to play as the Covenant again
- Maybe stay away from the 'people being genetically engineered into monsters' thing. It's not old but it has the chance to become old soon.
- No Cortana. Make a new character completely different. Either go for a stuffy Jarvis type character the chief hates at first and then grows to respect or go for an older, wiser. More like Viola Davis (for some reason she just strikes me as someone who would fit well with the universe)
- Have the chance to fight giant monsters. We've been visiting other worlds, surely they have wildlife!
- More vehicles are always fun!
I'd rather they not pair Chief up with another AI and I'd like to see him begin to open up after what happened with Cortana, have him try and take her words to heart.
What I want:

  • Better new enemies - These Promethean guys suck. Seriously. I know some people bemoaned the return of The Covenant, but I'll take more of them over Prometheans any day of the week. They're nowhere near as much fun to fight as Covies, nor as well designed. If Prometheans are going to be the primary enemies moving forward, then 343 really needs to go back to the drawing board.
  • More original weapons - Reskinning existing weapons is a lazy and boring way of making "new" weapons.
  • More memorable music - The new music isn't bad, but very little of it stuck in my mind after I was finished.
  • Less Forerunner interior sections - I felt like half the game I was inside some boring, cavernous, grey room with obligatory nonsensical Forerunner architecture.
  • Stop trying to recreate Halo: CE - I feel like every Halo game since the original has felt like a "greatest hits" rehash of the original Halo's many awesome moments. Come up with NEW awesome stuff!

What I predict:

  • Halo 5 & 6 will be very different than previous games - I feel like 343 sticking so closely to the structure of the first trilogy was intentional for a variety of reasons, but mainly because they want to knock you on your ass with what they're planning. At least that's what I hope.
  • Master Chief is a Jedi - Whatever happened to MC in Halo 4 will result in him gaining some kind of "Forerunner powers".
  • Human civil war - In addition to Forerunners Master Chief will be fighting humans, specifically Spartan IVs led by Dr. Halsey in the future.
  • The good Covenant and Arby will make a return - When the human civil war flares up, Master Chief and whichever faction he sides with will go to the Covenant for aid.
  • Cortana will totally be back - In Halo 5 MC will get paired up with a new AI, probably intentionally more cold and artificial feeling than Cortana, but Chief will begin to experience hallucinations of Cortana, in both visual and aural varieties. Both us and the Chief will be left to wonder if it's really her or just an illusion. Additional speculation: EDI style, she'll get some kind of physical body in Halo 6 and fight alongside the chief. Either that, or she'll be able to "possess" enemy hardware.
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I want the Brutes back.

And yeah, the Prometheans didn't do much for me.

How about some totally new aliens? No relation to the Covenant or Forerunners.
Also, it'd be cool to see some of the Grunts now working for humans, with human equipment.
What I want:

  • Better new enemies - These Promethean guys suck. Seriously. I know some people bemoaned the return of The Covenant, but I'll take more of them over Prometheans any day of the week. They're nowhere near as much fun to fight as Covies, nor as well designed. If Prometheans are going to be the primary enemies moving forward, then 343 really needs to go back to the drawing board.
  • More original weapons - Reskinning existing weapons is a lazy and boring way of making "new" weapons.
  • More memorable music - The new music isn't bad, but very little of it stuck in my mind after I was finished.
  • Less Forerunner interior sections - I felt like half the game I was inside some boring, cavernous, grey room with obligatory nonsensical Forerunner architecture.
  • Stop trying to recreate Halo: CE - I feel like every Halo game since the original has felt like a "greatest hits" rehash of the original Halo's many awesome moments. Come up with NEW awesome stuff!

What I predict:

  • Halo 5 & 6 will be very different than previous games - I feel like 343 sticking so closely to the structure of the first trilogy was intentional for a variety of reasons, but mainly because they want to knock you on your ass with what they're planning. At least that's what I hope.
  • Master Chief is a Jedi - Whatever happened to MC in Halo 4 will result in him gaining some kind of "Forerunner powers".
  • Human civil war - In addition to Forerunners Master Chief will be fighting humans, specifically Spartan IVs led by Dr. Halsey in the future.
  • The good Covenant and Arby will make a return - When the human civil war flares up, Master Chief and whichever faction he sides with will go to the Covenant for aid.
  • Cortana will totally be back - MC will get paired up with a new AI, probably intentionally more cold and artificial feeling than Cortana, but Chief will begin to experience hallucinations of Cortana, in both visual and aural varieties. Both us and the Chief will be left to wonder if it's really her or just an illusion. Additional speculation: EDI style, she'll get some kind of physical body and fight alongside the chief. Either that, or she'll be able to "posess" enemy hardware.
God I hope not.
I'd rather they not pair Chief up with another AI and I'd like to see him begin to open up after what happened with Cortana, have him try and take her words to heart.

Hmm, I'm not sure to be honest. I think the whole reason for Cortana in the first place was to give someone the Chief could chat to. Otherwise he's not exactly a verbose individual.

Still, no AI would be interesting.
Yeah, but that was the whole point of Halo 4; Chief went through an emotional journey and by the end of it started to realize that he can show emotion. I really think that he'll start to be less of a machine and more human.

Also I'm going to throw it out there; Blue team will make a reappearance and we may see some squad dynamics in both gameplay and story. John was really close to them after all.
I want the Brutes back.

And yeah, the Prometheans didn't do much for me.

How about some totally new aliens? No relation to the Covenant or Forerunners.
Brutes returning and new aliens would be fantastic.

They need to add a lot more weapons and vehicles, and they need to bring some back from past Halos like the brute spiker, brute chopper,flame thrower, elephant, etc. I'm also expecting much larger multiplayer matches and maps with environments that change, such as a random meteor shower raining down in the middle of a battle and players having to find cover.
I'd like to see some of the Covenant homeworlds.
Can't imagine what Halo 5 next gen will look like after seeing what Halo 4 has done for Halo graphics on a 7+ year old machine.
I personally really hated the art direction on this one. Everything was so line-y and blocky. Even the rocks were all in clear cut formations. The coveys looked SIGNIFICANTLY different too. Too bad the old art director left. :csad: I hope they replace the Halo 4 guy for Halo 5. Halo is meant to look realistic, not stylised.

The acting/directing/writing was phenomenal though! Best in the series!

The new music style was great and I'm all for it as long as they keep him for Halo 5 and 6.

I want more variety of weapons. Not the same weapons with different skins.

Don't screw around with the fundamentals that much more now. we have sprint and armour abilities, just leave it at that. Don't add some random new **** that changes everything and forces everyone to re-learn the game all over again. Halo 1-3 was consistent and felt like a rounded trilogy. Halo 4-6 should do the same thing. It should be different than the OT - which Halo 4 was - but 5 and 6 should play like 4. The only change I would be ok with would be the enhancements that will develop from MC's interaction with the librarian.

Bring back the Arbiter. I want to see him and Chief develop a solid partnership. IMO he should have been apart of the rescue mission coming to save MC in the first place, or have shown up when Earth was under attack.

Explore what happened with Cortana.

What happened to the Spartans who went looking for Onyx?

Bring back Kelly!

And finally, the ability to carry a total of 8 grenades (with whatever combo you want. 4 plasma, 4 frag. 8 plasma, no frag, etc). In halo 1-3 he could carry 8, why can't he carry more than 6 now? And technically, he should be able to carry 8 frags and none of the others if he wanted, right?
I do want to see the Arbiter again.
I fully expect to see the Arbiter again. I wouldn't be shocked to see him in the very last episode of Spartan Ops...could easily lead into H5.
I want to play as Arbiter again. Master Chief needs a drinking buddy, Arbiter should return.
1st time posting in this thread since I finished the Campaign and most of the Spartan Ops. My anticipation for Halo 5 just went through the roof! I really enjoyed Spartan Ops, prefer it to Firefight.
Since the Didact had the technology to "digitize" people I wouldnt be surprised if Cortana used it to somehow to do the opposite for herself. They made a big deal about her architecture being based on human DNA.
I don't really like the Forerunner settings myself. Their architecture is impressive, but it does get rather generic after a while.

I mean, I don't mind one or two levels, but not most of the game, like Halo 4.

Some new aliens would be really appreciated.
Since the Didact had the technology to "digitize" people I wouldnt be surprised if Cortana used it to somehow to do the opposite for herself. They made a big deal about her architecture being based on human DNA.
Could be right!

I don't really like the Forerunner settings myself. Their architecture is impressive, but it does get rather generic after a while.

I mean, I don't mind one or two levels, but not most of the game, like Halo 4.

Some new aliens would be really appreciated.
If there's a weakness (aside from slightly short campaign) it could be the design of some of the aliens.
The Prometheans didn't do much for me. They really had no personality. At least not compared to Brutes and Elites. The design wasn't bad though.

But yeah, some aliens with no relation to the Covenant or the Forerunners would be nice. I don't see it as farfetched canon wise, since logically, if the Covenant and Humans didn't run into each other until centuries after they achieved interstellar travel, and many of the Halos are still undiscovered, then there is a lot of unexplored space.
Agreed. New alien races will help us appreciate the size of the Halo universe.
Were it so easy.

Internet points to you, good Sir!

But yeah, I also want to see the Arbiter--correction; I want to see Thel 'Vadamee, "Arbiter" is a ceremonial rank/position.

I'm a long time Halo fan, have read all old novels and comics, but haven't really paid that close attention the last couple of years--so, was there any explanation why the Covenant are now our enemies? 'cause I didn't notice any.

I mean, no-one questioned it a bit. Shouldn't John and Cortana perhaps wonder a bit why the elites were suddenly their enemies? A simple comment from someone of the Infinity crew like "things have changed" or "a lot has happened while you were lost" would have sufficed.. I hope they're just remnants of the pre-schism Covenant though.

..And also lay a little easier on the "fantasy scifi". It got a little too far out there for my taste in Halo 4, digetalizing organic matter and what not.
God I hope not.

Also, fire whoever wrote the piece of dialogue where MC introduces himself as "This is Master Chief..". That's his rank. It's like if Shepard introduced him/herself with "This is Commander".
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I may be wrong, but I think after the Halo ordeal, no one else took up the post of MC in honour of John-117.

And it was explained that the Covies in Halo 4 were a lost faction from prior to the Halo Wars.

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