Harry's Role


Dec 27, 2005
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I would like to know what you all thought Harry should do in this movie.
he should become GG2, obviously...kill gwen, by dropping her off a bridge, wear a purple cape and hood, and be the brains behind a pairing between himself and sandman, whom i see as primarily a thug character. I think it would also be good to see some internal conflict, as a friend/foe as peter parker.
He should be bad at first then become good at the end during a crisis
Who marked ''Stay Good and not become the Green Goblin"?

Anyway, I agree with Silver Sable.
I agree with Silver Sable too, and the Q&A said that so its probably whats going to happen.
I agree with Silver too but he should turn good at the end and sacrifice himself for Peter or someone.
Dead Kitty said:
I agree with Silver too but he should turn good at the end and sacrifice himself for Peter or someone.

That's pretty much what it SHOULD be.
lordofthenerds said:
I agree with Silver Sable too, and the Q&A said that so its probably whats going to happen.

evil all through the movie, then have a change of heart when he sees venom and sandman about to kill spidey he has like flashbacks of them as friends and sacrifices himself and kills sandman along with him, leaving spidey and venom in a bad ass final battle.
hobgob11 said:
evil all through the movie, then have a change of heart when he sees venom and sandman about to kill spidey he has like flashbacks of them as friends and sacrifices himself and kills sandman along with him, leaving spidey and venom in a bad ass final battle.
I Like This.:up: Cheers!
I agree with everyone... this is the best way to go... it will be interesting... first Sandman, then Brock (turning to the "dark side") as Venom, and possibly GG2 to deal with??? I think Peter will anticipate having to face off with GG2, but finds an unlikely ally at the end... I just wish i could've thought of that before the rumor spilled... makes so much sense... final battle between Spidey Venom GG2... i am 100% convinced...
He should become the Green Goblin. Whether or not he sacrifices himself and dies or is just evil and killed in the end is the question.
cmill216 said:
That's pretty much what it SHOULD be.

That's probally what is is going to be like, with major blockbusters like this.
If that spoiler had not come out... what do you think we'd be thinking Harry's role was... I think that's a good question to consider...
He should be Green Goblin II, be evil through the whole movie, and at the end die from saving Peter.

It will make it more sad when he dies.
I think that ^ that is what the majority of the public would like to see or atleast save Peter and set up for SM4.
DroolingforGwen said:
If that spoiler had not come out... what do you think we'd be thinking Harry's role was... I think that's a good question to consider...

Green Goblin...I've been thinking Harry would become the Goblin ever since Spider-Man 2 came out. Haven't you seen the ending where Harry finds the Goblin's lair...that scene wasn't for nothin'.
Wouldn't it be a kick in the nuts if Harry didn't become Goblin or anything and that scene was pointless?
I'd be so mad, but why in the world would they do that.
(Seems like we are just talking, eh Mr. Socko?)

They wouldn't but it would be just funny if the speculated throughout 3 and then set up for SM4 with the return of the Goblin in the form of Harry.\

EDIT: 30th post...big deal right?
DroolingforGwen said:
If that spoiler had not come out... what do you think we'd be thinking Harry's role was... I think that's a good question to consider...

What, the Q&A?

I'd still be thinking the same thing: he'll become the GG in the film, and later redeem himself before he dies.
I knew Harry would be the goblin... but i was certain he would become a villain at that point... that doesn't seem to be the case anymore... merely a temporary villain, but i never thought he'd be an ally or whatever...
Raimi could take it a number of ways. We will just have to wait and see what he does with it. But I am fairly certain Harry will be a villian at some point or another.

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