Have Reed or Sue ever spanked either of their children


Mar 17, 2006
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I'm curious- have Reed or Sue either administered corporal punishment to any(or both) of their children?

As any parent realises-there are times and places when "a trip to the woodshed" is the only appropriate policy.

I'm not a parent(not YET) and I would be loath to "spank" my future children but what's the alternative?

I'm curious- have Reed or Sue either administered corporal punishment to any(or both) of their children?
What th--?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the answer to that is NO.

As any parent realises-there are times and places when "a trip to the woodshed" is the only appropriate policy.

No, "every parent" does not "realize" any such thing. :whatever:

I'm not a parent(not YET)


I would be loath to "spank" my future children but what's the alternative?

Well I have this "policy" of never TALKING to my children, so damn, I just don't know. Maybe a bathtub filled with battery acid...?
I was spanked on occassion......bare hand to a bare butt......was my mom's way. My dad never spanked us, he was afraid he would accidently hurt us in some way, not meaning to.....

Up until about the age of 8, talking would have done very little with me.....but from age 8 on................OMG, my mom had these long talks that made me feel horrible......and I was wishing for that spanking....lol
NOt sure if it was used.

bruce wayne has spanked dick grayson before though.

as for reality, it's a parent's unique decision that should reflect on their lifestyle and also their child's behaviour. It should also only ever be dealt out to teach and child a lesson and not to take out some agression on the child annoying you.
Sometimes a kid needs to get slapped. I bet Reed has a special robot for it or something.
I'm not a parent(not YET) and I would be loath to "spank" my future children but what's the alternative?

"Franklin, you know the rules about running in the house. Looks like you get a couple hours in the Negative Zone to think about it!"
No, only the parents that raise their kids RIGHT.

That would be a statement of opinion, not fact. And an arrogant statement at that.

My statement "No, every parent does not realize any such thing" is a statement of fact.

Just curious : How many kids have you raised?
That would be a statement of opinion, not fact. And an arrogant statement at that.

My statement "No, every parent does not realize any such thing" is a statement of fact.

Just curious : How many kids have you raised?
how is it raising your child right to physically harm them? my parents did this and it only served to make me bitter.
I got my booty spanked on a regular basis.......didn't make me bitter.......but by age 10 I got the point.....lol
well, not everyone is the same, but parents could stand to be more idols to their children and less tyrants.
well, not everyone is the same, but parents could stand to be more idols to their children and less tyrants.

That is true, therefore to say that "no one should spank their children" or to infer that anyone who spanks their child is a tyrant, is a wrong generalization. I was not speaking for "all kids who are spanked" I was speaking for me.........I would never speak in that kind of generalization when it comes to things like this. "My" mother spanked me, and she to this day, the person that I respect the most, and even though she is gone, will always be the greatest influence on my life. Why? Because she said what she meant, and she meant what she said.........honestly....lol....................I've never put the word tyrant anywhere near a description of my mom.

With this, description....
1 a: an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution b: a usurper of sovereignty2 a: a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally b: one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

Well, its going alittle over the top....

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