Hawkeye in Ultimates: weakest member?


Jan 28, 2001
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I love The Ultimates as much as everyone else, but I have to wonder what Hawkeye is doing there. Is he super-human in any way, apart from his incredible aim? And even then...he's got a bow-and-arrow!

Props to Mark Millar for giving him good scenes (such as the "matrix lobby scene" tribute in Vol.2) but I have a lot of trouble believing this.

Why a bow and arrow, also, instead of any other weapon? I just don't think Hawkeye would have much to contribute with Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and Giant Man on the team.
Well, if you've read his appearances in Ultimates 2, you'd see he has a lot to offer. The man is a card-carrying badass, and sometimes, that's enough.
Well, it's a government team. Each memeber brings an area of expertise. Hawkeye is black ops stealth. He's the assasin. Captain America may be able to beat up cyborg terrorists, but I doubt he could infiltrait a heavily gaurded terrorist camp, take out their leader, and do so by keeping the casualties to a minimum. And as for why a bow and arrow: It's probaboy just what he's most comfortable with. And, if you make it right, an arrow will peirce a bullet proof vest.
Arrows are also versatile. He can use them in a variety of different ways. There's net arrows, gas arrows, explosive arrows, etc.

and I agree with Harlekin, you should see the **** he pulled off in vol 2. He's as good as Bullseye.
Read Ultimates 2 #10 and shut yo mouth.
Thats finger nails. Thats right. Plus he took down Colossus.
Point is hawkeye is a badmuffo. Thats why he's on the governement team. Unfourtantly the wolverine of the ultimate universe isnt as badass .
I would have to say yes, he does have powers..even if he doesnt in the handbooks..

killing people with fingernails and doing what he did last issue was superhuman.
Actually, it isn't. One could. theoretically, flick something like a fingernail into someone's neck like that. You'd just have to be highly skilled and seriously ****ed in the head to try and pull it off.
I recall my uncle loosing an eye when my father cut his toe nails and one shot off into his retina.
Hawkeye certainly was the weakest member of every team he's ever been on in 616. He's got a bow, he can't hear ****, and he's a vapid lunkhead.

So, Ultimate hawkeye is only the second Ultimate character I like more than the original. Huh.
Anubis said:
I recall my uncle loosing an eye when my father cut his toe nails and one shot off into his retina.
That has to be the suckiest way to lose an eye. He should never tell anyone that's how it happened. He should make up some **** about being in a war, or defending a woman from a gang of thugs or something
rigel7soldiers said:
Hawkeye certainly was the weakest member of every team he's ever been on in 616. He's got a bow, he can't hear ****, and he's a vapid lunkhead.

So, Ultimate hawkeye is only the second Ultimate character I like more than the original. Huh.
being a 'lunkhead' as you call him is what always made him a great character

and he's hardly useless. He took down the Thunderbolts singlehandedly
Anubis said:
Thats finger nails. Thats right. Plus he took down Colossus.

What issue number was that??
You know, for years he told me he lost it in a fight. It wasn't until like a couple of years ago that my father told me what really happened. I've lost all respect for ole uncle patch.
What issue number was that??

What when he got Colossus? That was during Ultimate War. After Colossus had beat up Thor, he shot him with a Localized Nucular Arrow. I s**t you not.
Elijya said:
being a 'lunkhead' as you call him is what always made him a great character

and he's hardly useless. He took down the Thunderbolts singlehandedly

I guess. I just don't feel like he's all that mightiest a hero. Also, really? Even Zemo? huh.

One thing I wish was acknowledged more often about Hawkeye is his deafness. There's a hundred dumb gags that could stem from that.
A localized nuclear arrow?

You mean he shot an arrow that had the power of a nuke in it!?

Now I know why I love Ult. Hawkeye even more.

Wait...616 Hawkeye is deaf? Wha?
rigel7soldiers said:
I guess. I just don't feel like he's all that mightiest a hero. Also, really? Even Zemo? huh.
No, this was after the TBolts betrayed Zemo and went off on their own. They were kinda directionless, but then Hawkeye thought they had potential, being a reformed villain himself, and offered to lead him. They didn't trust him, and they fought, and he whooped their asses
Nick Eastwood said:
A localized nuclear arrow?

You mean he shot an arrow that had the power of a nuke in it!?

Now I know why I love Ult. Hawkeye even more.

Wait...616 Hawkeye is deaf? Wha?

More like the power of a dirty bomb.

And yeah, 80 % deaf in both ears.
Anubis said:
What when he got Colossus? That was during Ultimate War. After Colossus had beat up Thor, he shot him with a Localized Nucular Arrow. I s**t you not.

Freakin sweet. I still haven't read that.
Nick Eastwood said:
A localized nuclear arrow?

You mean he shot an arrow that had the power of a nuke in it!?

Now I know why I love Ult. Hawkeye even more.

Wait...616 Hawkeye is deaf? Wha?

Not entirely deaf, but 80% in both ears. Something about shoving a sonic arrow in his mouth to resist hypnosis. I guess he's got hearing aids, or something.

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