Help me color my Venom!


Jul 11, 2005
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Critiques also not a bad thing. I'm wondering what your suggestions would be for him, especially the veins on him. The veins are part of the shading, but I think I want them to be blue or purple, but I need a second opinion. Should I color all of them a wash blue or purple, or just the individual veins? I'm using colored pencils.

Wow a whole 24 hours hours and your :whatever: ing give people chance?

Just my sense of humor, don't take offense by it, because I wasn't aiming to insult. Figured I should post something in case someone actually was going to give me advice if I already finished.
So why ask for advice if you were just going to go right ahead and finish it anyway?
So why ask for advice if you were just going to go right ahead and finish it anyway?

Because I was in a hurry and figured it was worth a shot to see if I could get some quick advice.
Only advice I can think of is work on drawing before you start coloring.

And use rulers.
Only advice I can think of is work on drawing before you start coloring.

And use rulers.

Thank you very much. Once I get my hands on a ruler, or the money to buy one, I totally will.
Yeah as far as advice goes, I don't do much coloring myself, but getting a ruler or some kind of straight edge...thing, will help you a lot with your buildings/roads/etc.

Venom looks good, though I think his screen left thigh is a bit small.
did spidey give him that bump on his noggin?

No, he was actually out on a hot date with Mary Jane when he discovered a large fly in his soup. Enraged, he left the restaurant and got into his car, only to be stopped by a kitten crossing the road. Slamming his brakes, he went through the windshield and got a bump on his head.

How's that?

Mee: You're right, it is!

Geo7877: Being a jobless college student has its difficulties.
No, he was actually out on a hot date with Mary Jane when he discovered a large fly in his soup. Enraged, he left the restaurant and got into his car, only to be stopped by a kitten crossing the road. Slamming his brakes, he went through the windshield and got a bump on his head.

How's that?

Mee: You're right, it is!

Geo7877: Being a jobless college student has its difficulties.

You can't ask your parents to buy you a ruler? You can literally get one for a dollar.
Only advice I can think of is work on drawing before you start coloring.

And use rulers.

Thats probably the worst bit of advice you could give any artist...a proper artist would kick you hard in the goulashes for such a comment...thats like swearing.

Always always do your lines free hand. It doesnt matter if theyre not 100% straight,it always looks better in a picture to have free hand lines....No line in real life is ruler straight so why draw them that way?
Thats probably the worst bit of advice you could give any artist...a proper artist would kick you hard in the goulashes for such a comment...thats like swearing.

Always always do your lines free hand. It doesnt matter if theyre not 100% straight,it always looks better in a picture to have free hand lines....No line in real life is ruler straight so why draw them that way?

To get accurate perspective?
To have it not look like a child drew it?

Yes all lines aren't straight, but that can be adjusted later. If you don't start off with straight lines it will look bad.

I have no idea what you're talking about, I am a proper artist, everyone at my school is a proper artist and my teachers are proper artists and everyone I know (Who is good at what they do) uses rulers to get things right. :whatever:

Especially when the background involved buildings and perspective. You have to use a ruler if you want it to look right.

At the very least, use a ruler during the planning stages and work off of that. But straight freehand will get you into trouble if you're actually trying to get somewhere.

Painting is a slightly different story and you can get away with more, but again planning with T-squares and rulers will make the outcome much better.
that sounds more like graphic design than actual art...

i have done art since i was a young un and when ever i did buildings be it cottages,houses or even office buildings a ruler was never used and never needed.

it just looks too stick man and also if you start with a ruler straight line then draw over it with free hand then what is the purpose of the ruler line?its been drawn over?
that sounds more like graphic design than actual art...

i have done art since i was a young un and when ever i did buildings be it cottages,houses or even office buildings a ruler was never used and never needed.

it just looks too stick man and also if you start with a ruler straight line then draw over it with free hand then what is the purpose of the ruler line?its been drawn over?

Perspective is very precise, you can't just free hand it randomly. 1 point, 2 point, 3 point. You can fake it but it will look off.

If you honestly think that using a ruler makes it graphic design, you have no idea what you're talking about. I'd say 90% of comic book artists use rulers for the backgrounds, why? Because it's what works.

Rulers/straight edges are a necessity. Especially when drawing buildings or rooms.

Feel free to post some of your non-straight edged work.
Geo7877: I'll be grabbing a ruler from someone tomorrow, actually, I am in need of one. I agree with what you have to say about perspective, thanks!

Nightwing: I also appreciate what you hae to say about making sure nothing is really ruler straight, you're right about that, thank you. But I'll probably still use one for foundation.

EdRyder/CunningStunts: Thank you both as well! :woot:

Again, I respect everyone's opinion here, no matter how harsh. I may sound like a dick when I reply, but I wouldn't ask if I wasn't going to listen. You all rock!
Thats probably the worst bit of advice you could give any artist...a proper artist would kick you hard in the goulashes for such a comment...thats like swearing.

Always always do your lines free hand. It doesnt matter if theyre not 100% straight,it always looks better in a picture to have free hand lines....No line in real life is ruler straight so why draw them that way?

... Are you an artist, dude? I've been drawing for over a decade now, and I think I've learned quite a bit in that short time.

Artists in any book, class, etc. will tell you specifically to use a ruler, especially for perspective lines. It's damn near impossible to get persistent and accurate perspective without a straight edge.

Go back to art class. You've just told this entire board you need it without even directly saying so.
that sounds more like graphic design than actual art...

i have done art since i was a young un and when ever i did buildings be it cottages,houses or even office buildings a ruler was never used and never needed.

it just looks too stick man and also if you start with a ruler straight line then draw over it with free hand then what is the purpose of the ruler line?its been drawn over?

I'd like to see some of your stuff. Something tells me I'm not going to be impressed.
Perspective is very precise, you can't just free hand it randomly. 1 point, 2 point, 3 point. You can fake it but it will look off.

If you honestly think that using a ruler makes it graphic design, you have no idea what you're talking about. I'd say 90% of comic book artists use rulers for the backgrounds, why? Because it's what works.

Rulers/straight edges are a necessity. Especially when drawing buildings or rooms.

Feel free to post some of your non-straight edged work.

Well im not a comic artist. I draw both abstract and still life and I also draw alot of wildlife - Birds etc.

When I get some decents pics done I will post them and show you that you dont need a ruler even for perspective sakes.

Ok so this picture I drew when i was 12 years old. Yes thats me holding it. The original is at my ex wifes house and as soon as I get hold of it I will post it on here. The water line of the horizon is just behind the puffins (its hard to see at present I know) but there was no ruler used to draw that line. I have been drawing for a long time and like I say, when I get some of my pictures back I will post them and prove to you im not just spouting cr*p thinking I know better.I am talking from some experience too.

The original is in colour and was done with pastels. And I will post it when I get it back.

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