"will Venom Look Like Venom"???


Oct 2, 2004
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Does anyone here know if "Venom" will look like the Venom in the comics??? I heard that some five minute footage was shown at the con and was wondering if they had shown finally shown him complete or not??:confused: :venom:
NUFFSAID2004 said:
Does anyone here know if "Venom" will look like the Venom in the comics??? I heard that some five minute footage was shown at the con and was wondering if they had shown finally shown him complete or not??:confused: :venom:
It's been reported that he looks close to how he does in the comics. The movie Venom, though, hasn't been shown in clear, complete form, yet.
I've seen the comic-con trailer, and they do show venom, but just his head, and it's really blurry. Looks good though, definently comic accurate.
ummmm, if you are so curious to know, why don't you just visit the spoiler section to find out?

Here you guys check out this site showing better quality pic of venom in SM3. Also news on future spiderman movies and there is a hint they will be taking venoms origins from ultimate spiderman. And a possible mysterio link with Bruce Cambell. http://www.internapse.com/
In the Extended Edition of Return of the King, they inserted the scene with a character known as "The Mouth of Sauron." They gave the actor ugly teeth and made prosthetics for his mouth. Then they digitally made his mouth look bigger. The effect was quite creepy and it looked quite believable. I wonder if they will use a similar technique for Venom. We already know that Grace went through over 4 hours of makeup each day.

I have a picture of the movie venom looks like I found it on google and yes he does look like he did in the comics
Better yet go to google. Type in venom from spiderman3 on image search. Eventaly you will find a couple pics. Pretty good pics. Plus i have no clue how to post!
lizard855 said:
Better yet go to google. Type in venom from spiderman3 on image search. Eventaly you will find a couple pics. Pretty good pics. Plus i have no clue how to post!

They are all fake though, so don't bother looking for them, its comic book pics, recolored photos, and action figures.
SolidSnake said:
They are all fake though, so don't bother looking for them, its comic book pics, recolored photos, and action figures.
Crap!!! Oh well thanks for that info I owe you one.
lizard855 said:
Crap!!! Oh well thanks for that info I owe you one.

The only real pics of Venom are the wallpaper that Sony released, the ComicCon trailer and the upcoming trailer. :up:
SolidSnake said:
The only real pics of Venom are the wallpaper that Sony released, the ComicCon trailer and the upcoming trailer. :up:
Thanks again:up:
as long as Venom doesnt look like this...


I'll be happy...hopefully they'll go with his classic look, without the giant tongue and slobber...

The Joker said:
as long as Venom doesnt look like this...


I'll be happy...hopefully they'll go with his classic look, without the giant tongue and slobber...

from what I saw of the comicon trailer, venom's tongue was pretty long. Like 2/3 the size of the one in the pic above.
The Joker said:
as long as Venom doesnt look like this...


I'll be happy...hopefully they'll go with his classic look, without the giant tongue and slobber...

I saw a long tounge and slobber in all the pics from the that I saw of him.
lizard855 said:
I saw a long tounge and sloober in all the pics from the that I saw of him.

um whats sloober?

and you saw these pics where? you kinda stopped mid sentence.
Spideyssuperfan said:
um whats sloober?

and you saw these pics where? you kinda stopped mid sentence.
So Iam bad speller big deal and I have no idea what the website was called but boy did it have good pics from spiderman 3:spidey:
so you found a site

with detailed, clear, and accurate pictures from spider-man 3 of venom?
Just keep doing search on internet and your bound to find something

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