"will Venom Look Like Venom"???

he's gonna tell you to search google like he did in a previous thread. Sadly there are no clear pictures of the REAL Venom yet. We will just have to wait until Sony releases one.
Spider-Girl™ said:
he's gonna tell you to search google like he did in a previous thread. Sadly there are no clear pictures of the REAL Venom yet. We will just have to wait until Sony releases one.
same here.
Know they are probaly fake but I thougt it would be cool to post these pics.
as long as he doesn't end up looking like rachel ray
My hope is that Sony NEVER releases pictures of Venom.

No one should see Venom until Spider-man 3 hits theatres.
Also I saw Venom, and he does look like Venom.
lizard855 said:
Know they are probaly fake but I thougt it would be cool to post these pics.



you are banished.:o
lizard855 said:
Know they are probaly fake but I thougt it would be cool to post these pics.
they are defenitley fake, they are from google pictures, and i remember someone making that as a manip.
It's been reported that he looks close to how he does in the comics. The movie Venom, though, hasn't been shown in clear, complete form, yet.
whay would they make venom look difrent! i'v seen the trailer he looks exactely the same well sort of:sym: *venom* *bite*
I like it this Venom is best as perfect pic
3dman27 said:
as long as he doesn't end up looking like rachel ray

Why not? She's beastly enough. :oldrazz: HAHA JUST KIDDING MAN!

But how about Rachel Ray plays that corny-ass She-Venom you can learn all about on Wikipedia? That'll at least make me respect Rachel a bit more.
Will Venom be a big buffed dude like in the comics or a more skinnier dude?
Alright! Now that's cool, he's the buffed and muscled kind of type, I like that.
I paused the end of the leaked trailer just to see what he looked like, and they sold me on it. Looks very good to me, I imagine that they could modify his suit a bit, probably a smaller Venom-spider logo. Otherwise they've got it spot on. I expect it to be more like the Venom from the 80s with the big teeth, and less tongue hanging out like Ultimate Venom or something, though I do expect a large tongue, I don't expect it to constantly hang out. We'll see.
I was able to watch the leaked trailer on google..it rockz! theres new dialog and a lotta new clips. and of course the venom at the end! oh yeah!

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