Welcome, and I think you'll find yourself in good company with X-men fans on this board!
Well, you've been to two of the best sites for basic X-men info that are currently active on the net. I'd also recommend you visit GambitGuild.com for a primarily Gambit focus, but it is not active at the moment.
As to your first question, Gambit's original mutant powers include:
1) Transforming existing potential energy into kinetic energy. He "excites" the molecules of any inorganic object that he touches directly with his body to the point where they destabilize and the object explodes. (Wow, that sounds naughty. But then Remy-mentions tend to have that kind of effect on innocent sentences, lol.) He can adjust this ability (commonly referred to as "charging" objects with kinetic energy) to create a variety of effects - for example, create time-delayed explosions, blowing up an entire floor or vehicle, making things glow, warming/heating things up, using something like his adamantium staff to conduct an explosive charge, even charging the air molecules beneath something he's standing on so as to launch himself onto a higher platform during a fight). He can even "charge" and then remove the kinetic energy of an object, restabilizing the molecules to render it inert.
So yeah, he mostly blows things up - usually using playing cards as projectile weapons because a) they're a cool metaphoric visual, b) they're small, light, easy to buy and carry, c) they pick up a "charge" quickly, d) he can toss them with accuracy (although he has deadly aim with any thrown object).
2) Enhanced agility and speed. I'm not sure if this was ever officially classified as a mutant ability, but he has shown himself to be as fast as beast and wolverine at times, so I'd say yeah, it's part of his powers. And he's well known for his acrobatic-slash-streetfighting style of defense/combat, and using them while breaking-and-entering secured facilities.
3) Empathic "charm" ability. Again, not sure if this was ever officially established as part of his mutant abilities, but he's been known to talk his way out of bad situations more than once, not even taking into consideration his success with women. I think even a male bad guy once told Gambit "even I was almost charmed by those pretty words of yours" or something of that nature. Also, telepaths like Professor Xavier have found it difficult to track him/read his mind because something about Gambit blocks out part of their abilities.
Gambit's powers of energy manipulation (if left unchecked/untampered with) have at points enabled him to "charge" objects just by looking at them, and would eventually have evolved into control of time and space itself.
Hope that helps a bit. Gambit's a really cool character, but has been screwed up badly by writers in the most recent comics. Someone else is gonna to have to tell you what powers Gambit has in his current incarnation as a Horseman of Apocalypse aka "Death"...