History Channel Discussion Thread

Arkady Rossovich

Jul 22, 2005
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I often watch the History Channel,because of plenty that it has on. This thread is for the discussion of anything HC related,as a matter of fact..there is going to be a special comming on. What it would be life if the world had no people on it,how would the world be like.
The Universe is one of my favorite shows. No joke. :o
saw it lastnite...spooky spooky..scary
I often watch the History Channel,because of plenty that it has on. This thread is for the discussion of anything HC related,as a matter of fact..there is going to be a special comming on. What it would be life if the world had no people on it,how would the world be like.

dammit! Missed it! Was going to watch it but had some pc problems :csad:
saw it lastnite...spooky spooky..scary

What was some of the stuff they discussed?

I'm curious about it but have such an extreme phobia of death I'm afraid to watch it.
it stated that ..well the world as we know it would change in a big way..If you saw "I AM LEGEND"..thats what the world would look like. Nature would take back the earth..trees, and plants would be all over the place.Wild animals would roam the streets looking for food and so forth
When will Ice Road truckers return? I saw the special,and it was interesting. The world would benefit greatly from Humans dissapearing..you almost want it to happen..
I love the History Channel, but I missed the special that you were talking about. I said to myself I would watch it but I totally forgot.
I don't have the cable. [cheap bastard]
So, I'm all about preparing for the end.
Has anyone seen the previews for the AX-Men? It looks so much like the X-Men,but it looks interesting.
The history channel single handley neutered and ruined Rome... the fools, they censored out everything that made the show good in the first place. Booooooooooooooooooooooooo

But Dogfights is now like my favorite show on the channel... awesome show
Battlefield 360 is good. I'm wondering when Ice Road Truckers will come back,Ax Men looks to be a new hit. But do they really call them selfs Ax Men? I'm also wondering about Monster Quest,I thought it was a really good show..a possible new season?
Dude, I like Ax Men, Mail Call, Wild West Tech, and Modern Marvels. I'm still waiting for Human Weapon to come back.

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