How do you feel about a Black Widow movie?

Given his background, Joss Whedon is even more suited to directing (or, at the very least, writing or rewriting) a Black Widow film than he was to directing The Avengers, and, if he were involved, I'd absolutely love to see a Black Widow solo project.

I do agree with the others that have said that Hawkeye should be involved as well, primarily because of the backstory between him and Widow that was hinted at in The Avengers.
I'd love to see a Black Widow film! And her first enemy should be a modern day HYDRA or A.I.M.
Hawkeye/Black Widow movie
Yes - definently Black Widow, Hawkeye. Also, bring in Black Panther and/or Iron fist. It's time Marvel brought in a strong black MCU character, and they can get a leg up from this BW movie idea
Yes - definently Black Widow, Hawkeye. Also, bring in Black Panther and/or Iron fist. It's time Marvel brought in a strong black MCU character, and they can get a leg up from this BW movie idea

Agreed, I had intended to add that to my original post. Past time a black superhero was adapted well and I would love for Marvel to nail it. Black Panther would be great but Cage could also be done well, especially if you release a Cage solo film the same summer as Iron Fist, then follow them both up with an H4H. Nerdvana!
Actually, Black Widow did use the things on the back of her wrists in the movie. They were a kind of taser weapon, which she used to electrocute some of the Chitauri.
Everytime I watch Salt I feel like that would be a great way to make a Widow movie, in the comics shes famous for being a double sometimes triple agent its what shes best at. There is also a story where russia brings in a new black widow to prove herself by taking down Natasha its a pretty good comic that has great character moments just ready to be adapted for film.
Everytime I watch Salt I feel like that would be a great way to make a Widow movie, in the comics shes famous for being a double sometimes triple agent its what shes best at. There is also a story where russia brings in a new black widow to prove herself by taking down Natasha its a pretty good comic that has great character moments just ready to be adapted for film.

I agree! :woot:

She is the Russian Spy!
Marvel Studios and Scarlett Johansson have been entertaining the possibility of a Black Widow solo movie for a couple of years now, and I think The Avengers is definitely going to spark some interest in one, especially with how the movie left some aspects of her past open for interpretation.

Personally, I'd be interested in seeing a movie that encompasses both Black Widow and Hawkeye. Maybe the movie could have a dual story, one that shows her origin, and another that takes place in a present day post-Avengers setting. I'd imagine the movie could be a high-adrenaline spy/action movie with possibly a more grim and worldly tone than the rest of the MCU movies.

What do you think? Would you be up for this movie, or would you rather they do something different? Post your ideas/wish list, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts. :woot:

I'd rather see a SHIELD movie featuring BW, Hawkeye and Fury. Maybe use it to introduce characters like Carol Danvers.
I agree! :woot:

She is the Russian Spy!
Have you seen the unrated directors cut of Salt it is exactly what I would want to the point that I wish Marvel could have gotten their hands on the script, modified it and used it as a launching pad for Natasha. The unrated extended cut was amazing as well.

She also has another story called "Deadly Origins" which focuses on how she became who she is and how someone from her past is trying to kill everyone she has ever truly cared for and she has only a matter of time to stop them, it's another great read. She definitely has some interesting stories that can be adapted if marvel wants.
If it was directed by Joe Wright, I would loose my mind with awesomeness!
I'd rather see a SHIELD movie featuring BW, Hawkeye and Fury. Maybe use it to introduce characters like Carol Danvers.

I don't want another team movie just yet. The benefit of the MCU is that you can use the solo movies to do the majority of the chacter development and then roll them into the team film for the BIG events.

However, you could focus a movie on her and still have Hawkeye and Shield a major role.

In the movie she references her history with Hawkeye. Her solo film could be the story of Hawkeye and Shield hunting her after she is burned by her own organization. She has to reconcile who she really is while being hunted by the worlds most lethal killers. In the end she is caught and spared by Hawkeye and joins Shield.

Then the Shield movie could be the team going after her former employers in an espionage/techno slugfest.

I would go see that.
I don't think two hours of Scarlet would be quite as good as the ten minutes we got in AVENGERS.

I'd much rather see a SHIELD prequel, showing the origins of SHIELD, Fury and Coulson's relationship, more of Maria Hill, and of course, the development of Hawkeye and Widow, and their redemption/mutual respect. A story about two assassins growing to respect each other could be very, very good.

Make Black Widow one of the villains, add some Winter Soldier type elements, and maybe Hydra or AIM, and go to town.
Black Widow and Hawkeye movie, after all that teasing in The Avengers, they HAVE to do one to explore the circumstances under which the two met up and just what the hell happened there. We haven't seen much of Hawkeye's background in the movie unfortunately. That needs to be fixed, ASAP.
Black Widow and Hawkeye movie, after all that teasing in The Avengers, they HAVE to do one to explore the circumstances under which the two met up and just what the hell happened there. We haven't seen much of Hawkeye's background in the movie unfortunately. That needs to be fixed, ASAP.

I agree! thats the thing I really want to see if they got their own movie!:woot:

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