How do you like your eggs?


Jun 27, 2006
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Plenty of options. Tell us how!
Scrambled with salt & pepper, and on a biscuit with grits and bacon. That's right, a bacon, egg & grit biscuit.
Scrambled with cheese or no cheese, sunny side up or over easy.

but that when i do eat eggs which isnt very often.
scrambled with salt and pepper.
Scrambled with cheese or no cheese, sunny side up or over easy.

but that when i do eat eggs which isnt very often. that's like 4 different ways. Do you have multiple personalities or something?
A english muffin, topped with melted cheddar cheese, two slices of bacon, a slice of ham, an egg, a tomato, and a bit of hollondaise (sp?) sauce.

Omelette w/Cheddar, Peppers, and Onions
Scrambeled, with pepper, and a few strips of bacon so I can break them and put them in the cheese, with a side of grits with sugar on it
scrambled w/ pepper and Lawrey's seasoning salt or in an omlette w/ spinach, bacon and cheese :up:
Scrambled with a bit of black pepper. Yummy.
Scrambled, and I like Farmer's Omelettes also. And I can make a killer pepperoni omelette also.
Scrambled, and I like Farmer's Omelettes also. And I can make a killer pepperoni omelette also.

I forgot about the roni!! Roni in an omlette almost makes it kinda like a pizza :D
Got a better one. On the Coronary Bypass Burger at The Vortex in Midtown Atlanta.

I used to like my eggs scrambled, but now I order it over-easy almost everytime.

I also love omelettes with sausage, onion, mushroom, diced peppers, and lots of cheese. :D
scrambled, preferably with one yolk and four or five albions
A parade should be thrown in your honor...


I forgot about the roni!! Roni in an omlette almost makes it kinda like a pizza :D

It all depends on the type of cheese you use. If you want a pizza, use mozzarella. I prefer American or cheddar myself. Oh, and a bit of tabasco sauce for a little kick.

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