I wasn't completely serious either

But really, I have heard people talk about art and all they did was come off as pretentious. Interesting people to me formulate own thoughts and opinions and try to broaden their horizon and they don't do it out of self-importance but because they want to get more out of life than what is at the surface.
Exactly, talking about art shouldn't even really be thought about as something that elevates you to some kind of intellectual social kudos, it should just be treated as something that you engage in as it interests you.
I mean, I will not force it if I am not feeling the notion to write up posts on films or comics, sometimes i am just not feeling that inspired or am sick or tired, and if you force it it can come off as wonky or pretentious. It should always be done with much love for the subject, not caring what others think of your opinion, and doing it out of a desire to share ideas and notions on how art could be improved for our benefit, whether for just simple entertainment , or philosophical, intellectual nourishment.
edit: sure, we all have our egos, and we like to have the respect of our peers, and people we also respect, that is natural and healthy, it just should not become some running battle of the egos between people.
At the same time, people who are unpredictable are interesting to me - people who have a strange variety of hobbies or something, things that make you wonder what makes them tick.
Yeah, there was this tv series called 'Outsider Art' that Jarvis cocker of the band Pulp hosted on the UK's channel 4 back in the 90s. He interviewed lots of eccentric artists who did very interesting works, there was this guy who did amazing big multi-coloured sculputures in the midle of the desert and stuff. I mean, I used to tape and watch tv shows on artists back then, and i mean old Renassiance , impressionist guys, but this show was far more interesting to me, these artists were following no traditions but their own fevered imaginations.
For me, it's not about being at the center of attention because a lot of the time those people need the attention to distract from their lack of substance. Still waters run deep. Of course, if you never voice your opinion or are part of the action, no one will ever know you and thus will never know whether you're an interesting person or not.
People who don't say anything aren't boring to me. More like frustrating because they make me curious about what they're thinking. People who don't have anything to say bore me. Sometimes the two correlate.
Yeah, there are no set rules to these things, it is a case by case basis.
As for me, I don't think that I'm terribly interesting company. I'm not shy but the quiet type nevertheless, at least in large groups. If I don't feel like I can contribute anything to a conversation, I don't. If I feel like I can, I do. But often someone else has my opinion covered and I find myself observing the others more which might also be because I'm a writer. But I can be very social and animate, talking a lot, depending on my mood and if I can be bothered. Yeah, I'm a bit lazy in that regard.
As far as personal interests go... well, I'm studying the Latin philology of the Middle Ages amongst other things and I'm sure that a lot of people don't find that interesting
at all. When I tell them, they always look at me like I grew a second head. But I also love to talk about popculture (videogames, movies etc.) or even girly stuff (don't worry, I am a girl


. And I have quite a few hobbies aside from reading books so I think I'm not too bad. But I'm sure that there are people I don't share any interests with and to whom I would be as boring as they are to me.
Well, you just sound like a healthy well adjusted person to me, keep up the good interpersonal work, and good luck with all that Latin stuff, I don't know what that is all about, but I respect that you find all that old Knights of the Round table/Jesus stuff interesting enough to dedicate a sizable amount of time to. edit; even if it is something I would not be into myself, that doesn't mean i would think it was boring, ie a waste of time.