Justice League How Man of Steel can spark other DC films


Jun 18, 2007
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So Goyer has talked about how the events of Man of Steel could be the sort of catalyst for other films leading up to the Justice League, so what are some ways each character could tie in?

I see the Kryptonian invasion as sort of a 9-11-type event in this universe, something that majorly effects the world from here on out, inspiring other super-powered people to become superheroes. It'd be cool to see the invasion in other films as it happens from other characters' perspectives. Some ideas (in a somewhat chronological order of how it could go down)...

The Flash - He could have already tapped into the Speed Force and acquired his powers, using them to help people in secret. He isn't inspired to suit up until the appearance of Superman.

Green Lantern - Perhaps they send Abin Sur to investigate after the invasion, or maybe Hal Jordan or John Stewart is already the Lantern of this sector, but has mostly been patrolling other planets.

Wonder Woman - Maybe the Amazons on Themyscira have kept hidden all this time, but once the invasion starts attracting other alien races and such, they realize it's time to send a warrior of their own to help defend the world from these new threats.

Aquaman - Similar to Themyscira, Aquaman could show up to help defend Atlantis from invasion.

Martian Manhunter - As in the animated series, he could come to Earth to warn the people about an incoming alien threat attracted by the recent invasion. He could be the one to wrangle the team together, the "Nick Fury" of this series.

Batman - Bruce Wayne could have already been operating as Batman in the shadows, maybe reluctant to identify himself as a "superhero" and get involved with the others once they go public. He's probably the last one to join the team. Perhaps Wayne Industries lends a hand to the city of Metropolis after all the destruction (teaming up with LexCorp?).

Other ideas?
I agree with all of it to an extent. That could be the route for Martian Manhunter, "warning people of a threat" but I would rather he warns the League who have already been formed. I do not want him or anybody else "forming" the league of Justice "Nick Fury" style. Unless it's the World's Finest.

Flash and Green Lantern can't exist as heroes yet. Barry has to get his powers post MOS.

The more I think about it..i don't think they need a Flash or Green Lantern movie before JL. They can be explained rather quickly in a WF or JL #1. I don't think a Flash movie should happen before the big team-up unless they cast a big star (Gosling, Hunnam) because I can't see a supporting cast of large actors in a story like that, which is what they'll need if they cast a young unknown.

If they're thinking of any films to build up the League outside of Supes/Bats it should be the epic origin for Wonder Woman and the epic origin of Aquaman. And how they can tie-in? Just like you said.
Just curious, why can't Barry get his powers before MoS? It might feel too convenient if superpowers don't crop up until after Superman, unless he is somehow involved with how everyone gets their powers. Since the Speed Force is its own thing, I see no reason why Barry couldn't be using his powers in secret beforehand. It's not until Superman becomes the world's first "superhero" that he gets inspired to don a suit and fight crime.

I do think a World's Finest movie should happen, preferably before Justice League. I wouldn't mind a Green Lantern/Flash team-up movie too (possibly titled The Brave and the Bold?), but that could easily happen after the Justice League, which could establish them as friends first.
Good call on this thread!

-- Spoiler Alert! --

I just got back from my second viewing and this time I was prepared to look for these kinds of things. I have opinion listed here:

- Emil Hamilton either died or went to the Phantom Zone. For a Justice League movie, wouldn't it be possible for a Brainiac or Darkseid to 'rescue' the Kryptonians caught in the Phantom Zone? That would be one tough army seeking revenge on Superman after he killed Zod. The could work in tandem with an existing force to really challenge the League. Emil Hamilton would be a great way of relating what happened to Superman, setting up the plot.

- Amanda Waller could be introduced to 'protect' the US from super-humans, citing all of those that died in Metropolis as a catalyst. This could give us development on Cyborg's technology.

- VFX point: The Flash's 'speed' could be shown as time slowing down around him, similar to Smallville's. Since the Kryptonians were given a more reasonable level, the Flash can make more of an impact with the League.

- That Kryptonian tech that the US military learned a little about in Kal's ship could lead to them learning how to teleport, mainly because of the Phantom Zone adjustments. Watchtower, Cyborg, boom tubes, it's all in play now if it fits with the story.

- The Green Lantern Corps would fit perfectly into the 'new reality' that's been established. To link it to Hal, Ferris has to be making a lot of money selling new planes to the government. They made need to test some of the new models. ;)
Just curious, why can't Barry get his powers before MoS? It might feel too convenient if superpowers don't crop up until after Superman, unless he is somehow involved with how everyone gets their powers. Since the Speed Force is its own thing, I see no reason why Barry couldn't be using his powers in secret beforehand. It's not until Superman becomes the world's first "superhero" that he gets inspired to don a suit and fight crime.

I do think a World's Finest movie should happen, preferably before Justice League. I wouldn't mind a Green Lantern/Flash team-up movie too (possibly titled The Brave and the Bold?), but that could easily happen after the Justice League, which could establish them as friends first.

Superman is the first superhero with a costume in this world, at least one that is visible. Only Batman, Wonder Woman or Aquaman would get away with that IMO. Batman because he could be in the shadows (I don't think he makes the suit until Superman arrives though). Aquaman/Wonder Woman because of their undiscovered territory.

It feels too convenient if Flash gets his superpowers before. It makes sense and is an easy transition if Flash gets his superpowers and it's linked to something that happened during the alien invasion.

Flash/GL should have a team up movie rather than solos for each. But I don't think solo films are that necessary for these two characters. Im afraid after seeing MOS and the Kryptonian part, any GL movie is going to feel like a 2 hour version of that. Is there something unique with Flash's origin that hasn't been done?

Wonder Woman's origin offers something new.
Good call on this thread!

-- Spoiler Alert! --

I just got back from my second viewing and this time I was prepared to look for these kinds of things. I have opinion listed here:

- Emil Hamilton either died or went to the Phantom Zone. For a Justice League movie, wouldn't it be possible for a Brainiac or Darkseid to 'rescue' the Kryptonians caught in the Phantom Zone? That would be one tough army seeking revenge on Superman after he killed Zod. The could work in tandem with an existing force to really challenge the League. Emil Hamilton would be a great way of relating what happened to Superman, setting up the plot.

- Amanda Waller could be introduced to 'protect' the US from super-humans, citing all of those that died in Metropolis as a catalyst. This could give us development on Cyborg's technology.

- VFX point: The Flash's 'speed' could be shown as time slowing down around him, similar to Smallville's. Since the Kryptonians were given a more reasonable level, the Flash can make more of an impact with the League.

- That Kryptonian tech that the US military learned a little about in Kal's ship could lead to them learning how to teleport, mainly because of the Phantom Zone adjustments. Watchtower, Cyborg, boom tubes, it's all in play now if it fits with the story.

- The Green Lantern Corps would fit perfectly into the 'new reality' that's been established. To link it to Hal, Ferris has to be making a lot of money selling new planes to the government. They made need to test some of the new models. ;)

I see a new Hal working in this world a lot better than John for starters, now that ive seen this movie.

I think Cyborg might have an interesting part in this universe. I think he may be important to the progression of the story. If they were to ever use him in ANY film universe, they need to make him matter as a founding member, and not a forced "black" character for the sake of diversity anyway. I think they'll do a good job and I agree with what you said about boom tubes, watchtower, etc.

Man..i want Brainiac to be next.

I see a new Hal working in this world a lot better than John for starters, now that ive seen this movie.

I think Cyborg might have an interesting part in this universe. I think he may be important to the progression of the story. If they were to ever use him in ANY film universe, they need to make him matter as a founding member, and not a forced "black" character for the sake of diversity anyway. I think they'll do a good job and I agree with what you said about boom tubes, watchtower, etc.

Man..i want Brainiac to be next.

Brainiac would be a great way to hint at the Lanterns too. Did you notice how they used Jor-El's 'shadow?' Pretty Brainiacesque, eh? ;)

Cyborg definitely can flourish within this universe. I like his New 52 origin the most, so I'd like to see him introduced via post-credit scene to hint at the JL. Another route could be the "Iron Patriot" angle. It could loop back to the events of MoS and my Amanda Waller point above.
Another point that I saw mentioned on the MoS boards. Remember those Kryptonian outposts that had what looked to be some violently dead skeletons? Could that be an element pointing to the Green Lantern villains, Thanogarians, Brainiac or new gods?
Something similar to how Marvel handled their universe with some these movies taking place somewhat simultaneously.

- Superman

Do whatever they're gonna do with him. I thought MoS was dope as hell.

- Batman

I think he should be operating in Gotham for awhile, but to everyone else in other cities (Metropolis, etc.) he's an urban legend like in the New 52. If they wanted to use Bale, I think they really f***ed up with TDKR. I like the movie, but it kinda made it hard for a JL because the general audience is so attached to that franchise.

- The Flash

Whatever origin or story they use would be ight, because Flash for whatever reason has always been somewhat untapped potential. Have it happen somewhat simultaneous with MoS.

- Green Lantern

In the minority here, but I actually liked Ryan Reynolds as Hal. He was pretty much the New 52 version to me, but the movie was just....bleh.
Have it set a little before MoS, but they should've had him strictly in Outer Space for the majority of the movie like the First Flight animated movie. Dealing with whatever threat while MoS was happening.

- Wonder Woman

This has always been kinda easy to me. Like Thor they should play up the mythology angle. They already do these Greek Mythology movies now anyway. Have that be the last movie before JL.

Just my 2 cents.
They need to do a Batman or Batman vs Superman type of movie to introduce the new version. And a Wonder Woman origin film full-on with the mythology. This should be the focus before they even think of the other heroes.

I really think Cyborg, Aquaman, Flash and Green Lantern can be referenced in the above solo films until we get our Justice League. Not that I would HATE a Flash announcement, if it's good then that's the end of that, but I just don't think a Barry Allen origin story is necessary. I think a Flash movie would work better after JLA.

The Trinity shouldn't be a film, but the actual trinity of characters should be the ones with their solo stories told before Justice League.
I don't think that we need a Trinity movie either. Flash and GL should be in to launch their respective franchises. The GL Corps could potentially be the most epic of the DCU because of how many characters are involved. The Flash needs to establish a villain. At this point, no in the GA can name any.
Sure, but after JLA. There's no way WB are green-lighting :-)hehe:) another Green Lantern movie anytime soon. Not this decade. Not before they re-introduce him in Justice League. If fans react strongly towards the actor/character, then he'll get his movie. Only then should a GL movie happen, all set in space.

Flash can go either way. I don't really mind if it's done well but their best bet would be to launch a non-origin film, establishing a villain like you said, after JL.

Clearly there's 2, maybe 3 other films happening not to mention MOS 2 before we get Justice League. It's enough to make reference to 3 or 4 characters through easter eggs.

We should all know by now that JLA will use Act 1 to set the whole thing up anyway.
They need to do a Batman or Batman vs Superman type of movie to introduce the new version. And a Wonder Woman origin film full-on with the mythology. This should be the focus before they even think of the other heroes.

I really think Cyborg, Aquaman, Flash and Green Lantern can be referenced in the above solo films until we get our Justice League. Not that I would HATE a Flash announcement, if it's good then that's the end of that, but I just don't think a Barry Allen origin story is necessary. I think a Flash movie would work better after JLA.

The Trinity shouldn't be a film, but the actual trinity of characters should be the ones with their solo stories told before Justice League.

I think a Trinity movie can work if done right and written well. I wrote this in another thread, but it works here:

If they were to do one more movie before Justice League what I would do is what I would call the Justice League prequel. The actual League itself isn't assembled, but you know through the course of the movie that these Superheroes like Flash, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and others do exist and are introduced and are doing their own thing until the time comes.

It starts out as a World's Finest Movie where Superman first meets Batman who both have a common case/goal to take care of and their journey into solving these cases takes them to different cities, not just Metropolis and Gotham but also Coast City, Central City etc etc. In each of these cities you would also incorporate cameo appearances of other heroes in their civilian identities like Barry Allen the Forensic Scientist, Hal Jordan the pilot or John Stewart the Marine veteran or John Jones the detective etc.

Then this journey takes a new turn, both Batman and Superman find themselves having to save the Queen and Princess of Themyscira from assassination(for example). Wonder Woman then follows both Batman and Superman. The World's Finest movie now morphs into a Trinity movie. You could even have a scene where Wonder Woman has to save both Superman and Batman thus making her cool among the audience.

I mean:


The end scene then teases the villain for the Justice League movie.

I would release it in May 2015(because I want a big 3 way nerdgasm war with pure-awesomeness like this vs Avengers 2 vs Star Wars VII, I mean who hasn't dreamed off great movies like these all coming out at the SAME TIME) and have Justice League released for April/Summer 2016.

I mean while both Batman and Superman have a big audience draw appeal themselves they could do more with it. Sometimes more can be good guys!! Watch from about 8:31-9:20 to see what I mean:

Get a batman solo film out asap. I think introducing him in Batman vs Superman would be cool but might confuse people seeing a new batman. Green Lantern 2 on a tighter budget with sinestro as the villain, rebooting GL is high risk bombing 2 origin stories. Get Wonder Woman out there and The Flash on tighter budgets also. I would really like to see Aquaman vs Wonder Woman. Im not into Cyborg i dont think hes needed even if star labs was mentioned in MOS.
Get a batman solo film out asap. I think introducing him in Batman vs Superman would be cool but might confuse people seeing a new batman. Green Lantern 2 on a tighter budget with sinestro as the villain, rebooting GL is high risk bombing 2 origin stories. Get Wonder Woman out there and The Flash on tighter budgets also. I would really like to see Aquaman vs Wonder Woman. Im not into Cyborg i dont think hes needed even if star labs was mentioned in MOS.

I think we can all agree here that a new Batman film is definitely too soon. I don't mean to spark another debate and open a can of worms here but people thought The Amazing Spider-Man was too soon and it was only 5 years after Raimi's last Spider-Man, heck I even knew people who thought The Amazing Spider-Man was in the same continuity. So a new Batman movie would definitely be too soon.
Either a solo for Bats or WF would work as a great introduction. Just don't introduce him in JL and don't bite Nolans style, please.

I think we can all agree here that a new Batman film is definitely too soon. I don't mean to spark another debate and open a can of worms here but people thought The Amazing Spider-Man was too soon and it was only 5 years after Raimi's last Spider-Man, heck I even knew people who thought The Amazing Spider-Man was in the same continuity. So a new Batman movie would definitely be too soon.
A spider-man movie wasn't too soon, it was the fact that it was an origin story. We're not getting another origin story or retirement story or a Two-Face origin OR a first meeting between batman and the Joker. Im sure we're also not getting Catwoman or any of the League of Assassins in this first movie.
A spider-man movie wasn't too soon, it was the fact that it was an origin story. We're not getting another origin story or retirement story or a Two-Face origin OR a first meeting between batman and the Joker. Im sure we're also not getting Catwoman or any of the League of Assassins in this first movie.

Yeah another origin story of Spider-Man was too soon. That's what I should have said. I agree that we certainly would not be getting any of the stuff that was already done.

I'd like to see Batman take on somebody superpowered. As I said before we need to show that metahumans exist in this world. So Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Clayface or Mr. Freeze(I'm including Mr. Freeze so if they want to introduce a copycat villain like Captain Cold for Flash they can do so.)
Black Mask and Penguin seriously need to be in this universe and same with Riddler. Metahumans exist so there's no reason to not include Freeze, Croc, Ivy or Clayface. Even if some of these are only shown in small doses.
Black Mask and Penguin seriously need to be in this universe and same with Riddler. Metahumans exist so there's no reason to not include Freeze, Croc, Ivy or Clayface. Even if some of these are only shown in small doses.

Yes but I think it would be nice showing that Batman always has to fight an uphill battle against people with obvious advantages compared to Batman. I'd like to see Bruce attempt to push himself to superhuman limits and try to compete with the super-beings in the world, reinforce that he's invulnerable and not totally OP. We should show that money can only get him so far. The new Batman should debunk what some fans think what Batman "is". I'm of course referring to the fans who go by the description in the video from 1:17-1:36 and from 4:02-4:10.


The main theme of this should be where does a guy like Batman fit in a world full of super humans, gods, aliens, mystical beings, mythical cities, other dimensions etc etc
No more watered down Batman please. I've spent my whole life seeing nothing but watered down versions of Batman on the big screen. I want THE Batman in all his might and glory. I think the world is ready for that. :up:
Even if Batman is rebooted by 2016, I'd like to see some parts of his origin.
No more watered down Batman please. I've spent my whole life seeing nothing but watered down versions of Batman on the big screen. I want THE Batman in all his might and glory. I think the world is ready for that. :up:

On a side note, has anyone noticed that Adam West's Batman may go down as being the most realistic? :huh:
Haha yeah, the most realistic and goofiest at the same time.

I cant believe how pumped I am now for new Batman, Bruce Timm/Scott Snyder style. Im gonna be so mad if we don't see that grey & black suit or if Armie Hammer is cast :funny:.
If it emulates Scott Snyder I'll consider the reboot a failure. His Black Mirror arc was great, but he's been downhill since Batman #6.
In many ways, Scott Snyder is the perfect Batman writer IMO. I'm not saying his stories are the best but what I mean by that is that he gets everyone right and manages to perfectly integrate all aspects of the Batman mythos in his stories. Regardless of what you like about Batman, that aspect is present in his stories (unless you're a fan of the Silver Age Batman). He manages to find a good balance from the tone to the balance between realism and fantasy to character portrayals to themes to everything else.

I also love the fact that his stories have an epic-in-scale film feel to them as well as some philosophical themes and ideas that the Nolan films also had. However, my personal favorite thing about Snyder's run is how 1980's/TAS Batman it feels. Batman's entire aura (specifically the detective side) and his language gives off a 1980's/early 90's/Batman TAS feel from Batman that I often don't see replicated in a lot of places. It's little things here and there like Batman saying "I deduced it" that give off that vibe. I absolutely love that. :woot:

As much as I like the guy though, I was a bit dissapointed with the way he concluded Court of the Owls. I really wasn't fond of the Court of Owls being taken out that fast. I would have much preferred if they were still around for a bit longer or if it was revealed that the Court of Owls was just something that Thomas Wayne Jr./Lincoln made up just to screw with Bruce's mind. However, that did not turn me off from Snyder's run, especially since the second arc with the Joker was so well done IMO.

I know this is extremely unlikely but I would love to see him write the Batman reboot.

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