How many animated movies will there be?


Definitely Not 40
Apr 4, 2004
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I know they have Ultimate Avengers, and they are planning a sequel along with Iron Man and Dr.Strange, but are they going to have any more after that?
They haven't mentioned any, but it's a safe bet that if these four do well, then more will be made.
So, my next question would be: How well is Ultimate Avengers doing?
Lion's Gate and Marvel have plans to do 10, I beleive.
Da Flash, are you f***ing kidding?!
Da Flash, are you f***ing kidding?!
What's up wit' dat, man?! How could he not know?
da flash said:
who are Iron Man and Dr.Strange
Some of MARVEL Comics greatest Superheroes, that's who!

Ironman is an normal man, a Billionaire, Tony Stark, he wears a cool suit of Armor that gives him his Super Abilities. Including Flight, and a Repulsor Ray. Check out

Dr.Strange is a Sorcerer. Very cool dude.
If they have some success with the ones they have done/planed (no idea what the Ultimate Avengers sales number look like), I would love to see them do some bigger storylines.

Secret Wars
Age of Apocalypse

All would rock.
Morgoth said:
Some of MARVEL Comics greatest Superheroes, that's who!

Ironman is an normal man, a Billionaire, Tony Stark, he wears a cool suit of Armor that gives him his Super Abilities. Including Flight, and a Repulsor Ray. Check out

Dr.Strange is a Sorcerer. Very cool dude.

Da flash wasn't asking who they were, he was answering the original question, in the manner of jepordy.

Funny - i'm from the uk, we don't have jepordy but i still got it.
The problem with these animated movies is that they are cheap and it shows. They look like crap and don't hold a candle to DC animation.
TheVileOne said:
The problem with these animated movies is that they are cheap and it shows. They look like crap and don't hold a candle to DC animation.

^The Ultimate Avengers looked pretty cool.
i'd like to see iron man and iron fist as well
I wouldn't mind Ultimate X-Men.
ultimate avengers didn't look THAT bad...i thought it was alright
I enjoyed Ultimate Avengers, thought the only problem was is was to short.
It was more watered down than alcohol at a nursing home.
TheVileOne said:
The problem with these animated movies is that they are cheap and it shows. They look like crap and don't hold a candle to DC animation.
They (or it, actually) don't hold a candle to DC in writing or voice acting either.
Ironfan72 said:
I enjoyed Ultimate Avengers, thought the only problem was is was to short.
Have you read the comic? Cause, like Rez's said, the comic makes the movie seem more shallow than a puddle.
I liked Avengers-apart from the length. I'm looking forward to 2 but I'm not crazy about BP's costume.
Avengers was on Cartoon Network the other night.
Ultimate Avengers was really good for the first half hour or so, but then it went downhill as they deviated more and more from the source pissed me off too because on the trailer on the F4 dvd it showed scenes right out of the comic (iron man slamming hulk into grand centeral station, hulk rampaging in new york city, etc.) that weren't even in the damn movie...they obviously had these scenes animated, why did they change it?
any cance oa marvel giving HERCULES prince of power an animated movie?
there's no point asking how many, how many good ones is a more realistic question to be proposing?
I like to see a DD animated movie...
I know that thay are planing a third Ultimate Avengers movie for summer 2008 and a animated Hulk movie for October 2008 and a animated Thor movie for April 2009 but I don't know what's planed for after that

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