How To Post An Embedded YouTube Video


Dealin' W/ Demons
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
I'm sorry if this aggravates anyone, but I have been fixing peoples embedded YouTube videos a little too often lately.

Here it is, step by step, folks!

1. Head over to YouTube and find the video you want.
2. Copy the highlited portion of the URL. (See Picture)

3. Start posting a reply, just like you normally would.
4. Click the little YouTube button. (See Picture)

5. This will put the YouTube tags up for you.
6. Paste what you copied in between them. (See Picture)

7. Click "Preview Post" to make sure it works. If it doesn't, repeat previous steps.
8. Click "Submit Reply"

I hope this helps, guys!
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May I add, before you submit post, hit the "Preview Post" first just to make sure you got it right. :up:
I'm sorry if this aggravates anyone, but I have been fixing peoples embedded YouTube videos a little too often lately.

Here it is, step by step, folks!

1. Head over to YouTube and find the video you want.
2. Copy the highlited portion of the URL. (See Picture)

3. Start posting a reply, just like you normally would.
4. Click the little YouTube button. (See Picture)

5. This will put the YouTube tags up for you.
6. Paste what you copied in between them. (See Picture)

7. Click "Preview Post" to make sure it works. If it doesn't, repeat previous steps.
8. Click "Submit Reply"

I hope this helps, guys!

Wow,that was really awesome!Thank you for that wonderful post.I really love it.
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Thanks for posting this, I'm tempted to Sticky it in the Forum
Giving this a bump. Mods, can we sticky this?
Why not just add a Youtube button like there is with the Picture button ?
there is a youtube button if you go advanced
Yeah, thanks for posting this. I'm one of those posters who hadn't done it this way. :ninja:
Now if only Hype would allow other flash based videos be embedded on here.
Like CNN, Dailymotion, Yahoo, AOL, and any other major sites that support flash videos. Pretty much have the forum be HTML friendly.
Well this post will make me start putting embedded youtube videos from now on thats for sure. thanks for the detailed information.
Dude... I was going crazy trying to figure this out! Thanks for this!
Wow. This is great information in simple steps and thanks for sharing this.
i don't think the hype has a plug-in or whatever it's called for vimeo
Awesome. I was wondering what the preferred method was on this forum.
Its easy dude. Just open your eyes and follow the instructions while drinking a cup of coffee. Coffee is a brain simulator:)
Question. Y not just post videos with the whole link? It's easier that way.
I know it's not exactly the right place to ask, but I can't see a How To description anywhere and it's kind of appropriate, how does one post pictures (taken from the net) into a post please, I've mastered the video / you tube (i.e. this thread) but not sure about pictures, as I say sorry for question being not directly dealt with in this thread. Also I'm old and not very tech savy.

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