"Hush Returns"
When Hush resurfaced, he did so with a vengeance. Still out to destroy Batman and determined not to let the rest of the villains get in his way, Hush quickly began to carve out a niche for himself, beating his former accomplice, the Riddler, within an inch of his life and even driving the Joker out of town. Hush also ended up killing Poison Ivy in a fruitless attempt to recruit her.
Hush Returns. Cover to Batman: Gotham Knights #60 (December 2004). Pencils by Jae Lee.
Hush Returns. Cover to Batman: Gotham Knights #60 (December 2004). Pencils by Jae Lee.
Following a short-lived alliance with JLA nemesis Prometheus, Hush then began to torment Bruce Wayne with the aid of an all-new Clayface. Exploiting the latter's shape-shifting abilities, Hush was briefly able to shed doubt on his true identity and apparently also had Wayne's butler Alfred Pennyworth framed for murder. His name has since been cleared, albeit through trickery.
[edit] Payback
The Joker eventually returned to Gotham City with an army of trained pigeons and retaliated (in Batman: Gotham Knights #73-74). He captured Hush and kept him sedated for three weeks, during which time he implanted a pacemaker into his body, effectively gaining control of his heart. At the Joker's mercy and unable to remove the device himself, Hush turned to the one man he felt he could trust (or rather, predict): Bruce Wayne.
Wayne consented to help Hush on the condition that he allow himself to be treated in and confined to Arkham Asylum. Hush agreed, and then immediately escaped after being told that the surgery had been a success. He was intercepted by Batman before he could confront the Joker, and the two men debated the merits of a code against killing such vile criminals. Hush demanded that Batman allow him to do what he wouldn't, and finish off the Joker once and for all. Batman seemed to agree and began to leave, but then revealed that he'd tricked Hush - the pacemaker was still in his body, and he'd been allowed to escape the asylum. At that moment the Joker arrived, and Hush began begging Batman not to leave him.
The issue (and the Batman: Gotham Knights series) ended unresolved. It remains to be seen what decision Batman made, although Hush returned in the recent Man-Bat miniseries."
I thought you were kidding about Joker The BirdMan. I guess Hush is alive then, according to trusty wikipedia updates.