Deathmatch Hype Deathmatch: Secret Invasion: R1M2: Fran vs. The Original Bamfer


Sep 10, 2004
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Hype Deathmatch
Secret Invasion

Round 1, Match 1

Franvs.The Original Bamfer

This is Hype Deathmatch "Secret Invasion", a Hype Deathmatch with a twist. Out of 36 players in this match-up, eighteen have been assigned as Skrull Aliens. The other half of the game board are humans. It's safe to assume that in any given match AT LEAST one player is Skrull.

Each match will last 3 days. Two will run at a time in the first round. The poster with the most votes moves onto the next round. The objective of the Hype at large is to determine which players are skrull and vote them out of the match. If you are unsuccessful in this then a Skrull player stands a good chance of winning the deathmatch and therefore taking over the Hype! Oh Noes!

  • All players in the match may talk openly about their affiliation, however I have encouraged any Skrull players (aliens) to lie about their Skrull status if they deem necessary. This means you can trust no one!
  • Please do not ruin the match for others by hacking into e-mail accounts or attempting to sweet talk information out of me (because it ain't happenin'). Anything I've sent these players via PM is confidential and should be treated as such.
  • Try to have fun with this! Don't take things too seriously, and don't think that anything in this game is personal. All Skrull players were chosen at random, all match brackets were chosen at random.
  • You may not change your affiliation and I will deny any requests to.
Enterthemadness vs. Enriquespy vs. KALEL114
Fran vs. The Original Bamfer
Jack Rabbit vs. Badger
POWder-Man vs. Colossal Spoons vs. Bullets
Matrixo vs. Specter313 vs. EL ASESINO
Cookiva vs. Spider-Fan vs. funeman 5

The Evolutionist vs. The Apocalypse
Warhammer vs. Themanofbat
AndthePickles vs. JP
BRUTAL vs. Kritish
Deep Thinkin'! vs. Halcohol
DBella vs. Superman79
Knowsbleed vs. hippie hunter
Holly vs. Darthphere
Immortalfire vs. Hunter Rider
Cmill216 vs. Matt
Enterthemadness vs. Enriquespy vs. KALEL114
Fran vs. The Original Bamfer
Jack Rabbit vs. Badger
POWder-Man vs. Colossal Spoons vs. Bullets
Matrixo vs. Specter313 vs. EL ASESINO
Cookiva vs. Spider-Fan vs. funeman 5

The Evolutionist vs. The Apocalypse
Warhammer vs. Themanofbat
AndthePickles vs. JP
BRUTAL vs. Kritish
Deep Thinkin'! vs. Halcohol
DBella vs. Superman79
Knowsbleed vs. hippie hunter
Holly vs. Darthphere
Immortalfire vs. Hunter Rider
Cmill216 vs. Matt

Got my votes in :up:
Why does it say Round one match one?


Asteroid-Man FTW!

I will lead the humans to victory against the alien scum.
I say we try the plan the New Avengers wanted to try in order to weed out Skrulls. Since Skrulls revert back to their alien form when unconscious; we should knock one person out at a time and see if they turn green and skrully.

Who wants to be first? :o
Spoons, you can prove your loyalty by bringing us the head of one of these filthy aliens
I say we try the plan the New Avengers wanted to try in order to weed out Skrulls. Since Skrulls revert back to their alien form when unconscious; we should knock one person out at a time and see if they turn green and skrully.

Who wants to be first? :o

Okay Luke. :o
I say we try the plan the New Avengers wanted to try in order to weed out Skrulls. Since Skrulls revert back to their alien form when unconscious; we should knock one person out at a time and see if they turn green and skrully.

Who wants to be first? :o

You can't knock them out, you got to kill them. That's how Skrullektra revealed herself.

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