Hype Diplomacy! (New Hype Game! Sign up here!)


IKYN Guy Groupie
Aug 9, 2000
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I am just gauging interest at the moment, so yeah, if you are interested in playing, sign up here. What is diplomacy you ask? Think Survivor meets Risk. It'll be tons of fun, gauranteed. So sign up today!

The perliminary set up of the game will be a team to represent each country. I am looking at five players per team. Each team will elect a president who is the only one who will correspond with the hosts regarding the team's orders.

Every 24 hours will count as a half of a year.Every half year you can move your armies. Then after you move them and I show the updated maps and who won and lost what, you will have 24 hours to negoitate and send me your next move. Throughout the game I will add aspects such as coups, foreign aide, perhaps even advanced technologies such as the A-Bomb or economics if I can figure out a way to incorporate it.
I would be willing to try...I would need to see more on how its handled
I just thought, you probably should of specified this was a game otherwise people may just think this thread is you telling everyone to be nice, judging by the thread name.
Sounds interesting, although I'm not clear on how it's played yet.
I would love to as stated, it all comes down to how its handled...the logistics of it..
I'm intrigued. I would be down to giving it a go.
Interesting....I will consider it....I am more interested on how it would be handled.....I think the negotiation stage would mean that everyone would submit their moves to the host...the next stage we see what happens and go from there....I don't think it would be too complicated to manage......
The perliminary set up of the game will be a team to represent each country. I am looking at five players per team. Each team will elect a president who is the only one who will correspond with the hosts regarding the team's orders.

Every 24 hours will count as a half of a year.Every half year you can move your armies. Then after you move them and I show the updated maps and who won and lost what, you will have 24 hours to negoitate and send me your next move. Throughout the game I will add aspects such as coups, foreign aide, perhaps even advanced technologies such as the A-Bomb or economics if I can figure out a way to incorporate it.
I wouldn't play this game if you kicked me!
I am going to suck at this but what the hell let the sucking begin :o If enough people sign up that is
I would play if it was as outlined like Malice said.
so how exactly do you sign up, do you just say you wanna play?
I'm Germany....

so, uh...where's Poland and Austria hanging out on the boards these days?
Newbie Mod! Sign Up!

*cackles evilly*

Did you have to kick me where Morg already kicked me? Ouch.

I am helping with the creation of the game.
Interesting....I will consider it....I am more interested on how it would be handled.....I think the negotiation stage would mean that everyone would submit their moves to the host...the next stage we see what happens and go from there....I don't think it would be too complicated to manage......

It will be as complicated or as simple as you'd like. Negotiation should be made with other countries. Alliances and support from them can be key. Then again, people have gone the entire game without even talking to another country and simply making their moves and won, so its not impossible.
I'm not really Germany by the way.

I might play though, sounds kinda fun.

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