Hype! High

I'm sure that poll wasn't there a minute ago.

Anyways, I'm Laid Back Guy. Not popular, not unpopular. A few close friends and that's all that matters.
I'm none of them...
Dark Carnage said:
I'm sure that poll wasn't there a minute ago.

Anyways, I'm Laid Back Guy. Not popular, not unpopular. A few close friends and that's all that matters.
bwahahahaha for a second there i thought it said "laid black guy":up:
Thats still better than virgin white guy. :mad:
I added the poll after I realized thing's would be better that way.
I'm the guy in the back row carving " Ban Spawn " into my desktop with a shuriken.
I couldn'l tag myself any of those. I'm a bit of a mixed bag.
Avalanche said:
I couldn'l tag myself any of those. I'm a bit of a mixed bag.

Yeah me too, I was like an honorary member in all those groups.
I'm the janitor's assistant that dropped out last year.
I was like a combination of the rebel, skater, honor student and popular kid. I had a lot of friends and knew pretty much everyone, but I wasn't obnoxiously popular and I was in all honors classes and managed to get decent grades even though I skipped class all the time. Oh, and I was the only kid in 5 years to skateboard down the hall. That was awesome. :up:
Actually, thinking back, I was a bit of a stoner, too. Well, for one year, anyway. :o
Invisible boy reporting for duty. *salutes*

Oh...this isn't about superpowers. Guess I should have known. What villain would run in terror from the sensational superhero "The Honor Student"?
X-Chick said:
I was like a combination of the rebel, skater, honor student and popular kid. I had a lot of friends and knew pretty much everyone, but I wasn't obnoxiously popular and I was in all honors classes and managed to get decent grades even though I skipped class all the time. Oh, and I was the only kid in 5 years to skateboard down the hall. That was awesome. :up:
freaking awesome new avatar:up:.
I'm the Loner, always a priviate person :up:

and Spawn you should have made this public
I dunno if I'm really listed up there. I was always the kid who got thrown out of class for being a jackass to the teacher. I got in alot of fights and I was a ****, but I was quiet and clever at times too. I was way smarter than I ever bothered to show in class, but I never applied myself and that's what came off the most. I also had to have the latest Jordan's and my clothes had to be perfect.

I wouldn't classify myself as the jock either, despite being a key member on the basketball team because I never got into that whole mentality. I guess I was more of a mix of just about everything up there with my main elements being the ones I listed. I was different things to different teachers... my math teachers loved me, my science teachers hated me... plus, I could be popular with some, but never cared to be popular with others... I was all over the place.
Kipobe said:
I dunno if I'm really listed up there. I was always the kid who got thrown out of class for being a jackass to the teacher. I got in alot of fights and I was a ****, but I was quiet and clever at times too. I was way smarter than I ever bothered to show in class, but I never applied myself and that's what came off the most. I also had to have the latest Jordan's and my clothes had to be perfect.

I wouldn't classify myself as the jock either, despite being a key member on the basketball team because I never got into that whole mentality. I guess I was more of a mix of just about everything up there with my main elements being the ones I listed. I was different things to different teachers... my math teachers loved me, my science teachers hated me... plus, I could be popular with some, but never cared to be popular with others... I was all over the place.

Then I guess that would mean you're just a jockish jackass.

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