I Have to Say it.....HML 3 Reviews.


Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
I ****ing strongly dislike the Brood queen......I don't like it...I was gonna say hate, but hate is a stong word.....I dislike how short she is....she should be longer...then possibly pewrfect.

Also if any one had brood queen pieces I would like to throw my hat into the ring for them (not the Hydra Agent piece,....I have five extra)

Hydra Agent is decent, good sculp ****ty artic

Cap is ****ing great, perfect Kirbyeasque version....love it

Bucky is alright.....looks a lot like the original photoshop we saw of partiot`s body and Bown Bucky`s head.....but decent

Black Knight looks ****ign great, but feels like cheap plastic.....he feels cheaper than all the others but looks a lot better....odd

Marvel Girl.....meh.....new character +, kinda ****ty and bad artic -

Colossus....odd, looking at this fig....kind of makes me fdeel that X3 Colossus``s skin falls off then his muscle turns to steel....the sinewey lines and stuff.....good fig though....love it.

Danger....meh and unnecessary

Cyke....great, I don`t like the costume, and I don`t think it needed a fig.....but then did a great job....if this is the future of HML then I am in for the long haul......love those double elbows and knees......love em
you say danger is meh b/c yours doesnt look like this
Well i wouldnt say meh either if it looked like that but the problem is hasbros looks NOTHING like that. Theyre getting better tho so i cant complain too much

So rough is x3 colosus good? I loved how he looked in the movie and hes my favorite from x3 so i was looking forward to him. Worthy of my ten bucks?
I'm really tempted to get the Cap. I gotta say I like Danger though (both the original and HC's). Of course, mine is a biased opinion.
harry,from the reviews ive been reading on colossus, people say he has great articulation and the sculpt is good, but people just say its bad b/c its a movie figure
its probably on of the best from the series, but i cant say that for a fact since i only have cyk and danger
I do have him...and he is cool.... If I were you (harry) I'd get the variant.....it is shiny silver Colossus.

i have the regular one...but I am also getting the variant!!! :)
And Rogh....IMO the Brood Queen is a great BAF....She even have a wash!
Danger is Meh, because I feel that she is an unecessary figure of a character that I don't think we'll see outside of Whedon's Astonishing..........but i would like an Ord.

As for the brood queen.....she's sculpted great and painted great......just think she should have been a bit bigger.....longer mainly...her legs are all too close together and the front arms (tendrils) but be because you can't do much with them.......for a figure this big she really has very very little articulation....

It could also be because I was really really really pumped for this fig and when i get it it doesn't live up to all the hopes I had.....i do that a lot with movies.
Oh. Ok then. It could have a bit more articulation...she have almost none. But is a nice BAf that way. I wasn't expecting much from her...maybe thats why we differ in this.
don't you feel she could/should have been longer?
I have some extra brood pieces...were you asking for some?
I was.....I need them all but the Hydra one.....Pwetty Please.....and that Clayface.
I was.....I need them all but the Hydra one.....Pwetty Please.....and that Clayface.

you don't need the colossus one either because I hear that the hydra agents tenticle can be used just as easy to replace the other one.
yeah, they actuall aren't the exact same....they are different. like the claw thingie on the end, plus the holes in the bendy rubber...should be on the bottom...if I used two hydras then the claw thing would face the wrong way and the holes would be on the top.
I do have him...and he is cool.... If I were you (harry) I'd get the variant.....it is shiny silver Colossus.

i have the regular one...but I am also getting the variant!!! :)

umm dude... there is no colossus variant
I ****ing strongly dislike the Brood queen......I don't like it...I was gonna say hate, but hate is a stong word.....I dislike how short she is....she should be longer...then possibly pewrfect.

Also if any one had brood queen pieces I would like to throw my hat into the ring for them (not the Hydra Agent piece,....I have five extra)

Hydra Agent is decent, good sculp ****ty artic

Cap is ****ing great, perfect Kirbyeasque version....love it

Bucky is alright.....looks a lot like the original photoshop we saw of partiot`s body and Bown Bucky`s head.....but decent

Black Knight looks ****ign great, but feels like cheap plastic.....he feels cheaper than all the others but looks a lot better....odd

Marvel Girl.....meh.....new character +, kinda ****ty and bad artic -

Colossus....odd, looking at this fig....kind of makes me fdeel that X3 Colossus``s skin falls off then his muscle turns to steel....the sinewey lines and stuff.....good fig though....love it.

Danger....meh and unnecessary

Cyke....great, I don`t like the costume, and I don`t think it needed a fig.....but then did a great job....if this is the future of HML then I am in for the long haul......love those double elbows and knees......love em

marvel girl rocks, bad articulation and no wash, but she still rocks

and colossus's skin becomes transparent in the movies when his muscles turn steel
It's been known at Fwoosh. I know you don't go over there, so I don't expect you to know. Comes in the same cases as the variant marvel girl. He's shiney.
i hardly call it a variant, its nothing a silver sharpie or paint could do in 15 seconds
Bah, people don't like the movie figures because they don't bother having a collection of them like I do.
Well, I don't go crazy over the movie figures because I just never bothered to. I didn't like some versions of figures, and just didn't pick up others. I didn't think X3 beast was horrible, but I already have like...3 beasts.
Its not a variant, its a running change. I collect movie figures myself just because to me its another take on our favorite characters, bad or good i dont really care. Same as super hero squad and minimates. Just something cool imo
so since u call it a running change, that mean its simply being changed?
don't you feel she could/should have been longer?

Well I would loved her in the old BAF scale.... But this is what we got....and it is not bad...but yeah...longer may have been better, but it would have to be wider too!

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