I love Batman Forever

The Kid

May 28, 2005
Reaction score
:confused: Ill just say it. The effort put into hating this and the sequel is ridiculously over the top, which I think is ironic. Now I loved this movie at some point in my life. Ill admit it. I know its crap now because of what "should" have been done instead, but Hypothetically speaking now, if you loved batman forever (maybe you do), what would you say you loved about it?

I loved the marketing.
I loved the hype and excitment while waiting in line to see batman for the first time on screen (yep first one I ever saw in a theater...)
I loved the suits (there's nothing wrong with the nipples you nitpickers)
I loved the music
I love the casting
I loved the look of the film, bright colors and lasers
I loved the fun atmosphere it had
I loved how it looked further into bruce's past. that was interesting.
I loved the spider-man part where batman has to save his friends from dropping to death.
I loved the over-the top dramatic visuals this had. like it was a comic come to life. sin city eat your heart out forever came first.
I love that it didn't take itself too serioiusly
I loved the batman forever cup I got from mcdonalds
I loved drawing the batman and robin from this movie at recess everyday
please continue if you have anything.:confused:
"loved the spider-man part where batman has to save his friends from dropping to death."

It was Spider-Man who copied BF so you said "I love the BF part where...."
they for some reason made riddler and two face both flamboyantly gay, robin was 30, and bruce got over his parents death...it was nowhere near as bad as Batman and Robin, but it was still pretty sucky.
I liked seeing Nicole Kidman semi-nude with only an angelic white silk sheet to cover herself. Too bad they didn't let her drop it (of course, you can see Nicole in all her glory in Malice).

I liked the U2 song "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me".
I also like Forever a lot. It has a few problems but it isn't really that bad.
They destroyed the Two-Face character, but I think Jim Carrey was great as the Riddler.
I liked the special effects, the teaser poster was really cool, U2 song was great, and the acting was good.
I adore Batman Forever. Partly because I know all the stuff that was taken out of it, and I can see it's potential. It could have been the best superhero movie ever.
Wesyeed said:
I loved the over-the top dramatic visuals this had. like it was a comic come to life. sin city eat your heart out forever came first.

Yeah, and Dick Tray came before that (1990), and Batman the TV show came before that (1966-1969).
Sin City is much better then BF anyway.
i loved Val Kilmer as batman not the best but he was watchable
Wesyeed said:
:confused: Ill just say it. The effort put into hating this and the sequel is ridiculously over the top, which I think is ironic. Now I loved this movie at some point in my life. Ill admit it. I know its crap now because of what "should" have been done instead, but Hypothetically speaking now, if you loved batman forever (maybe you do), what would you say you loved about it?

I loved the marketing.
I loved the hype and excitment while waiting in line to see batman for the first time on screen (yep first one I ever saw in a theater...)
I loved the suits (there's nothing wrong with the nipples you nitpickers)
I loved the music
I love the casting
I loved the look of the film, bright colors and lasers
I loved the fun atmosphere it had
I loved how it looked further into bruce's past. that was interesting.
I loved the spider-man part where batman has to save his friends from dropping to death.
I loved the over-the top dramatic visuals this had. like it was a comic come to life. sin city eat your heart out forever came first.
I love that it didn't take itself too serioiusly
I loved the batman forever cup I got from mcdonalds
I loved drawing the batman and robin from this movie at recess everyday
please continue if you have anything.:confused:

I loved the Marketing
The Excitement
The Hype
The Anticipation of Robin
McDonals promotion and cup
Official Movie Magazine
Gotham Defenders action figure two pack (only accurate costumes they made)
Loved the Sonar Suit
Loved the Panther Suit, even with the nipples, and with out them, would have probably been the best costume if it was matte black instead of shiny.
I actually liked the neon signs, made it Las Vegad-ish
Liked how the bat-wing hung upside down like a real Bat...
Loved the way Kilmer LOOKED in the suit..
Thought Oddonell was a very good Robin
Loved the Bat-smile...
I liked Chase
Making Bat choose between an element of his War on Crim, or his personal life...
Thought some of the Riddler scenes were really funny
The overall pure entertainment and popularity of Batman Forever

Now there is things I strongly dislike as well, but in its time, Forever was REALLY popular and for a time I really enjoyed it.
Kevin Roegele said:
Yeah, and Dick Tray came before that (1990), and Batman the TV show came before that (1966-1969).

Oh of course. I can't believe I forgot dick tracy... and even batman. They really did break the mold with their efforts to stay true to the look of the comic as well as the characters; Maybe Tracy probably influenced sin city a lot.:up:
I kind of liked Batman Forever. Batman & Robin, however, is complete crap.
Wesyeed said:
Maybe Tracy probably influenced sin city a lot.:up:

I'm sure it did.

I myself don't think it's a good idea to make a film look like a comic. If you're making a Batman movie, make it look like a Batman movie, not a comicbook. Seperate the characters and the story of Batman from the medium of comicbooks themselves.

That's why Spider-Man 2 is visually so much better than Spider-Man. For the original, Raimi and co tried to make it look like a comic, full of bright, flat colours. In the sequel, you have mainly browns and greys of every day life. Look at the differences between Kirsten Dunst in the original and the sequel - in the original, she is dressed like she's in Batman & Robin. In the sequel, she could be in any movie.
I likes Micheal keaton Batman the best ...even better than Batman Begins
The characteristics that makes Batman 89, and Batman Begins the most fun and exciting to watch...is because there is such a threatning feeling from the villains in the movie. Like you are legitimately concerned that Batman might no be able to overcome the obstacle. When it does that, it triples the intensity and resonance and overall importance of the action. Forever had great action sequences...but you never felt Batman was in danger, which is why it isn't as fun of a movie as Batman 1989 or BEGINS, and even to some extenets Batman Returns.
Of the first 4 movies Forever is by far my favorite. Never ashambed to say it either. Did not like Returns, save the look of the Penguin and Catwoman but the story did not work for me nore did the Returns Batman costume.:down

89 Batman was great to see on the big screen and a huge dream come true but again, thought it could have had more...could have been better. Begins was my ideal Batman movie hands down. Again, that's just how I see the movies and I try to forget about this B&R flick...what was THAT all about?

Keaton...great effort as Batman. Not my ideal choice but he did pull it off in costume beautifully. Gave us some of the most iconic Batman looks to date. Didnt work for me as Bruce. Looked awesome as Bats.

Kilmer...Again, looked great as Batman..not great as Bruce but did fit the bill better than Keaton for Mr. Wayne. Both looked great and both had killer suits.

Clooney...Could have been the best Bruce Wayne but, eh...we got what we got.

Bale...Hit the nail on the head.

Once again, my views here. Loved Forever the most until Begins came out.

Neal Adams was reported to have said about Forever when it came out something like they were getting "closer".
frodawgg said:
i don't know about that...

Check out the original Batchelor's script or Peter David's novelisation of it. It's just superb.
The only good thing about Forever was Two-Face's opening little speech - that is, until he started giggling and prancing.

For those few minutes I thought this movie was going to rock - and Two-Face was going to be incredible...

Then...yeah...the rest of the movie happened and ruined everything.
I LOVE the part at the end where the Batman and Robin sillouettes are running in front of the bat-signal. That looked so awesome.

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