I need a little help

Maximus One

Eklypze Is Dead
Jul 1, 2005
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I know this sounds kinda bad but i was just realased from jail today been locked up since Sep. 23rd. Just one day before season 2 debuted!! Havent seen one singel episode this year. I was wandering if someone could just gimme a little rundown about new heroes and villians and whats been going on with all the main characters. Any help at all is deeply appreciated. Thank you
Wouldn't you rather just see it yourself? You can watch every episode online.
the new heroes for Season 2....were kinda disappointing. the new villain is seeking revenge. hopefully that helps. Some of the episodes are on nbc.com.

also Wikipedia and google is your friend.
the new heroes for Season 2....were kinda disappointing. the new villain is seeking revenge. hopefully that helps. Some of the episodes are on nbc.com.

also Wikipedia and google is your friend.
The grammar...it hurts me. :csad:
This is not in a chronological order:

- There were a bunch of pointless new characters: Maya, Alejandro, West, most of the Oirginal 12.
- A couple good new characters: Elle, Bob, Adam/Kensei, Monica.
- They killed off Candice, D.L., Hiro's dad, I think most of the Original 12 that were still alive, Nathan and Nikki, however those last 2 arent for sure.
- The Bennet family moves to California.
- Peter was captured by the Company after he exploded, and while there he meets Adam Monroe who is actually Takezo Kensei. He has the same ability as Claire, but it's more powerful.
- Hiro is in Japan in the year 1671. He meets Kensei (who's really Adam). Kensei is a drunk, but Hiro helps him become a great leader, Hiro falls for the girl who Kensei likes. Kensei sees Hiro kiss the girl. Kensei gets pissed, joins the enemy, and tries to kill Hiro. Hiro gets away and think that Kensei is dead because he was in a tent that exploded, but he's really not. Hiro has to leave the girl, and the girl says she will tell everyone that Hiro was Kensei. Hiro comes back to present.
- Someone has been killing all of the Original 12, and that person is Adam/Kensei. He started the Original 12, but now he's killing the ones who turned on him.
- Matt is divorced and he and Suresh have adopted Molly. The Nightmare Man is Matt's dad who has the same ability as Matt, it's just more develope and better. Matt's dad is working with Adam to kill the Original 12.
- Nikki leaves Micah will D.L.'s relatives who live in New Orleans. Monica, D.L.'s niece can do any physical thing she sees, that's her power.
- Nikki goes to hte company to try and get cured, but instead after alot of nonsense injects herself with the Shanti Virus, a virus that kills like 97% of Earth's popualtion. Peter sees this when he travels to the future one year ahead.
- Sylar wakes up in South America (doesn't say how he got there, we just know Candice brought him there). He kills her, then joins up with Maya and Alejandro. Maya creates a deadly virus(not the Shanti virus) while under stress, and Alejandro is the cure. Maya and Alejandro are ont the run to New York to get cured by Suresh. Sylar tells them that he knows Suresh and that he can take them there.
- Claire and West start dating. West is a kid at her school that can fly, just like Nathan. West gets freaked though when he sees that her dad, H.R.G. is the man that kidnapped him when he was little. H.R.G. was working fro the company.
Hiro finds out that his dad has died, so he tries to avenge him. He learns that Adam/Kensei killed him, so it gets real personal between them now.
- D.L. survived the bullet, but was shot by some guy at a club (Honestly, don't even worry about this. It was ****ed up and stupid).
-In the end, they destroy the Shanti virus, Adma is buried alive by Hiro, blah blah blah. This volume sucked.

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