I now know what hurts the most.


Mar 4, 2006
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I woke up at 5:30 AM this morning with stomach pains.
I waited about 3 hourse, but the pain wouldn't go away so I went to the doctor and they checked me out. After I had been there for about 2 hours they did a test and found out that I had kidney stones.

The doctor said that the pain I was feeling was a lot like the pain of childbirth. So now I now that giving birth hurts a lot more then getting kicked in the nuts.
I gave birth to big brown baby earlier and that hurt pretty damn bad. He soon drowned though, but the emotional attachment wasn't all it's cracked up to be.
^For now. They put a drug in me to help it pass easier. Now all I have to do is wait for it to come out.
The Lumberjack said:
I gave birth to big brown baby earlier and that hurt pretty damn bad. He soon drowned though, but the emotional attachment wasn't all it's cracked up to be.

Is that actually true:confused:
I sliced open my back, fumbled around inside my body for my kidneys, and ripped that f**ker out. Took the stones out. Put it back in. All was good.
I think passerby is fat. The only other time I've heard of a young person getting stones like that was when my friend's old girlfriend ate nothing but Slim-Fast.
I've known lots of teens who got them, none of them were fat. I haven't had them yet, but I'm sure I'll have them sometime in my life. I'm not looking foward to it.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
I think passerby is fat. The only other time I've heard of a young person getting stones like that was when my friend's old girlfriend ate nothing but Slim-Fast.
Did she get slim fast...?
I'm actually never going to get kidney stones ever, hahaha.
Sandman138 said:
I've known lots of teens who got them, none of them were fat. I haven't had them yet, but I'm sure I'll have them sometime in my life. I'm not looking foward to it.
Teenagers get them? I always thought this was something that old people got. I'm 19... a few months away from being 20. I better not get this. I'll be pissed and I'll definitely blame "passerby" if I get it.
passerby said:
Is that actually true:confused:
Totally. I got rid of the body too after that and nobody thought anything of it, but my roommate complained a lot about the smell.
I have heard this a lot, but I have never had a kidney stone. I do have a friend that had a kidney stone and she said they hurt pretty bad but it was nothing compared to being burnt with hot grease all over her body. I guess when she was about 14 or 15 she was cooking bacon on the stove and somehow the pan got spilt on her.
Women's vaginas are made to pass babies, a kidney stone is nothing...
you get it when you hold your pee for a long time.
passerby said:
I woke up at 5:30 AM this morning with stomach pains.
I waited about 3 hourse, but the pain wouldn't go away so I went to the doctor and they checked me out. After I had been there for about 2 hours they did a test and found out that I had kidney stones.

The doctor said that the pain I was feeling was a lot like the pain of childbirth. So now I now that giving birth hurts a lot more then getting kicked in the nuts.
I did in fact make this analogy in that debate thread.
Strange said:
I have heard this a lot, but I have never had a kidney stone. I do have a friend that had a kidney stone and she said they hurt pretty bad but it was nothing compared to being burnt with hot grease all over her body. I guess when she was about 14 or 15 she was cooking bacon on the stove and somehow the pan got spilt on her.
Abaddon said:
you get it when you hold your pee for a long time.

Also, if you hold your pee for a long time frequently, you will develope a weak bladder in your golden years.
man i feel sry for ya...my dad had em....he said it hurt real bad
Good Luck, passerby, I think your going to need it.
I woke up one time and pissed blood :confused: I've had episodes where I've felt like something leading down my abdomin to the tip of my penis gland whenever I stretched my back. Never got it check out though. and the Pissing blood was a one time deal, the pains in my stomach area are a bimonthly thing however.
I had one that was 9mm. I couldn't pass it, it was so big. I took all the morphene they could give me, and it still hurt.

I didn't ever cry though. :cool:
Tangled Web said:
What the Hell is a kidney stone exactly?
Minerals deposited in your kidneys that collect and form a stone. Usually because of calcium, which mine were. I probably have drank atleast one gallon of milk every two days since I was about 12 years old, so that's what caused mine.
Tangled Web said:
What the Hell is a kidney stone exactly?

Mineral (calcium I believe) deposits that form in the kidneys and have to be passed through the urethra.

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