I think I hate my Generation


Sep 10, 2004
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I don't know what the disconnect is from me and my peers at college is exactly, I mean assume we all had comprable upbringings and surroundings. But this was a few weeks ago. Me and 13 friends celebrated beach weekend by renting a beach house. Me and 4 other guys (all of them I am pretty tight with...or so I thought) rode down together. When they first hopped in the car I had a CD playing, the most masculine music I thought I had to play, House of Pain (famous for "Jump Around" "Put on your sh** kickers" and "Top of the Morning to Ya"..)...Ya know music that makes you wanna kick a$$ and take names. Not only had they never heard them before at all, they did not like it (c'mon I remember growing up on that stuff)

Next from my selection of music I suggest Rage Against the Machine, which they counter is terrible music:eek: ...that was my reaction too.

Next we put in the far less abrasive Hobbastank, which I admit is far to tame...they get board with it fairly quickly.

I suggest Snoop Dogg: NO, Run DMC: NO, No rap, No Korn, No Hard Rock, No mild Rock (apparently they have a problem with Rock)....No to Rolling Stones, No to my Seether CD, No to Kanye West, No to Tupac, No to Bob Dylan...

I think we end up listening to John Mayer and Gavin DeGraw for a while...both CDs I burned for girlfriends to listen to while I drove places.

Finally I get them to agree to Red Hot Chilli Peppers, a crowd pleaser you'd think. We listen for a while, but they get tired of it and suggest that we plug in their IPOD.

What is on their IPOD you ask. Oh its bands like Postal Service, Some techno-emo BS, this techno instrumental music that sounds like its from romantic comedies, singer songwriters like Wheat and stuff like Verticle Horizon.

The next day we get in a friend's car (who had met us down there) and he is listening to (get this) Jimmy Buffet and Music Man (yes the showtunes). What happened to my Generation...they even scoffed at me when I pointed out "Music is about rebellion"

God help us all if this is our future.
Two 16 year olds I work with didn't know who Nirvana was. I was pissed
Man :down: That road trip sucked :( Sorry dude.
The Comedian said:
Two 16 year olds I work with didn't know who Nirvana was. I was pissed
who is nervana lol?
The Comedian said:
Two 16 year olds I work with didn't know who Nirvana was. I was pissed
You need to smack them and then make them listen to a whole CD, if they don't like it, make them listen again until they do....we have to save them and stop the mass wussification of America.
Are you talking bout my generation?
The Comedian said:
Two 16 year olds I work with didn't know who Nirvana was. I was pissed

They're 16?! They should own the whole Nirvana collection by now! :eek:
Tsunulia said:
Man :down: That road trip sucked :( Sorry dude.
I'd say the Jimmy Buffet and MusicMan were by far the worse HOUR and 15 MINUTES of my life:(
Yeah, sorry man. I got the impression you were uncomfortable and pissed. I know that feeling all too well. :(:up: Tuff'd it out like a champ and gave me something to read.
I would have just forced them to listen to my music, and smack them if they tried to change it.
ShadowBoxing said:
I'd say the Jimmy Buffet and MusicMan were by far the worse HOUR and 15 MINUTES of my life:(

:eek: Kudos on living to tell about it :up:
Hades said:
I would have just forced them to listen to my music, and smack them if they tried to change it.
Yes I have since changed my radio policy. It used to be change it if you like, but thats because I assumed people like GOOD music.
ShadowBoxing said:
House of Pain (famous for "Jump Around"

No way in Hell am I going to read all of that, but th^t's one of my favorite songs on Earth!:up:

I've got to listen to it.
I always liked Put On Your S't Kickers and Kick Some S't.
ShadowBoxing said:
... I think we end up listening to John Mayer and Gavin DeGraw for a while...both CDs I burned for girlfriends to listen to while I drove places...
:eek: :eek:


Oh Man. Here is what you do. Pop in the CD Aerosmith - Rocks, turn it up and play it over and over till they are cured. :)
bro, you don't like their music...

they don't like yours..

don't bit*h.
Truthteller said:
:eek: :eek:


Oh Man. Here is what you do. Pop in the CD Aerosmith - Rocks, turn it up and play it over and over till they are cured. :)

Aerosmith is even known to cure cancer :up: And Joe Perry's hot sauce will make you immortal :D
nirvana started the wussification my favorite cobain tune was BANG!!!!!!! hahaha NRA man of the year is aclose second though.
boyscouT said:
bro, you don't like their music...

they don't like yours..

don't bit*h.
Ah, you fail to see the subtle difference. My music is good.
Tsunulia said:
Aerosmith is even known to cure cancer :up: And Joe Perry's hot sauce will make you immortal :D
Thats right. :)

Joe Perry's Rock Your World Boneyard Brew. My cabnet is stocked with several bottles of it as we speak. :o


House of Pain - Nah.
Rage Against the Machine - No.
Hobbastank - "The Reason" is all I'm really familiar with. I do like that song.
Snoop Dogg - Negatizzle
Run DMC - "Walk This Way" with Aerosmith only
Rap - Depends on the artist. Nothing "gantsta"
Korn - Nah.
Hard Rock - Depends on the song
Mild Rock - Depends on the song
Rolling Stones - Booooring
Seether - They have some good songs, yes.
Kanye West - "Golddigger" is good. That's about it.
Tupac - Hell no.
Bob Dylan - No thanks.
John Mayer - Annoying as hell. Reminds me of Dave Matthews, which I don't like.
Gavin DeGraw - Haven't heard many of his songs. Nothing too impressive
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - "Can't Stop" is great. A few good songs, but again nothing worth buying a whole CD for.
Postal Service - Have only heard their cover of "Agasint All Odds", and I LOVE it. But that's only one song. Don't know how the rest fare.
Techno-Emo BS - lol I'd have to hear a song to decide
Techno Instrumental Music - Don't knock a good intrumental song.
Singer songwriters like Wheat - No idea what that is
Verticle Horizon - Never been impressed by them
Jimmy Buffet - No thanks
Music Man - No thanks

"Music is about rebellion" - I disagree. Music is about expression. Sure, some genres are mostly about rebellion, but not music altogether.

So altogether, I'm really not into much of ANY of the mentioned artists by you or your friends. I'm 23. It's just different strokes for different folks.
Truthteller said:
:eek: :eek:


Oh Man. Here is what you do. Pop in the CD Aerosmith - Rocks, turn it up and play it over and over till they are cured. :)

Now Aerosmith?? NOW we're talkin' great music!!
Hmm, I find Aerosmith to be overrated.

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