Comics I think Joe should change his ming about bringing the Clone saga back in HC


Mar 11, 2005
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Imagine the whole complete Clone Saga in a HC or 2 since its so big. Would it be great to reread the Saga,I know some hate it or like it but come on its been 10 years since it ended and with the Ultimate clone saga starting in 97,cant wait.Please Joe change your mind
cart1 said:
Imagine the whole complete Clone Saga in a HC or 2 since its so big. Would it be great to reread the Saga,I know some hate it or like it but come on its been 10 years since it ended and with the Ultimate clone saga starting in 97,cant wait.Please Joe change your mind

I've heard their gonna reprint the 95 edition of Clone Genesis, but the Saga itself is massive, exery issue ties into another, It's be like Batman: No Mans Land, about three times over. Sorry to say but buying twelve trades isn't really conventional :(
Heh. Yeah. I mean the Clone Saga stretched on through the entire Spider-Man universe for 3 years. Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, Peter Parker Spider-Man, Spider-Man Unlimited.

Lets not forget all the one shots and miniseries that spun off of some of the stories. Like Spider-Man The Lost Years. Maximum Clonage, etc.

You're talking about a big buttload of comics getting jammed into one or two Hardcovers? That's tough and it'd be a LOT OF MONEY.

I'm just glad I was collecting the comics during that time...I have all of it. :o
SpideyInATree said:
Heh. Yeah. I mean the Clone Saga stretched on through the entire Spider-Man universe for 3 years. Amazing Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, Peter Parker Spider-Man, Spider-Man Unlimited.

Lets not forget all the one shots and miniseries that spun off of some of the stories. Like Spider-Man The Lost Years. Maximum Clonage, etc.

You're talking about a big buttload of comics getting jammed into one or two Hardcovers? That's tough and it'd be a LOT OF MONEY.

I'm just glad I was collecting the comics during that time...I have all of it. :o

Ditto :up:
Well is they can pull it off than maybe. I wonder if people would even buy the Clone Saga TPBs? Its not an event that can be ignored.
In the comic book world yes but not in real life. The comic community still refers to this event and compare current stories that are deemed bad to the Clone Saga.
Seeing that the Clone Saga is fairly reviled, I can't see Marvel doing that.
I'd buy them. So long as they didn't come out all at the same time, I'd pick them up.

Whether you love it or you hate it, it's undeniable that it was an extremely important piece of Spider-Man history. Even if you loathe the story, it's good to have a general knowledge of it and what happened.
I'd like to see it collected on a DVD, much like the ASM 1-500 was a lil while ago.
That might work a little better and save a bit more shelf-space.

Personally, I'd kind of like them in comic book format if possible, though.
imdaly said:
I'd like to see it collected on a DVD, much like the ASM 1-500 was a lil while ago.

Thats how it would have to be done, I think. I started to collect the Clone Saga a few years ago and only managed to get as many issues as I did because the store that I went to had a massive collection of back issues. The store owner told me once that I kept coming back so often to go through the back issues that I reminded him of a crack addict. When I told him I was looking to get all of the Clone Saga, he looked at me like I was crazy (which I may well be). :o Judging by his reaction, the Clone Saga is still persona non grata.
Well, we got a whole thread of guys who would.

Which just doesn't seem to justify printing costs if you ask me.

A halfway decent idea that gets stretched on faaar longer than it has any right to is a bad idea. It's as Kurt Buseik said in the interview section of the Ultimate Avengers DVD - "Better to leave the stage when everybody's watching rather than to be the guy who stays long past his welcome, making the readers go 'Geez, when is this guy gonna leave?'"

The saying applies for storylines as well as writers.

That means you, Mr. Stracsynski.
Cyclops said:
Which just doesn't seem to justify printing costs if you ask me.

A halfway decent idea that gets stretched on faaar longer than it has any right to is a bad idea. It's as Kurt Buseik said in the interview section of the Ultimate Avengers DVD - "Better to leave the stage when everybody's watching rather than to be the guy who stays long past his welcome, making the readers go 'Geez, when is this guy gonna leave?'"

The saying applies for storylines as well as writers.

That means you, Mr. Stracsynski.

heh good point.:up:
Maybe, but that doesn't mean you can deny there were plenty good stories in th' overall mess.
I can't say either way, I steered clear for most of it. But I have enough sense to know when too much is too much and when you let storylines drag on for three years, that's just way too much.

And let's face it - when you have something going on for three years and you're throwing so much stuff around something by the sheer force of probability is bound to be good.
Yer loss, bunky. Should give it a shot. Might surprise ya.
Im not a massive fan of the clone saga but if it did come out in a number of trades id still buy them.
When does the Ultimate Clone Saga start?
Reprint or, in a few cases, 1st print in TPB the minis such as Lost Years, Redemption, Maximum Clonage, and maybe a book of the one shots like Osborne Journal, 101 ways to End it, etc. Then, 2 or 3 essential volumes of the actual saga. As much as I would love to see everything come out, It just isn't going to happen.

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