The Dark Knight Changes?

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Something might be happening soon since the viral campaign is suppose to shift from the Joker to Harvey Dent.
Possible, were creeping up on a month since Heath passed, so any planned attention to the movie wouldn't come off as trying to capitalize.
I got my hopes up.... and then they were shot down.

wow, Vanna White removes the vowels from the coding and we act like it's a big to-do?


we need lifes.

- Jow
Well, we do have lives but they are consumed with viral marketing stuff.

sad but true.

Well, we do have lives but they are consumed with viral marketing stuff.

sad but true.

That was true for a while, but now I've decided that if something happens, you guys will be the first on it. :cwink:

I hadn't even touched the wiki for a few weeks. And then I decided to add some stuff a few days ago. :oldrazz:
That was true for a while, but now I've decided that if something happens, you guys will be the first on it. :cwink:

I hadn't even touched the wiki for a few weeks. And then I decided to add some stuff a few days ago. :oldrazz:

wait, i'm not sure, but are you talking about the map? since i haven't really had the time to go through the whole wiki, i don't know if that map was there before.
hey check out Dr House's posts...he found out of time and when more bears showed up for step right up...could this be something?
wait, i'm not sure, but are you talking about the map? since i haven't really had the time to go through the whole wiki, i don't know if that map was there before.
The map's been there for months and months.

I've been doing some minor formatting and reading edits, that's all. It was rather sad when I decided to add the black ribbon update. :csad:
PEEPS! i am telling you this "Dr House" has given us and he pointed out TWICE when new bears came up on maybe there is something that will happen to IBIHD soon?...god i need a life
PEEPS! i am telling you this "Dr House" has given us and he pointed out TWICE when new bears came up on maybe there is something that will happen to IBIHD soon?...god i need a life

that sounds like grasping at straws.

beautiful, beautiful grasping at straws.

I'm in. let's get some more hope.

Dr House, you glorious cripple bastard, give us some viral news.
whatever you do, don't call this number (414) 698-7896 :ninja:
PEEPS! i am telling you this "Dr House" has given us and he pointed out TWICE when new bears came up on maybe there is something that will happen to IBIHD soon?...god i need a life
"Out of time" was guessed way early. We weren't supposed to get it so soon, since we were still missing a part of the map they hadn't given us yet. We were half a day early.

And new steprightup bears were appearing everytime you refreshed the page. :oldrazz:

Dr. House could be a ninja, but he's not the best ninja considering he gave us info out of order. He should have been the one to get us Glenn Barhyte's password, if we were supposed to get the info right. :oldrazz:
I'm guessing we'll get something new at the start of March. Rumour is, that's when the new Batman trailer comes out.

March 1st, I'm checking the sites.
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