If Superheros Really Existed, Wouldn't The Government Go After Them


Nov 28, 2004
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Just supposing some superhero like Spiderman or Superman or Hulk (with Hulk attempting to be a good guy with no Hulk smash everything) existed, do you think they could be immune to government attack/control like usually portrayed in the comics/movies?

My thinking is that the government would want to study these heros to understand their powers (plus, for vigilante reasons they's want them stopped) and especially in the case of Superman or Hulk, take them out because of a possible threat to mankind supposing they decided to turn bad (or perhaps were already bad but hiding it by doing good things). Because I just don't think they would be able to go about their ways without the government/military trying to get them and even destroy them.

Now, I don't think our current weapon systems could stop Supes or Hulk but if you think the government would go after Supes and Hulk, even with all their great power, do you think science would eventually find a way to defeat Supes or Hulk?
Stop pressing "Post Thread."
Because it was taking forever to post. I forgot to wait. But it does it often here on the Hype where when you try to post something, it takes forever to actually go through. Why is that?
Major lag because of all of the users attempting to post in the Batman threads.
I think the gov would WANT to capture the heroes, but the people wouldn't let them. Hell, if Spidey was swingin' around town savin' people, would YOU try to get him arrested?
Someone call a mod. Some doorknob posted the same thread three times.
This depends, I know they'd def. inspect them and question them. I don't know if they would immediatly take them out "innocent until provem guilty"
I think Superman could convince the government he was on the side of good . I think some officials would feel that he was nothing more than an alien who couldn't be trusted and foolishly turn aginst him .
The Hulk would be out of control . Also Some of these heroes presence in the world leads to supervillians atempting to kill them and causing the world to be an unsafe place. Too many innocent caught in the crossfire.
I think the government would eventually figure out a way to kill these people.
Someone call a mod. Some doorknob posted the same thread three times.
It was a mistake, no need for childish names, now! :o

But yes, I hope a mod deletes the other two threads.

Edit: already done, thanx to whoever!
me two because i posted here and i want this thread to win .
The government would probably do something to contain them to a extent so they wouldn't be able to do whatever they wanted.
I think Superman could convince the government he was on the side of good . I think some officials would feel that he was nothing more than an alien who couldn't be trusted and foolishly turn aginst him .
The Hulk would be out of control . Also Some of these heroes presence in the world leads to supervillians atempting to kill them and causing the world to be an unsafe place. Too many innocent caught in the crossfire.
I think the government would eventually figure out a way to kill these people.
Yeah, you could be right, bullets. Supes may be able to convince the government he is good (maybe because of so much pressure from ordinary citizens) but I also agree with you that some in the government would still go after Supes secretly.

As for Hulk, he just looks too dangerous and would lose his temper the first time anybody attacked him and he would be seen as a bad guy everafter.

I also agree that the govt would eventually find a way to kill them.
To be honest, I don't think the government would be able to get it's act together long enough to capture any superhumans. I mean, look at where we're at now. We're at war, yet congress is concerning itself with baseball.
I really don't think that the govt may be as concerned about their overseas war as we have been led to believe. I mean, they (US) have the capabilities to wipe some/all of these countries off the map (I know they don't for certain reasons, just showing their power), so if a real threat like Superman (supposing they saw him as a real threat) or Hulk existed, I really wonder what would happen.
With the way this planet is going, they'd love to be on Supes good side to see if he knew of any planets were man can transfer to.
If superheroes really existed, I think a lot of girls would purposely get themselves in trouble to be scooped up by the hot hero. I know I would.:o
If anyone had any power the government would most likely:

a: Get you on their side
b: Kill you if you refuse
If superheroes really existed, I think a lot of girls would purposely get themselves in trouble to be scooped up by the hot hero. I know I would.:o
If any of them looked like Jessica Alba, then you have a male partner in crime! :cwink:
If any of them looked like Jessica Alba, then you have a male partner in crime! :cwink:

Lol. Rawr..A Tobey as my lovely Spidey & if I ever head over to Gotham, me and Bella would go after Bale. & Tom Welling..He's growing on me.:o
Meh. Superheroes are a matter of National Security. The govt. already has them. &&I don't think Jessica Alba will be able to do much with her super herps.
Y'know, if heroes like that were real, stupid people would probably see them as gods and enforce a new religion on us.
Y'know, if heroes like that were real, stupid people would probably see them as gods and enforce a new religion on us.

All the more reason why the government should waste them.

But seriously, if there were Superheroes, I would certainly make an effort to hire a few for the government, then "cure" or destroy the rest. The amount of damage they'd be able to inflict on a daily basis could severely cripple the state of U.S. infrastructure, and would be incredibly expensive. If you're destroying buildings, bridges, apartments, etc., that's affecting a lot of people directly. I certainly wouldn't be cheering if some masked man with superhuman strength destroyed my apartment complex or a section of a highly-congested highway I use everyday to go to work :cmad:

(unless that meant I never had to go to work again)
They'd go after them, and succeed, depending on what the guys powers were. If you had a Superman though, good luck to the government, or anyone for that matter, in attempting to stop him from doing anything he wanted to.

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