Erzengel said:I was going to say, Equint and Wilhelm Scream are cool but it could be me alone with DBella, Babs Gordon, Daisy...
JStorm said:You left out Vodka!
Erzengel said:I also left out food, houses, jewelry and tons of begging.
JStorm said:No... no.
If the "lickher" was involved the others wouldn't matter.
At any rate... I'll bring the camera!
Carter said:I'd save the women
Gotta restart the human race somehow.
Odin's Lapdog said:I wouldn't be saving daisy, she'd be too busy taking on the four horsemen in mortal kombat...
Wilhelm-Scream said:We'll have to re-populate. I'll take the 5 dickless members (excluding NOFX) (sorry bro.s )