The Avengers Imagine if someone made a movie about making this movie.


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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Sort of like what they're doing with 'Psycho' and 'Mary Poppins'. If they did it today they could even have the cast play themselves!

Imagine who they would get for the crew?

Woody Harrelson as Kevin Feige?


Toby Jones as Joss Whedon?
lol with all the fan footage there is out there I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they did this.
Tamho Penikett as Jeremy Renner
Liam Hemsworth as Chris Hemsworth
Chris Pine as Chris Evans
Ed Norton as Mark Ruffalo :oldrazz:
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr. as Scarlett Johannsen

Make it happen, Lifetime Network!
Imagine if someone made a movie about the movie about making this movie?
Imagine if someone made a movie about the movie about making this movie?


Tamho Penikett as Jeremy Renner
Liam Hemsworth as Chris Hemsworth
Chris Pine as Chris Evans
Ed Norton as Mark Ruffalo :oldrazz:
Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr. as Scarlett Johannsen

Make it happen, Lifetime Network!

Ha! Actually you did well with this cast. Amber Heard would probably play Scarlett though. Replace one fan favourite with another.

Robert de Niro could play Disney CEO Bob Iger...
Ha! Actually you did well with this cast. Amber Heard would probably play Scarlett though.

But then you will deprive Robert Downey Jr. of the one time he gets to fulfill a lifetime goal of his: to make aggressive sexual advances on himself onscreen. :(
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The opening scene would have to be when the cast lined up at comic con for the first time.

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