In Bruges



Fantastic film. I loved the whole pseudo-comdey aspect of it, while maintaining its sense of hostility between the characters. I was really surprised by Gleeson's performance, who stole the show in my opinion. Farrell is your typical bad boy, being as politically incorrect as ever. The twist at the end was amazing.

Kinda makes me want to visit Bruges!

I've only really paid attention to it because I've actually been to Bruges. From the trailers, it looks amazingly accurate.
It's out already? I really want to see it. But I believe there isn't even a Dutch release date known yet.
Finally saw this last night and this film was such a pleasant surprise. I really love this movie. It was funny, had good acting, had a good story, great camera work, and overall just a great experience. The humor was funny and when the film got serious, it hit all the right points. And when the film picks up on the violence, it doesn't hold back. It gets really crazy in the last 20 min. And for the first time ever, I enjoyed Colin Farrell in a movie. he was very good in this. Brendan Gleeson was awesome and Ralp Fiennes did a great job witht he small role he had. He reminded me a lot of Ben Kingsley's character in "Sexy Beast." And I must say Clemence Poesy, who played Fleur Delacour in Harry potter, is pretty damn hot. So this movie gets a big thumbs up from me and I like to add that I have never seen a person obsess over midgets as much as Farrell's character does in this movie.
Pfft...Our theater will probably never get this film.. :(

Hilariously wrong on so many levels. The characters are all fantastic, and the way the whole story unfolds is pretty exciting. There are some pretty dark undertones to the film, even though the comedy is pushed a lot. Ralph Fiennes is fantastic, especially when he gets into a shouting match with his wife after smashing their house phone!
Hilariously wrong on so many levels. The characters are all fantastic, and the way the whole story unfolds is pretty exciting. There are some pretty dark undertones to the film, even though the comedy is pushed a lot. Ralph Fiennes is fantastic, especially when he gets into a shouting match with his wife after smashing their house phone!

"It's just an inanimate object."
"You're an inanimate object!!!"
I've never gotten the chance to see it yet, but I want too. It looks hilarious.
Is the tone anything like, say...THE WHOLE NINE YARDS?
Is the tone anything like, say...THE WHOLE NINE YARDS?

Wouldn't know, never seen it. But the first half is like a dark comedy and then it gets really serious., but still maintains some of its humor.
I will Say this is by far the best movie I have seen of 2008......And will likely remain so throughout most of the year.....this will be a tough one to knock out.

But poor marketing and low showings of the film will make it do poorly at the Box Office.....a lot like Sunshine........wait a sec.....gotta dig out some old stuff here.

I went to see In Bruges today not really knowing anything about it.

Folks let me say I do not regret this decision at all....Please go and see In Bruges this week or the next. It is a truly great film that I fear everyone is going to miss out on this year....And I don't want people to miss out on this....I promise you that you will enjoy this movie if you just go and see it.

I plan to go one more time and probably even two more times.

So, Please go and see Colin Farrel and Brendan Gleeson in In Bruges. Thanks

that is froma post I made on Sunshine last summer.....I changed what was necessary....but seriously, this film needs support and it is really ****ing good......I absolutely certainly positively guarentee that you will enjoy if it's playing anywhere in your city please do everything in your power (and moral code) to go see it.
In total agreement. It's ashame that this movie is going to go completely under the radar. See it if you can people.
I don't know if Film4 were doing anything with this film...someone refresh my memory? I haven't a clue why I think Film4 are showing it soon.
lol, loved the trailer, will see it when it gets released here in April

In Bruges said:
Ken: Harry, let's face it. You've always been a c*nt. The only thing that's gonna change, is that you're gonna be an even bigger c*nt. Maybe have some more c*nt kids.
Harry: You f**kin' retract that bit about my c*nt f**king kids!
Ken: I retract that bit about your c*nt f**king kids.
Harry: Insulting my f**king kids? That's goin' overboard man!
Ken: I retracted it, didn't I?

just saw it last night. hilarious and dark all at the same time.
and no its not like the whole nine yards, not in my opinion anyways, it may be what nine yards was trying to be but failed.
in bruges was great the best conlin farrell movie ever, i don't usually like him but he was great. as was everyone else in the movie.
I can't find this film anywhere near me. Shame too, looks great.
That exchange between Ken and Harry was awesome. Harry was beyond pissed.
Loved this film. One of the funniest moments for me, was when the American tourists asked Colin about the view from the building.

'Look, Ken. I grew up in Dublin, and I love Dublin. If I had grown up on a farm, and was ******ed, Bruges might impress me. But I didn't, so it doesn't.'
This movie was great i was never really much for Colin but in this film he was funny as hell, some great lines and some great moments in it. and the ending was good as well.

I don't know if Film4 were doing anything with this film...someone refresh my memory? I haven't a clue why I think Film4 are showing it soon.

Film4 co-financed In Bruges.
This gets a release near the end of this month over here in Holland. Ofcourse, I'm gonna see it, I'm quite curious. And I love British gangsterfilms.

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